Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
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May 3, 2024
A Note From Mrs. Looman
On Saturday, May 4th, the MTRS student council will be holding a raffle of vendor items donated during the 2nd Annual Audrey's Angels Craft Fair being held on the field hockey field at Mohawk Trail High School from 10-3. Currently, there are 50 vendors whose fees are being donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The Hawlemont School will be holding a bake sale and Wandering Waffles will be the food truck.
Are you a registered voter? Are you unsure? With town meeting coming in June and a presidential election coming next fall, now is the time to make sure that you are registered so that your voice can be heard. To help with that, our town clerk, Anna Lavarreda, will be set up at the Student Art Show/Family Reading Night. Anna will be able to confirm whether or not you are already registered, and help register you if you're not. Be sure to stop by the table that night!
The IEP process in Massachusetts is changing. Join us for the Caregiver Workshop to:
* understand DESE's new IEP Process
* become familiar with the new forms
* learn to navigate the new processes
Follow the link to the virtual session on May 20 here:
MCAS Schedule
May 9: Math for grade 4
May 10: Math for grades 4 & 5
May 14: Math for grades 3 & 5
May 16: Math for grades 3 & 6
May 17: Math for grade 6, Science for grade 5
May 21: Math for grade 6, Science for grade 5
If a student is absent on the day of testing, they will be given a make up test on the day they return.
From Ms. Jensen's Desk:
PTO News
- The next meeting will be on Monday, May 13th at 3:30 in the staff room.
upcoming events
5/7: 3:30 LEC meeting
5/8: 6:00 School Committee meeting
5/9: 4th grade Math MCAS
5/10: 4th & 5th grades Math MCAS
5/10: Student Art Show & Family Reading Night
5/14: 3rd & 5th grades Math MCAS
5/15: 7:00 "Band Together" rehearsal
5/16: 3rd grade Math MCAS @ MTRS
5/17: K-3 field trip to Ja'Duke Theater
5/17: 6th grade Math MCAS, 5th grade Science/Technology MCAS
5/17: 7:00 "Band Together" concert at MTRS
5/21: 6th grade Math MCAS, 5th grade Science/Technology MCAS
5/23: 3rd grade field trip to Wilder Homestead
5/27: No school in observance of Memorial Day
5/29: 2:00 Spring Concert
6/1: PK/K registration packets due
1:50 dismissals: 5/8, 5/15