January 2025
BHCS Charter Chatter
BHCS Christmas Card Creation
Special thanks for Georgia Dunn who created our Christmas card this year! Art Club members were invited to participate in a “secret mission” to create a design. We had several awesome cards!
P.E. News
Our goal this year is $15,000 – so PLEASE consider jumping on board and helping out the Bethel Hill PE program. Not only will you be helping to contribute to PE equipment and supplies, you will also help save lives through the American Heart Association!
I’m excited to share that I’m working on a new project to add to our PE program. This project is called the "Super Hero Training Camp." With YOUR SUPPORT, we can purchase the necessary items to make this activity possible. This fun and unique camp will be something kids can enjoy every year once the materials are secured. Please consider contributing to help make this project a lasting part of the Bethel Hill PE program!o
Be on the LOOK OUT Wednesday, January 15th for a SAVE THE DATE FLYER in your child’s folder.
The flyer will offer a jump start opportunity to raise money ONLINE.
If your child registers and raises at least $100 by January 24th they will receive Wylie and Bingo!
Just for registering your child will be entered into a raffle to possibly win a speaker AND will get to pick a prize from the Kids Heart Challenge prize box! There will be a drawing each week for 4 weeks for an opportunity to win!
Our kick-off will be Friday, January 24th and information packets will go home that day. Once the kick-off has started your child can raise money any of the following ways and may combine – cash, checks made to the American Heart Association, and/or online donations.
**For more information, please see the SAVE THE DATE flyer being distributed January 15!**
Yearbook Sales
It is time for our annual yearbook sale to begin. Don't wait to reserve your child's Bethel Hill Charter School Yearbook copy. Yearbooks are currently on sale for $20.00 each.
There are two purchasing options to choose from:
- Buy online with your credit card at www.strawbridge.net by entering Yearbook ID Code YB29992 and following the online ordering instructions. You can also access this link on our webpage. Please note, due to an increase in fees from Strawbridge's credit card provider, online purchases will be charged a credit card transaction fee of $1.99.
- If you would like to pay with cash or check, simply return a completed yearbook order form and your payment to your child's teacher. Checks are to be made payable to Bethel Hill Charter School. If paying with cash, please send the exact change. Order forms will be sent home with each student. Additional order forms are available from your child's teacher or can be picked up in the front office.
Extra copies may not be available for purchase at the end of the school year - so reserve your child's yearbook today!
DEADLINE FOR YEARBOOK ORDERS: Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
Please feel free to contact Stephanie Cook if you have questions.
336-599-2823 x268 or stephanie.cook@bethelhill.net
Spelling Bee
We are excited to announce that the upcoming school Spelling Bee will be held January 14, 2025! Our Spelling Bee will be an oral spelling bee where participants are given words to spell orally, no written spelling. We will follow Scripps National Spelling Bee guidelines. Students in grades 3-5 participated in classroom spelling bees during the month of December. The top two students from each classroom bee will advance to the school bee on January 14. The third top speller is invited to attend the school bee as an alternate. They are asked to participate if one of the two winners from their classroom are not able to participate on January 14.
Please join us in congratulating the following students. They are our 2025 School Spelling Bee Participants and Alternates. We are very proud of them!
Mid-Year Assessments
Mid-Year Assessments for students in Grades K-3 are scheduled to begin January 21, 2025. Mid-Year Assessments include Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reading and Math for grades K-2 and Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reading only for Grade 3. Specific assessment dates for each subject can be found below.
Students in Grades 3-5 will complete Mid-Year Assessments, also known as NC Check-Ins, on January 28-29. NC Check-Ins include reading and math for Grade 3, 4, and 5. Science for Grade 5 will be assessed later due to the original delay in test development. Mid-Year Assessments are used by teachers to guide instruction for students. Please be sure your child gets a good night’s rest and has a balanced breakfast the morning of assessments.
Tuesday, January 21: Second Grade MAP Reading Fluency
Wednesday, January 22: Grades K-3 MAP Reading Growth
Thursday, January 23: Grades K-2 MAP Math Growth
Friday, January 24: Kindergarten and First Grade MAP Reading Fluency
Tuesday, January 28: Grade 3-5 NC Check-In Reading
Wednesday, January 29: Grade 3-5 NC Check-In Math
Annual BBQ & Auction Planning Meeting
We will begin organizing the Annual BHCS BBQ event and will be meeting on the following Tuesdays: January 14, February 4, and March 4. All meetings will begin at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. Anyone interested in helping is invited to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!
BHCS Board of Directors
The BHCS Board consists of nine total positions. Each year, three positions come up for election for a three-year term. These positions are open to the public, including parents and non-parents of BHCS. All applicants are welcome.
Applications for upcoming elections are due no later than Friday, February 14. The link for applications can be found under the Board of Directors tab on the school website (www.bethelhill.net) or by clicking the link below. Questions can be emailed to:
We appreciate your interest in serving on the BHCS Board of Directors!