OES Family Newsletter 8/27
August 27 ,2024
Message from the Principal
We have gotten off to a great start to the school year. Our students and staff have been hard at work establishing classroom routines and procedures that will lay the foundation for a successful start to the school year. Students in grades Kindergarten-6th will be taking the NWEA MAP Assessment this week in both ELA and Math. This test is taken 3 times throughout the year (September, January, May) to help measure our students' learning progress. Information from these assessments helps teachers provide individualized instruction. Additionally, the assessments give a detailed picture of how a student progresses from year to year.
Throughout the Spring and Summer, we received an incredible amount of feedback on the student and staff experience as it relates to student discipline. A common theme is that we could improve our efforts to our communication to streamline the process between students, staff, administration and families. We shared the changes with families prior to school beginning in our Behavior Matrix- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ElzaAhGUkGLljNMZgVD-JbZNak1MBoZL/edit.
As you will see in the matrix, Level 4 behaviors could result in exclusionary disciplinary consequences such as a student being sent home, removed to In School Suspension, or Out of School Suspension. Although we want every student to be able to attend school with their peers each day, it is our priority to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment for all students which is why Level 4 behaviors will be addressed in this manner.
If you have any questions or concerns, I can always be reached via email or phone. We are happy to work through any concerns you might have.
We look forward to a great year for all of our students!
Go Hawks!
Ryan Huels
OES Principal
Parent/Family Advisory Meeting
We will have our first monthly Parent/Family Advisory Meeting. This is an opportunity for any parent/guardian of an OES student to provide feedback to administration, hear an update on our school's progress, and ask any questions.
The first meeting will be Monday September 16 at 5:30 PM in the OES Conference Room
Transportation Changes
If you are making a change in your child's transportation method/destination, please contact our office by 2 PM so we can notify your child's teacher and all of those involved with dismissal.
We will also ask that you do your best to limit the number of different destinations/methods throughout the year as daily changes puts unnecessary strain on our transportation department.
Our staff will be ready to receive students at 7:45 each morning. In the image below are the designated areas for drop off/line up on either side of the building. K-3rd grade will line up on the blacktop of the Jefferson Playground, with 4th-6th Grade on the Etnyre playground blacktop. Students will begin entering the building at 8:00 AM
For dismissal, our students will begin exiting the building at 3:00 PM(2 PM on Wednesdays).
If you are a back door pick up, they will exit out of the doors nearest their classroom to head towards the playgrounds in which they arrived in the morning.
If your child is a front door pick up, they will exit out of Door 1 (Grades 3-6) or Door 5 (K-2)
All Prek pick up and drop off is exclusively in/out of Door 6, adjacent to their classrooms.
Traffic can be very busy during these times, your patience and flexibility is appreciated as over 1400 students arrive to both schools on campus each day.
Below is a video explaining the process with visuals of the exact locations.
Important Dates
Week of August 26- MAP Testing K-6
Wednesday August 28- 2 PM Dismissal
August 30- Hat Day
Monday September 2- NO SCHOOL LABOR Day
Wednesday September 4- 2 PM Dismissal
Wednesday September 11- 2 PM Dismissal
Monday September 16- Parent/Family Advisory Meeting 5:30 PM
Wednesday September 18- 2 PM Dismissal
Wednesday September 25- Donuts With Dudes Breakfast- 7 AM
Wednesday September 25- 2 PM Dismissal
Oregon Elementary School Principal