CHS Community Newsletter
June 6, 2024
Principal's Message
Good afternoon Canby High School Students & Families,
It has been a fun week honoring our seniors as the last group finished the Economics Summit, we had our last assembly featuring the Baile Florcorico and our very own Evan Berry’s band, Shoot to Thrill, and we honored our multi-sport and senior athletes. We also celebrated the Senior Awards ceremony this morning and are looking forward to graduation tomorrow night. See more information below about “all things graduation.”
Next week is finals week for our 9th-11th graders. We will have our last Fire Drill on Monday, June 10th. Tuesday brings diploma pick up for our graduates. Our last day of school, Thursday, is a half day. Buses pick up students here at CHS at 12:50.
As we finish the school year, we would also like to honor our staff retirees: Ms. Shelly Dean, Mrs.Theresa Kahl, Ms. Bonnie Miller, Ms. Kathy Rogers, Mr. Bob Webber, and Ms. Jan Woodworth. They have a collective 115 years of service to the Canby community. To our retirees, thank you for the countless hours you have worked and the lives that you have touched! We appreciate you!
Next week will be the last newsletter of the school year. It will be full of helpful information regarding summer and fall dates to remember. Please also check out summer school information for both credit recovery and incoming 9th grade summer jump in this newsletter.
Have a wonderful week!
Cari Sloan
Canby High School Principal
#CanbyProud #RollCougs
Upcoming Events
Thursday, 6/6: Senior Finals, Period 1, Senior Awards, 10:30am, FAC, Graduation Practice, 1:30pm, Stadium and Baccalaureate, 7:00pm
Friday, 6/7: Graduation, 7:00pm, Stadium
Tuesday, 6/11: Diploma Drive-Thru, 10a.m
Wednesday, 6/12: Early Release, Finals Period, 1, 3, and 5
Thursday, 6/13: Last Day of School, Early Release at 12:20pm, Finals Period 2 and 4
Friday, 6/14: Start of Summer Break, see you in September!
Important Information
We are so excited to celebrate Canby High School’s graduating seniors at Cougar Stadium on Friday, June 7 – rain or shine! Gates open at 5:45 p.m. for ticketed guests and 6:30 p.m. for all. The ceremony starts at 7 p.m.!
Keep in mind that construction continues on 99E and may cause traffic delays. Check social media for traffic updates.
See the map for designated parking and other information as we want to keep business lots clear for our nearby establishments!
We hope to ensure great views of the ceremony for spectators without obstruction from umbrellas, balloons, etc. Thank you for your help with that!
ADA parking will be clearly marked and available on the East side of campus off 4th Ave
English Map of campus and parking options
Finals Schedule-June 12: Wednesday
Per1= 8:40-10:25
June 13: Thursday
Per2= 8:40-10:25
Per4= 10:35-12:20
Yearbooks are here!
Thank you to those that are choosing to purchase a yearbook. The yearbook students are so proud of the hard work they put into it. You may want to put your name in the yearbook, as we are unable to replace it if it is lost or stolen. If you find any issues with the yearbook, please contact the Yearbook Advisor, Jennifer Czerkies at jennifer.czerkies@canby.k12.or.us. Also, keep in mind that this is a student-made publication. Students have done their best to catch any wrong names, grade levels, missing or misspelled names or words. If students want to be involved next year, sign up for Yearbook so students can participate in making the 2025 book.
Canby School District libraries use CSD guidelines for selecting new texts. This school year, new titles for circulation will be posted quarterly on the CSD Library Curation web page to provide our community with this information. Please click here to learn more.
Superintendent Survey
The board of directors highly values input from the community as they seek a new superintendent to lead the Canby School District. They kindly ask for your feedback through a brief, anonymous survey. Your responses will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the district. The survey will close on Sunday, June 9 at 11:59 p.m. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Your input is greatly appreciated!
Information for Seniors
We are excited to announce that Willamette Fall Studios will be broadcasting CHS Graduation on 6/7/24 LIVE! Here is the link to watch: Willamette Falls Studios. Please note the celebrations will not be live until the time of the event.
In the coming days and weeks, your seniors will be receiving important information regarding graduation events in their CHS emails, please remind them to check their emails!
Seniors & Parents of Seniors: Please use this link: Senior Schedule regarding all things graduation for the Class of 2024. This information will be updated throughout the year. Please note this document is a live document. Dates and events are subject to change.
Athletics and Activities
Multi-Sport and Senior Athlete Awards
On Wednesday morning we honored athletes during our annual Multi-Sports Breakfast. The athletic department along with coaches recognized 3 sports athletes from all grades, senior 10 or more sports season athletes, and the following awards…
Scholar Athlete Award - RayAnne Schedler and Parker Ackerman
Senior Athlete Award - RayAnne Schedler and Tyler Konold
NFHS Award of Excellence - Cisse Vicencio Mendoza and RayAnne Schedler
AJ Schlatter Scholarship - Andy Soles, Parker Ackerman, RayAnne Schedler and Kali Mull
Austin Piert Scholarship - Joe Scott
Congratulations to all athletes for their outstanding athletic achievements.
2023-24 OSAA Academic All State Teams
Boys Cross Country 3.40
Girls Cross Country 3.68
Football *5th Place 3.24
Volleyball 3.59
Boys Soccer 2.71
Girls Soccer *5th Place 3.81
Boys Basketball *5th Place 3.57
Girls Basketball *7th Place 3.70
Cheer 3.34
Dance 3.35
Boys Swimming *10th Place 3.53
Girls Swimming *9th Place 3.69
Wrestling *2nd 3.65
Baseball *4th Place 3.51
Softball 2.87
Girls Track & Field 3.70
Boys Track & Field 3.22
Girls Tennis 3.59
Boys Tennis *8th Place 3.64
Girls Golf 2.99
Boys Golf 2.74
Incoming 9th Grade Corner
Here are the links for the first three Welcome Videos:
Summer Jump Transition Program for incoming 9th graders!
August 5-16, 8:30am-12:30pm at Canby High School
SafeOregon Program
SafeOregon is a 24-hour anonymous tip-line individuals can use if they see or hear about instances of bullying, violence, threats, drug use, suicidal thoughts and more.
There are a number of ways to report, including:
Texting or calling 844-4-SAFE-OR (844-472-3367)
Emailing tip@safeoregon.com
Online at safeoregon.com
Via the SafeOregon app
For more information, please visit our CSD SafeOregon website.
Bus Transportation
If you have any questions or problems with school bus transportation, please email Student Transport of America (STA) at canbyschoolbus@ridesta.com.
Nutrition Services
Free Food Resources
For Mental Health Resources
**Emergency Services- for life threatening emergencies - 911**
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 988
Clackamas County Emergency/Crisis Mental Health Services - 503-655-8585
Non-emergency: 503-742-5335
Crisis Text Line - Text HOME to 741741
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Text NAMI to 741741
Oregon Youthline 877-968-8491 or Text teen2teen to 839863
Trevor Project (LGBTQ+) -866-488-7386 or text START to 678678
Call to Safety: If you are an adult and worried about your safety at home. Interpretation line available.1-888-235-5333
Proyecto Unica: Spanish version of Call to Safety. 503-232-4448
DHS Hotline (Oregon Department of Human Services) If you are worried about the safety of a child, Interpretation services available. 855-503-7233
Update CSD Communications List: CSD Email/Text preferences online
Connect with CHS
Email: chsoffice@canby.k12.or.us
Website: www.canbyhs.canby.k12.or.us
Location: 721 Southwest 4th Avenue, Canby, OR, USA
Phone: 503-263-7200
Facebook: facebook.com/CanbyHighSchool/
Twitter: @canbyhighschool