Old Trail Intermediate Summer News
July 29th, 2024

What a great first month at Old Trail
We have had a great month full of firsts here at Old Trail! We opened in August for our first public tours. On the first day of school we were joined by Fox 43 news and welcomed the students with red carpets and limos like the rock stars they are! We held our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with members of the school board and administration. Back to School Night was well attended and families learned of the new programs teachers would be using here at Old Trail. Our PTO held its first meeting and our first Family Fun Night. And our students have engaged in firsts every week, including class experiences, assemblies, PBIS store, and much more. We are so excited to see what the rest of the first trimester will bring here at Old Trail!
Arrival and Dismissal
Reptile Friends Assembly
Our first PBIS Assembly featured the Forgotten Friends Reptile show. The students were able to be up close with many reptile friends and to touch different parts of animals. A huge thank you to our Old Trail PTO for sponsoring this assembly. And thank you to all our students who are Blazing their TRAIL in a positive manner.
Students of the Month
In September, each of our teachers nominated a student for demonstrating our character trait of the month, RESPECT. These students were honored at our PBIS assembly and are highlighted in the showcase by the gym. Congratulations to: Zoey Allain, Oliver Broady, Amari Brown, James Clarke, Eva Diehl, Mya DeJean, Aria Duffy, Amir Ellis-Henry, Anand Gautam, Malcolm Group, Katherine Henriquez Naranjo, Cooper Knapp, Brooklyn Landis, Hailey McAllister, Rowan Miller, Stephanie Morris, Jase Mortelliti, Brynnlee Mowrey, Bryanne Nauman, Zachary Overmiller, Rylin Patterson, Dyland Pernalete, Kinsley Shoop, Emily Silvis, Asher Harrison-Bitner, Kaylynn Stabley, Victoria Villafane Perez, Benjamin Vonhauser, Albert Warburton-Gary, Mason Weaver, Finn Weaver, Landon Zurick, and Maverick Zwatty.
Check out our scenes from September video below.
School Social Media Accounts
We will be managing the following social media accounts this year...
Instagram- OTPatriots
X (Twitter)- @OTPatriots
Facebook (managed by PTO)- Old Trail Intermediate School PTO
Please follow, like, and watch as we will post OTIS happenings throughout the year!
Important upcoming dates!
Below are some important upcoming dates:
Wednesday, October 9 OTIS PTO Mtg. in person or via Zoom at 6:30
Thursday, October 10 PTO Skating Party at Fountainblu from 6:00 to 8:30 pm.
Monday, October 14 Remote Learning Day
Wednesday, October 16, WSSD Unity Day - Wear Orange
Tuesday, October 22 Picture Retake Day
Friday, November 1, NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, November 13 OTIS PTO Mtg. in person or via Zoom at 6:30
PTO Info
The Old Trail PTO is already up an running. In the spring we had an election of officers and are very appreciative of the parents who stepped up to take on the huge task of starting a PTO from scratch. Our next PTO meeting will be held Wednesday, October 9 at 6:30 pm in the Old Trail Learning Commons (library). We will also have a ZOOM option for those who cannot attend in person. We hope many of you will join us to learn more about the events planned for this school year!