What's Happening??!!
~ Hawley School Newsletter: June 14, 2024 ~
~ End of Year Festivities Edition ~
From the Desk of Mr. Moretti
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Staff,
What an AMAZING Last Few Weeks! Hawley went out with a Bang! Love THIS Place!!!
Buckle up, stay seated, and keep your hands and feet in the car at all times, as you read on to find out What's Happening at Hawley .....
~Principal's End of Year Message~
As I sit in my office, on this last day, after everyone has left, having my afternoon cup of coffee, I am reflecting on our year. It was a Terrific Year. It was so good being all together and back in our building. The Hawley Spirit was strong.
I want to thank the Teachers and Staff for all that they do for students each and every day. The caring and dedication and creativity is second to none. I am constantly amazed on what I see occurring in this building.
Thank you PTA. You support and supplement our work. You provide us with wonderful and exciting special assemblies and events, and feed us well ;0) You are an Amazing Group.
The Hawley Parents are a joy. You participate, you are involved, and you support our work each day, which in turn, supports your child. We truly appreciate your Partnership.
And of course, our Students, they make our days. They are sweet, funny, inquisitive and bring smiles each day. They Work Hard and Are Kind.
The amount tears on this last day (adults and kids) because we were leaving for Summer, shows me how Special Hawley is.
I truly love my job and am inspired by what occurs here each day. It is an honor to be the Educational Leader of this very, very Special School.
Good Bye to our 4th Graders and the Families that will no longer have Hawley Students. We wish you the best. The rest of you I will see in August.
Have an Amazing Summer!!!
Stammi Bene~
~Hawley Loves to Read Week~
We had so much fun for Hawley Loves to Read Week. All week we played "Who said that?" During morning announcements teachers read a quote from their favorite children's book and students guessed who they thought it was. Students made Book Marks and staff swapped and did Read-A-Louds for other classes. We had spirit days and the week ended with our Visiting Author.
Special Artwork to Welcome our Author / Illustrator
Our Art Teachers, Ms. Giddings and Ms. Griffin, along with other Specials Teachers, Mr. Sortino and Mrs. Carlson, and Lead Teacher, Ms. Tischio, took students to create special artwork that hung in our main hallway in the style of our visiting Author / Illustrator, Amy Guglielmo.
Scavenger Hunt
Teachers and staff decorated paint brushes and pallets, and hid them throughout the building for students to find...
~ Visiting Author ~
Hawley School hosted author / illustrator Amy Guglielmo thanks to our generous Hawley PTA. She was one of the best, most exciting, interactive guest we have had.
Amy presented about herself and being an author / illustrator, her process and getting ideas.
She then guided students through an activity.
All students then created a Mural that was constructed as a school.
~4th Grade Celebration~
It is such a special day and send off.
~ Harlem Wizards ~
The Harlem Wizards visited Hawley as the nice end to Field Day. Students were excited and some even got to participate in fun activities.
~ Celebration of Learning ~
Mrs. Rosa's Class had this one. We looked at student art, there were poems and songs, we spotlighted Kindness, guessed teachers's baby pictures, and more...
Principal's Award
Each year we highlight a 4th Grader for the Principal's Award. Our Motto is Work Hard and Be Kind. The ENTIRE staff sends me the name of student that over the years completely exemplifies that motto. We were thrilled that his family was able to attend and surprise him.
This year's winner was Davi Martins!!!
~ Field Day ~
Field Day is one of my Favorite Days of the year. It brings together Teachers, Staff, Parents and Students for a day of Old Fashioned Outdoor FUN ! It could not happen without the number of parents that come out and Volunteer. Also, thank you to our PTA for the funding, our PE Teacher, Mr. Sortino for all of his assistance, and our planning committee led by parent Mrs. Lahey!!!
Also, Mrs. Kuzma took many pictures that can be viewed by clicking HERE.
The Volunteers
The Bounce House
Always a Hit!
Axe Throwing
A NEW Activity
Ball Games
Soccer and Kickball
Obstacle Course
Always fun to watch
Sack Race
Oldie but a Goodie
Water Fun
Water Balloon Toss, Sponge Wars and Fire Hose
The DJ
Some interesting moves
Tug O' War
Me thinks some RED Shirts got involved
Fun Activities
Magician, Hula Hoop, Egg on a Spoon, Parachute, Flag Tag
~ Our Graduates ~
Each year, the High School Graduates that attended Hawley School come back in their Caps and Gowns. We love to see and celebrate them!!!
~ Last Day Silliness ~
~ Important Reminders / General Info ~
- Progress Reports are available now in PowerSchool.
- Print a Progress Report: Many Summer Sports, Activities and Clubs require a Progress Report for registration. There is not always someone in our office over the summer, plus 4th grade records are sent to Reed, and PowerSchool shuts down for maintenance. PRINT that Progress Report ;0)
- What's Happening Newsletters: All Newsletters are archived for the year on the Hawley Website under the ABOUT Section.
~ Dates to Remember ~
- Wed, 8/28: Kindergarten Bus Run, 8:00-9:00 AM
- Wed, 8/28: Student Walk Through, 9:00-10:00 AM
- Thurs, 8/29: First Day of School!
Out of the Mouths of Babes....
" Have a terrific summer " Mr. M told a class
" What are you doing for the summer? " a student asked Mr. M
" I'll be here at Hawley, I work " Mr. M replied
" Your not allowed to leave, did you get in trouble? "
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*For us to use your child's likeness, we need your permission. Permission must be granted annually via the ParentPortal.
Twitter: @hawley_school
The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@newtown.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: (203) 426-7666
Twitter: @cmoretti66