Winter Preparedness and Procedures
December 11, 2024

Dear Proviso Parents/Guardians, Students, and Staff,
As we enter the cold winter months, we want to ensure everyone in the Proviso community remains safe and informed. Please take a moment to review the following important reminders and procedures related to winter weather conditions:
- Dress for the Weather We encourage all students to dress appropriately for the season. Please ensure your child wears warm clothing, including hats, gloves, scarves, and coats, to stay protected during their commute to and from school. For those waiting at bus stops, layering clothing is highly recommended.
- Decision-Making Process for Inclement Weather The safety and well-being of our students is always our top priority. When weather conditions are challenging, we carefully consider the following factors to decide whether to open or close schools:
- Data from the National Weather Service regarding temperature, wind chill, and snow/ice accumulation.
- Information from the student transportation provider about potential bus issues.
- Weather forecast updates indicating whether conditions will improve or worsen throughout the day.
- Mechanical system checks in schools to ensure electricity and heating are functioning properly.
- Input from maintenance and custodial staff about parking lot and sidewalk conditions.
- Discussions with city officials regarding snow removal and road conditions in challenging neighborhoods and streets.
- Consultation with other school districts.
The superintendent makes the final decision based on these considerations. We aim to make the best-informed decision as early as possible and will notify families by no later than 6:00 AM on the affected day.
- Notification Methods Parents will be notified of school closures or delays through:
- Robocalls
- Emails
- Text messages
Information will also be available on:
- The District Website: www.pths209.org
- Twitter: @PTHSD209
- Facebook: @PTHSD209
- Emergency Closing Center: www.emergencyclosingcenter.com
If your phone number or email address has changed, please contact your child’s school to update your information.
We will only make announcements if schools are closed or openings are delayed. No announcements will be made if schools are open.
- Parent Responsibility If schools remain open, it is ultimately the responsibility of parents and guardians to decide whether conditions safely allow their children to attend. Please contact the school to inform them of the absence.
- Snow Days vs E-Learning Days:
- Snow Days:
- No school instruction will take place.
- The day will be made up at the end of the school year.
- All athletic and extracurricular activities, including practices, may be canceled.
- E-Learning Days:
- Students will attend class via their District-issued laptops using TEAMS.
- Students must keep their cameras on for the duration of the class period to be marked present.
- Asynchronous instruction will be provided, and schedules will be communicated by teachers.
- Students without internet access should contact their principal to receive a hotspot device.
- Staff Requirements on E-Learning Days:
- Teachers, Administrators, and Paraeducators are required to be available on the District’s e-learning platform from 8:00 AM to 3:15 PM.
- Building and District Administrators will work remotely to support e-learning as needed.
- Maintenance and Operations staff will report to work as usual.
- Other staff groups, such as security, secretarial, and clerical, will receive their contracted pay even if unable to perform duties on an e-learning day.
- Athletics and Extracurricular Activities If school is not in session, all athletic and extracurricular activities, including practices, may be canceled. Schools will communicate directly with parents regarding cancellations.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we navigate the challenges of winter weather. Thank you for helping us keep our Proviso community safe and prepared.
Stay Connected For the latest updates, please monitor the district’s website and follow us on social media.
Stay warm and safe,
Krish Mohip
Superintendent of Schools
Proviso Township High Schools District 209