Hamilton Elementary
Lions Lines Updates, September 27, 2024
Hamilton Elementary Calendar
Stay up to date with events happening at HES by viewing our online calendar: https://hamiltones.cfisd.net/hamilton-escalendar?cal_date=2024-09-01
Integrity is knowing the difference between right and wrong, and choosing to do the right thing, even when it’s difficult. At Hamilton, we want our Lions to live a life of integrity. Students showing integrity may exhibit honesty in their actions, admitting mistakes when they occur, demonstrating fairness, respecting the work and ideas of others, taking responsibility for their actions, and upholding a strong moral code. This week students discussed ways to show integrity at school. Ask your child ways they can show integrity at home and out in the community.
Helpful Resources
Hamilton Staff - Who to Contact
Principal: Sage Papaioannou (sage.papaioannou@cfisd.net) / 281-320-7064
Front Desk: 281-370-0990
Diagnostician: Lisa Novak (lisa.novak@cfisd.net) / 281-370-0990
School Nurse: Kerri Lamance (kerri.lamance@cfisd.net) / 281-320-7056
Registrar: Gayleen Swafford (viva.swafford@cfisd.net) / 281-320-7051
K, 1, 4
Assistant Principal: Kerry Iselt (kerry.iselt@cfisd.net)
Counselor: Alison Peters (alison.peters@cfisd.net) 281-370-0990
PK, 2, 3
Assistant Principal: Lorie Gregurek (lorie.gregurek@cfisd.net)
Counselor: Cara Agundez (cara.agundez@cfisd.net) 281-370-0990
Hamilton Elementary: hamiltonelementary@cfisd.net
Hamilton Elementary
Email: hamiltonelem@cfisd.net
Website: http://cfisd.net/hamiltones
Location: 12050 Old Kluge Road, Cypress, TX, United States
Phone: 281.370.0990
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HamiltonLions
Twitter: @Hamilton_Lions