Charger Nation
January 2025
Happy New Year! We are excited to welcome our students back from winter break and into a fresh start for the second semester. This is an opportunity to build on successes, set new goals, and continue growing together as a school community.
We look forward to a semester filled with learning, achievements, and memorable experiences. Thank you for your ongoing support in making Carroll High School a place where students thrive.
Here’s to a fantastic start to 2025!
Important Dates
January 6 - Semester II Begins
January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
January 29 - Freshman Orientation
January 29 - Academic Showcase
February 5 - Teacher PD Day - No School
March 5 - SAT School Day - Junior's Only
March 5 - eLearning Day for all 9, 10, and 12 Grade
Freshman Orientation - Class of 2029
Eighth grade parents and students are invited to the Carroll High School Freshman Orientation Night, Wednesday, January 29 at 6:00 p.m. (Snow date February 5, 2025). There will be two scheduling presentations in the CHS Large Auditorium followed by the CHS Academic Showcase in the Alumni Gym.
The evening will begin with a Course Description/Graduation Requirement presentation in the CHS Large Auditorium at 6:00 p.m. for students with last names A-K and again at 7:00 p.m. for students with last names L-Z. The presentation will give information regarding course selection for the freshman year.
Please plan to arrive earlier than your scheduled time as information packets will need to be picked up.
The same evening, the CHS Academic Showcase will take place in the CHS Alumni Gym where all academic departments will be represented. The Showcase is set up in an “open house” format. If you have specific questions about certain classes or curiosity about what goes on in a particular department, this is a great time to meet with staff and ask questions.
Please park in the Field House parking lot on the south side of the building, enter at the Field House Entrance at Door 19. You will receive a packet of information in the Field House Lobby and then will be directed to the large auditorium. (see back for map) .
The evening is scheduled as follows:
6:00 p.m. Students with last names A- K Course Description/Grad. Requirement Presentation in CHS Large Auditorium
7:00 p.m. Students with last names L- Z Course Description/Grad. Requirement Presentation in CHS Large Auditorium
6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Academic Showcase in CHS Alumni Gym
If you have questions regarding this important evening, please contact Mr. Brian Hill, Mrs. Megan Wingard or Mrs. Lauren Kimes at 260-637-6913.
Academic Showcase
The staff of Carroll High School would like to invite you and your student(s) to the upcoming Academic Showcase scheduled for Wednesday, January 29, 2025, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Snow date February 5th). Parents and students will have the opportunity to learn more about various educational programs as well as meet with teachers, guidance staff, and administrators. The showcase will take place at Carroll High School. Families should park in the Field House parking lot on the south side of the building and enter through door 19.
The Academic Showcase has three components, the main showcase, break-out sessions, and classroom demonstrations. The main showcase takes place in the Alumni Gym. Parents and students will have an opportunity to meet with teachers from each of our departments to learn more about our academic offerings and ask questions. In the Commons outside the Alumni Gym, fall athletics will also have information available. Break-out sessions will take place in the small auditorium, multi-purpose room, and room 130. In these break-out sessions, parents and students will hear more detailed information about specific programs available at Carroll High School. Finally, classroom demonstrations will be taking place in various classes throughout the building. These demonstrations will give parents and students a firsthand look at various class-specific activities.
We are proud of the diverse selection of academic courses and career preparation programs offered at Carroll High School. It is our pleasure to share this information with our community so current and future Chargers can make informed decisions about their academic futures. We hope that you will join us for the Academic Showcase at Carroll High School. We look forward to meeting with you, answering your questions, and giving you a glimpse into the variety of opportunities offered at Carroll. Attached to this message, you will also find documents with a schedule of events, presentation descriptions, and a map to help you find your way around the school.
SAT School Day - March 5
On Wednesday, March 5th your 11th grade student will be participating in the SAT. All juniors in the state of Indiana will be participating in the School Day SAT, as this assessment is the replacement for the former math and language arts ISTEP assessment.
As with any assessment, I would encourage your child to get a good night of sleep and eat a good breakfast on this day. To help support the students, we will have breakfast available in the cafeteria as well.
The test will begin at 8:35 and should hopefully wrap up between 12:30 – 1:00. At the conclusion of the test students will have the opportunity to eat lunch and/or leave the building.
March 5 - 9th, 10th and 12th grade only
On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Carroll High School juniors will be participating in the SAT School Day. Therefore, ALL 9th, 10th and 12th grade students will have eLearning. Students will need to check-in to all classes that day and complete the required assignments.
Synchronous Learning
As a reminder, we will be implementing synchronous learning in the event that we need to cancel our regular school day. This means that we will be providing live instruction to students on days when we are unable to attend onsite. Our hope is that this method of instructional delivery will keep learning moving forward in a productive and engaging format. Built-in make-up days are still included in our school calendar should they be needed due to extenuating circumstances such as extended periods of severe weather or a weather cancellation during the week of semester finals.
The daily schedules for live instruction at each level of learning are provided below:
- Elementary: 9:30am-Noon
- Middle School: 9:00am-12:55pm
- High School: 9:00am-12:25pm
The expectations for students will be that they are actively attending live sessions on synchronous learning days. Having stated this, we do understand that situations arise that do not make this possible, and flexibility and alternatives will be provided to students when necessary.
Scheduling for 2025-2026
- Scheduling for 2025-2026 School Year: Current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will be receiving scheduling information for next school year on Jan 29th during Homeroom. At that time, students will watch a scheduling video by their counselors as well as receive course selection forms.
- The 2025-2026 Course Description Book will also be available for students to refer to in order to help with their selections. Due date for course selection forms and selections put into PowerSchool is Feb 7th.
Financial Aid/Scholarship Info
- The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal State Aid) is available for seniors and parents to complete on This is the official site, and no other site should be used and always remember, it is free, you should not pay to complete this form.
- Seniors should continue to check the Carroll High School Guidance website for scholarships!
SAT Workshop
- There will be a 2-day SAT Prep Seminar offered by ZAPS Doorway to College for students on Feb 10th and 11th. Cost will be $110.00 and registration information is below.
We would like to remind parents and students that we do not accept food, flower, gift or balloon deliveries. While these are great things, we will not accept them nor deliver them to students.
From the Clinic
Parents/Guardians of incoming seniors for 2025/2026:
Now is a good time to schedule appointments for required immunizations.
The meningitis ACWY booster vaccine is required for grade 12.
Documentation of meningococcal booster is required the first day of school.
The meningitis vaccine is a booster of the meningitis shot they received for 6th grade known as Menactra, Menveo, or MCV4. This protects against serogroups ACWY. Students are eligible for the booster once they are age 16 or older.
There is a Meningitis B that is optional, but not required by state of IN, known as Trumenba or Bexsero.
Where to go for Immunizations:
Immunizations are usually covered by insurance at your physician’s office. If you do not have insurance, or if immunizations are not covered by insurance, please call (260) 424-SHOT (7468) between 9am-4pm Monday- Friday or go to They are currently charging only 15.00 dollars per immunization. No one is turned away due to inability to pay.
***Most pharmacies (CVS, Walgreens, Kroger, Walmart) carry the meningitis booster and they can check your insurance coverage before administration. Take this letter to show them which Meningitis immunization is required.
If you need a copy of your student’s shot record let me know and I can send you one. Take a shot record with you to Super Shot.
Thank you for your help in getting this done for the start of the 2025-26 school year.
Nurse Thieme
CHS phone: 637-3161 x3006
CHS fax: 637-8356 Attn: Nurse
Administrators and Counselors
Cleve Million
Dan Ginder
Randy Stegall
Assistant Athletic Director
Brian Hill
Rachel Fox
Guidance Counselor
Jessica McClure
Guidance Counselor
Kevin Fogle
Tracy Cross
Emily Kennerk
Melissa Shotts
Kristin Bowland
Guidance Counselor
Jeremy Heidenreich
Tanya Pickett
Assistant Principal