VRA and IS Newsletter 10/06/24
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Week of October 6, 2024
Administrators’ Message
Happy Sunday Independence School and Valley Robotics Academy Families,
As the entire district is on Fall Break except for Valley Robotics Academy (and one other high school program) the VRA Family continues to work hard and excel in the classroom and beyond... Last week there were two field trips in the elementary grades and one job shadowing field experience by 10 of our high schoolers. There was also some maintenance and updates done to the school site. More to come this week to make our campus a better place for our students and staff.
Independence School Families. A reminder that you all are Fall Break until October 14th! However, we will be open Monday-Friday if you need anything as the Valley Robotics Academy Program is still in session. Enjoy your break and be safe.
Valley Robotics Academy Families. Continue to make your mark in your studies and activities. Hopefully, we get some much needed weather relief this week. Continue to remind your students to stay hydrated as we have filtered cool water throughout the campus.
The Fall Festival is coming up on Wednesday, October 23. Volunteers are needed to make this a successful fundraiser and community event. All are welcome!
Please continue to look for opportunities to get your student involved on campus and even a time to volunteer or get involved on or around campus. Student engagement and family involvement are known factors in student success. A group of students with staff assistance are planning a spirit week and a separate Halloween Parade on (10/31)
Reminder: If you need to get ahold of anyone on our site regardless of which program (Independence or VRA), we can be reached at one phone number — (209) 331-8008.
Thank you for all you do as parents/guardians!
Counselor’s Corner
Valley Robotics Academy
Dear VRA Families:
The College Early Start forms opened online on Monday, September 30th. This form must be completed to enroll in classes for the Spring semester. Students were emailed the link for the application, and it was posted on my Google Classroom.
Open enrollment is scheduled to open around Thursday, October 24th. Please have your student check their college email to see their enrollment day and time.
The Spring schedule for Delta has been posted. Please take time to view classes with your student to start planning out their schedule for the Spring. Please remember that when enrolling in classes, the class must start at 12:00 p.m. or later and no Friday classes.
For 10th Grade and above, students must enroll in Biology 10 as this is a requirement. The only other option is to take the class during summer school.
Reminder: While students are on the bus or on campus at Delta College, they are representing VRA. We expect all students to behave in a mature manner and be respectful and mindful of others. If they fail to act appropriately, then this will result in their college privileges being revoked.
Mrs. Gabby Nunez, High School Counselor
Independence School
For Independence Families: Fall Break
Happy Fall Break! Independence School WILL NOT be in session from Monday, September 30th to Friday, October 11th. School WILL resume on Monday, October 14th.
For ALL Families: Fall Festival
Fall Festival’s Trunk or Treat
One of the activities at the Fall Festival is Trunk or Treat! If you are interested in decorating your trunk and passing out candy, then please sign up to volunteer for this activity. Whether you are participating or not, any candy donations are welcomed!
Fall Festival’s Raffle Baskets
For Independence Families: Picture Day
For VRA Families: VEX Robotics Competition Leagues
Join VRA’s 8th Grade VEX Robotics Team as they compete in the VEX Robotics Competition Leagues. The dates, times, and location can be found below in the flyer. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to cheer them on!
The first competition is on Saturday, November 2nd at 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at San Joaquin County Office of Education’s FabLab.
Have You Reported Your Student’s Absence?
Call the Office
VRA Families, please notify the office of student absences at (209) 331-8008 before school starts. Your student may have to make up work, so be sure to contact their teacher(s).
Independence Families, please notify the office of student absences at (209) 331-8008 before their first class starts. Make sure that your student notifies their teachers via email as well.
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Safety Is Important
VRA Families, please continue to follow the signage and cones to complete the oval. Please pull forward for a quick drop-off or pick-up. If you need a little more time to get situated, then please pull into an empty parking spot, so that others can completely pull forward to safely drop off or pick up their students.
Just a reminder that the gate will open at 7:45 a.m. for drop-off and close at 8:45 a.m. If you are running late, then please drop off your student at the front gate where the office is located at for them to be buzzed in. Student drivers, if you are running late, then please use the call button at the gate to be buzzed in.
For afternoon pick-up, the gate will open at 2:25 p.m. If you arrive early and the gate happens to open because someone is exiting, then please help us keep our campus safe and secure by remaining outside the perimeter until 2:25 p.m.
Want to Join a Club?
For VRA and Independence 9-12 Students: Student Planning Committee
High School Students, are you interested in planning fun school events and activities? If so, then consider joining the Student Planning Committee. For more information, you may contact Victoria Reynolds at v.reynolds1@lodiusd.org or (209) 693-0252.
For VRA 8th Grade Students: VEX Robotics Team
The 8th Grade VEX Robotics Team’s practices will be held from 2:35 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays in Room P-5, Robotics Lab. See Ms. KG for more information!
For VRA Students Ages 13 and Up: VRA Esports Team
VRA Esports Team’s Season 1 has begun and will last until Thursday, November 7th! VALORANT is on Mondays and Tuesdays right after school. For more information, see Mr. Warner in P-15.
For 7th to 12th Grade Students
Dear Parents/Guardians of 7th to 12th Grade Students,
We are very excited to introduce our new college and career readiness platform, SchooLinks!
All of the SchooLinks features are designed with students in mind to help them become career, college, and life-ready. As parents/guardians, you will have access to SchooLinks through your own account. This allows you to join your students in their career and college exploration process and discuss their future with them.
SchooLinks allows you to have informed conversations with your students by:
- Viewing your student’s career interest, strength, and mindset assessments
- Seeing what colleges and careers your student has favorited
- Comparing college costs and explore expected financial aid, scholarships, and out-of-pocket expenses