An Update From Principal Boyd
Every Scholar. Every Day. NO EXCUSES!
November 9, 2024
A few weeks ago, I shared with you that I will be taking a leave of absence for medical reasons until January 5th (tentatively). The District has appointed Mr. Leni Forti (former FCS principal) as EJ's interim principal. My last day in the building will be Monday, 11/11, and Mr. Forti's first day will be Wednesday, 11/13.
While I am away, it will be extremely important that you read SPOTS, periodically check our website, and read weekly emails from teachers. These will be your best options for staying connected to what is happening at EJ over the next several weeks. As a reminder, the phone number to the schools is 470-254-5290.
Parents, teachers will always be your first line of communication. If you should require assistance beyond your student's teacher in my absence, please contact the following people.
Mr. Leni Forti - Interim Principal (email forthcoming)
Ms. Alexandra Pingarron (pingarronc@fultonscools.org) - Principal Secretary & Bookkeeper
Ms. Amanda Stafford (stafforda@fultonschools.org) - Discipline, Parent questions/concerns
Ms. Lindsey Walker (walkerl2@fultonschools.org) - Curriculum & Instructional questions/concerns
Ms. Myriam Seoane (seoanem@futonschools.org) - Counseling and Student Support
Dr. Bingham (binghamsi@fultonschools.org) - Social Worker Support
Mr. Sam Belfiglio (belfiglior@fultonschools.org) - Exceptional Children/Special Education Support
Thank you again for your understanding and support during this time. I remain confident in my team's ability to maintain things here; however, I thank you in advance for your flexibility, grace, and understanding during this unique time.
As I said before, I look forward to returning with a renewed energy to continue doing the work I love, which is supporting our EJ scholars and families.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
In Partnership,
Principal Boyd
What's Happening at EJ in the next few weeks?
Loved Ones Luncheon November 19th and 20th
Our annual Loved Ones Luncheon will take place on two days again this year.
Kinder, 2nd, and 4th - Tuesday, November 19th
PreK, 1st, 3d, and 5th - Wednesday, November 20th
ALL Esther Jackson students are able to eat free of charge😊. The charge for all visitors (parents and children) is $5.00. In order to help expedite the time it takes to serve everyone, we are offering a payment link for families who would like to prepay. We will only accept cash at the door on the day of the event. Please plan to bring exact change.
Loved Ones Luncheon Payment Link
*Please remember that the lunch schedule for both days has been revised*
Book Fair November 18-22
We invite you to browse and shop our Scholastic Book Fair during the week of November 18-22. If you happen to attend our Loved Ones Luncheon, you can also visit then.
Thank you in advance for your support of EJ!
Multicultural Night Thursday, November 21; 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Our ESOL Department is SO excited to announce the annual Esther Jackson Multicultural Festival!
This evening is always one of EJ's BEST. It is a time to come together to share and appreciate different cultures that are represented at EJ.
In order to make this event successful, we NEED your help!
Please click here to sign up to bring a dish to share for our annual Multicultural Festival!! More details are included in the link.
If you have any questions, please email Emilie Long at longe@fultonschools.org
Jaguar Jingle Jam; Tuesday, December 4th; 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Join us for the 1st Annual Jaguar Jingle Jam! This is a great opportunity for families to enjoy a free meal, select winter coats and toys for kids, and have fun together as a community.
Please note that this event is for EVERYONE! You may choose to not shop for groceries or pick up a free toy/coat for your student(s). However, you CAN enjoy a feast with your school community, enjoy a photo opportunity, and just fellowship.
We hope to see you there!
Winter Holiday Concerts
Annual Perception Survey
The district is administering an Annual Perception Survey to students, staff, and parents/guardians from October 16th through November 22.
Currently, out of over 500 students, we have 19 parents who have completed the survey.
This survey is partly representative of Esther Jackson, and it is important to us that the narrative surrounding our school is truly reflective of EJ. In order for this to happen, we need a HUGE BOOST in participation from our school community.
Let's work together to significantly increase our participation rate this year!
Talent Show
A reminder that our annual Talent Show will take place on November 14th! Ms. Vitagliano and team have been conducting auditions and working with students to confirm their acts. Once participants are confirmed, we ask parents of those students to encourage them to practice at home. This is always a great event... I can't wait to see what talent is displayed at EJ this year!
EJ's own Ms. Seoane SHINES
As you know, attendance is always a focus for us at Esther Jackson. Last year, we significantly increased our percentage of students with satisfactory attendance and decreased our percentage of students who have severely chronic attendance.
While this was an entire school effort, a lot of our success stemmed from Ms. Seoane's leadership. Because of our impactful results, Ms. Seoane was asked to present at the GSCA 2024 Annual Conference. The name of her session was "Attendance Incentives that Matter!" and she ROCKED IT!
We are super proud of Ms. Seoane!
Dates to Remember
11 - School Psychologist Week Begins
11 - Mass Hearing Screening (1st 3rd, 5th grades)
13 - Career and College Day
13 - Principal Boyd Surgery
14 - EJ Talent Show
17 - FOR Sunday with Home Church Roswell
18-22 - Scholastic Book Fair
19 - Loved Ones Luncheon, Grades K, 2nd, and 4th
20 - Loved Ones Luncheon, Grades 1st, 3rd, 5th, PreK
20 - Parent English Class at EJ
21 - Multicultural Night
22 - Substitute Teacher Day
25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
4 - Home Church Roswell Day
4 - English Classes for Parents
4 - 1st Annual Jingle Jam; 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
5 - EJ Spelling Bee (Grades 3-5)
11 - College and Career Day
12 - English Classes for Parents
16 - Holiday Concert for grades K, 2, and 4
17 - Holiday Concert for grades PreK, 1st, 3rd, 5th
18 - English Classes for Parents
19 - EJ House Party
20 - Polar Express Day - Students Wear Pajamas
20 - Last Day of Semester