Wednesday Weekly
August 21, 2024
January 15, 2025
Upcoming Dates
1/16 - K-3rd Variety Show
1/17 - 4th-5th Variety Show
2/3--Kindergarten Round Up
2/3 Chipotle Fundraiser: 4-8
2/3 MiniCourses Begin
2/6 Save the Date Family Reading Night
Kindergarten Round Up
Do you, or do you know of someone who will have a kindergarten age child during the 2025-26 School Year? If you do, then please plan to attend Kindergarten Round Up at Roslyn Road on February 3rd at 6PM.
It is strongly suggested that parents attend their future kindergarten student's home school Round Up Event prior to investigating the Barrington 220 Optional Kindergarten programs. All of these will be held on February 3rd at 6PM at each of the Elementary Schools.
For more information about kindergarten in District 220, please visit this link.
Speech Tournament: Calling All 4th and 5th Grade Students
Last week, Mrs. O'Brien and Mrs. Lang met with all of the 4th and 5th Grade students to talk about the District 220 Speech Tournament. We are quickly reaching the deadline to complete the application for the tournament. We need all applications to be completed by Thursday, January 16. The presentation link is listed below. It contains the information which was shared with students, as well as the link to the application. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Lang.
Roslyn Family Reading Night: February 6
Save the date for Roslyn's Annual Family Reading Night! Come back to school to hear some great stories read by some of the fabulous Roslyn Road Staff. The event begins with Reading at 6:30 with the last readers starting at 7:45. We hope to see you here!
Daughters of the American Revolution: Signal Hill Chapter Essay Contest
We are very proud of our 5th graders who participated in the Signal Hill Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution essay contest this fall. Each student wrote about the women-led tea parties during the time of the American Revolutionary War. Participants included: Diana A, Henry H., Annabelle H., Brady K., Razanne K., Declan M., Adrianna N., and Lucas V. Receiving "Honorable Mention" were Audrey L. and Maisy M. ALL students who participated, along with their families, are invited to a Student Awards Day at the Barrington Area Library on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 at 10am. Please look for the evite this week from Mrs. O'Brien. Congratulations, writers!
P.O.P Volunteers
Weekly packing sessions will be from 9-10AM at Sunny Hill Elementary every Thursday for the month of January! Dates are below so you can join us as your schedule allows.
Thursday, January 16th
Thursday, January 23rd
Thursday, January 30th
If you have questions, email Sarah Ruger at
MiniCourses Are Coming! Look Out for Registration Soon!
Courses will begin February 3rd and run through March 3rd on Mondays, Tuesday, and/or Thursdays after school. Contact Kacie Ruggio ( For more information about this experience, click this LINK to view the flyer.
Multicultural Night Committee
We’re excited to announce the return of Roslyn Road’s Multicultural Night, happening Tuesday, April 8th, 2025! Last year’s event was a huge success, and we’re aiming to make this year’s celebration even better. But we can’t do it without your help! If you are interested in joining our planning committee please reach out to or
For more information see attached letter!
Chipotle Fundraiser
Need an easy dinner idea? Our 5th Grade committee has organized a Chipotle Fundraiser on Monday, February 3rd from 4-8pm at the Barrington location! Order online using code: JQ44XNE OR present THIS flyer upon purchase. Thank you for your support!
For more information and the flyer click below:
Yearbook Photos: Now with Multiple Ways to Submit
The Yearbook Team would love to have your photos! Please submit any photos that you would like in the yearbook using the following links:
Option 1 - Google Drive
(You will need to use a desktop computer and download the google drive app onto your computer for ease of uploading.)
Option 2 - DropBox
Roslyn Road's Parent Party!
Tickets for this year’s Roslyn Road’s Parent Party: Casino Night ARE LIVE! This year we will be using the GiveSmart platform for all ticket sales, sponsorships, auction items and donations.
Please find the link to the event page here:
Sponsorships are also available for purchase–there are incredible incentives included this year, so please be sure to check them out! We can’t wait to see you hit the jackpot with us and bet your bottom dollar on our Roslyn Road Bulldogs!
PTO Meeting Minutes
Please find the meeting minutes from our 1/9 Zoom PTO meeting HERE.
Chess Without Borders Chess Tournament
Is your child an avid Chess Player? Would they be interested in participating in a Chess Tournament right here at Roslyn Road? If they are, please check out the attached information.
New PTO Facebook Page & Instagram Page
Click the QR code to join!
Click the QR code to join.