Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | October 3, 2019
Celebrate the End of Dossier Season!
Above & Beyond! Workshop Series
Join the vanguard and boost your effectiveness with student engagement and personal productivity.
- Friday, Oct. 11 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Lama 116: Time Management & Productivity: A Little Philosophy, a LOT of Apps.
- Friday, Dec. 6 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Lama 116: Creating an Introduction Video
ADA Accessibility Workshop
The spotlight has been on online classes, but we’re all responsible for ensuring that our public &/or class-related Internet content is ADA accessible.
- Friday, Nov. 8 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Lama 116: ADA Accessibility in Laulima, MS Word, & MS PowerPoint
SPOTLIGHT Online Teaching Sharing Sessions
For Fall 2019, we’re asking teachers in specific disciplines to share an overview of one of their online classes. We’ll get to see the amazing work of our colleagues!
- Friday, Oct. 25 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Lama 116: Sharing Online SCIENCE Classes (including labs)
- Friday, Nov. 22 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Lama 116: Sharing Online MATH Classes
Do You Know Where to Go for Help?
We have a variety of resources available to support our DE faculty: We have instructional designers with experience in tech integration, education, assessment, visual design and programming to help with the design and development of your DE courses. We have 24/7, 365 days-a-year tech support (so when you need help troubleshooting your gradebook at 11:59pm on New Year's Eve, there's someone available to assist you!). We have accessibility experts who have developed resources and training materials to help support us in creating and curating content for everyone. And we have a dedicated team of web developers, media experts and customer care folks to support all areas of technology needs on campus.
But with so many resources, do you know where to turn for the kind of help you need? Test your knowledge with this Support Resources Quiz!
Who would you contact for assistance with:
- designing online learning activities, such as team projects, collaborative critiques, or online debates
- troubleshooting an issue in which your students cannot see the quiz you released in Laulima
- updating content on the campus website
- converting a paper-based document into an accessible Web-based form
- setting up a projection screen and speakers for your on-campus event
- learning how to develop custom content, such as interactive formative assessment items, screencasts, digital bulletin boards
- changing the name of your Laulima site
- Internet connectivity problems on campus
- Instructional Design Support
- ITS Help Desk
- Instructional Design Support
- ITS Help Desk
Get more info on the Why's, Who's and How's on this Key Points of Contact Infosheet
Learning from Each Other: Course Design Practices
In the Fall 2018 DE Faculty Survey, you told us what course design practices helped make your DE classes successful:
Considering student engagement when designing activities and assignments (74.1%)
Planning out ALL the class activities and assignments ahead of time (68.5%)
Designing activities and assignments that align with content (64.8%)
Considering student learning needs (level, learning style, etc.) when designing activities and assignments (64.8%)
Other effective course design practices you suggested include:
Textbook selection is key as students do not read
Videos rather than emails
Clear and simple course navigation, student interaction
Laulima (Advanced) Tips
Remember how proud you felt seeing your masterpiece on the class bulletin board? You probably also took notes on how others used bold colors or outlines effectively and tried it out yourself in the next project.
FS DE Committee Announcements
Preferred Name Policy: Implications for Student ID Verification
Students are allowed to change their name on class rosters (EP 7.302) by submitting a preferred name change form. If a student is using a different name from that which is listed on their photo ID, what are the implications for student identity verification, especially for DE courses where student identification is a requirement?
Legal/Accreditation Requirement: Use of a unique UH login/password to access Laulima course work (as well as password-protected publisher LMSs) covers the legal/accreditation aspect of student identity verification (34 C.F.R. § 602.17(g)).
Ensuring Academic Honesty:
plagiarism detection software
writing assignments (forums, blogs, papers, etc.) that allow you to identify potential changes in student tone/writing style
projects and/or group work/participatory activities that are more involved are less easily plagiarized
None of these strategies would be impacted by a situation where the student chooses to go by a different name.
Proctored Exams:
Could be an issue if the student goes by a name that is different from the one listed on their photo ID. Someone (instructor, counselor, etc.) would need to relay to the testing center the legal name of the student that they should expect to see on their ID.
Students CAN change their name on their student ID so this should remedy the issue if they use their student ID to verify their identity at the testing center.
If using a proctoring service, it is advisable to notify students that if their photo ID does not match the name on the class roster, they will either need to update this or disclose to you the name on the photo ID they will use to verify their identity with the testing center so their identity can be confirmed.
What We Are Reading Now
- Testing and Assessment: Looking in the Wrong Places, Faculty Focus
- New Mexico Announces Plan for Free College for State Residents, The New York Times
- The Messy Conversation around Online Cost and Quality, Inside Higher Ed
- Adult Learners Need Their Own EdTech Tools, Ed Department Report Finds, EdSurge
The Friendly Faces of the DE Implementation Team
Kristie Malterre
kristies@hawaii.edu, x9344
Leigh Dooley
ldooley@hawaii.edu, x9703
Helen Torigoe
htorigoe@hawaii.edu, x9855
Jamie Sickel
jsickel@hawaii.edu, x9849
Melissa Nakamura
mchar@hawaii.edu, x9152
Nadine Wolff
nwolff@hawaii.edu, x9787
Kelli Nakamura
kellinak@hawaii.edu, x9420