Schultz's Super Stars
Room 205
We talked about our pets this week and the letters P & I. We came up with lots of things that start with those letters to help us learn to connect letter sounds to words. Each student told us about the pets they have at home. It seems that most of us either have a dog, cat, or both. We also went around the room and decided what we would want for a pet. We had a few dinosaurs, unicorns, and even a cheetah :)
We will be going to Cottage Farms on Thursday next week. We have been going over field trip safety and rules so we know what to do when we are there. We will be taking a bus around 845 and coming back to school around 1130-1145. They have a few animals, corn pit, hay maze, and some other fun things to do. We are so excited. I will be taking lots of pictures and will post them in the newsletter.
Dates To Remember
10/4- PATT theme 3 @ Federal Programs Building, 9:45 am with Mrs Barker
10/5- Field Trip to Cottage Farms @ 9 am
10/6- Last day to turn in picture forms/money
10/9- No School (Columbus Day)
10/17- Field Trip to Fire Station @ 9am