Teaching From Home
Five Ways to Connect with Students
The new normal and staying connected with students are extremely important. Humans are social beings. We live in communities, gather together, share common passions, and thrive in learning from each other. As educators, we need to make sure that we are still connecting in some way with our students. I have generated a list of five ways to connect with students during the time of quarantine. I challenge you to try one this week to see if you can connect with your students or staff members.
Daily and Weekly Checklist
Daily Checklist
Weekly Checklist
Teaching From Home FREE Webinar
Join Marcia Kish and Jeff Kish on Thursday, April 16, for a FREE online webinar for Simplifying Virtual Learning. During the Webinar, we will cover,
- Google Classroom Tips (Slides will be shared during the Webinar)
- Assessments Made Simple
- Choice Boards (Free Download at the end of the Webinar)
- Connecting with Students (Get to Know Me During Quarantine)
- And More
Make sure to register for the event.
Once you register, we will send you a Calendar Invite along with a link for the Webinar.
Thursday, Apr 16, 2020, 01:30 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Blended Learning Toolkit
Three Phases of Blended Learning
Email: marcia@Blendedlearningpd.com
Website: www.blendedlearningpd.com
Location: Powell, OH, United States
Phone: 614-600-2247
Facebook: facebook.com/dsdPD
Twitter: @dsdPD