DES Family News
May 5th, 2024
Dear DES Families,
May is here and we are ready! Please read the most recent updates and information related to CCPS and DES happenings.
Kind regards,
Principal Crebs
Car-Rider Entrance @ Lupine Lane
Please remember to remain on the side of the road as you wait to enter the car-rider entrance on Lupine Lane, this allows for regular traffic to safely utilize the road. In addition, do not block the drive ways of homeowners on the road. We appreciate your cooperation!
Important Updates and Events
Save the Dates in May
Asian & Pacific Island Heritage Month
National Mental Health Awareness Month
National Physical Fitness & Sports Week April 29th-May 3rd
May 6th-10th, National Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8th, Early Dismissal
May 9th, Spring One School, One Book Academic Night 5-7pm
May 13th-17, PPW Appreciation Week
May 14th, 4th Quarter Interims Issued
May 17th, Career Day
May 24th, Early Dismissal
May 27th, No School, Memorial Day
May 31st, Field Day (more information to come)
DES Spring Academic Night 5/9/24
Report Card Update
Beginning with Quarter 3, CCPS will no longer be sending home printed report cards. Grade Reports (interim and quarterly) will be sent by email to parent/guardians, using PowerSchool’s digital document delivery.
Please check PowerSchool to verify that your email is correct, or contact the school to provide them with your email address. Parents/guardians who have not provided their email will be contacted by the school to help ensure they are not missing important information.
In addition to receiving grade reports by email, the information will also be available in the PowerSchool Parent Portal at carolineschools.org/page/powerschool.
If you need any further information or assistance, please contact the school office.
Novedades sobre las libretas de calificaciones de los estudiantes
A partir del 3.º trimestre, CCPS dejará de enviar a casa las libretas de calificaciones impresas. Las libretas de calificaciones (intermedias y trimestrales) se enviarán por correo electrónico a los padres o tutores mediante el envÃo de documentos digitales de PowerSchool.
Consulte PowerSchool para verificar que su correo electrónico sea correcto o comunÃquese con la escuela para proporcionar su dirección de correo electrónico. La escuela se comunicará con los padres o tutores que no hayan proporcionado su correo electrónico para garantizar que no les falte información importante.
Además de recibir las libretas de calificaciones por correo electrónico, la información también estará disponible en el Portal de Padres PowerSchool en carolineschools.org/page/powerschool.
Si necesita más información o ayuda, comunÃquese con la oficina escolar.
DES Bus Lane Safety Reminders
Please do not pull into the bus lane (directly in front of DES) during our arrival and dismissal times:
If you are entering or exiting from the walker area, please do not walk directly out in front of our buses but wait until they completely exit the lot.
Thank you for helping us keep our bus drivers and students safe!
Attendance Information
An important message about attendance
Good attendance for your student begins on the first day of the school year.
Consider the following facts:
Chronic absenteeism may prevent children from reaching early milestones.
Chronically absent students have difficulty keeping up with the pace at which they are expected to learn and grow.
Students who are absent even a day or two every few weeks fall behind their peers.
Irregular attendance can be a better predictor of whether students will drop out before graduation than test scores.
Consistent, on-time attendance is a habit that lasts into adulthood.
In addition to wanting the best possible education for your child, we also closely monitor absences because Maryland law requires that children ages 5-18 attend school. Students may be withdrawn if not attending school regularly; students not enrolled or attending will be considered truant.
How Can Parents Encourage Good Attendance?
- Build good attendance habits early so children know that getting to school on time every day is important!
Set a regular bedtime & morning routine, laying out clothes and backpacks the night before.
Avoid scheduling appointments & trips when school is in session.
Don't let your child stay home unless he/she is truly sick.
Consider that sometimes a stomach ache or headache is a sign of anxiety. If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to the school about helpful resources.
Wellness Updates
Extra Clothing
Just in case...
Please consider putting an extra set of clothes in your child's backpack. In the event of a food spill or other accident this makes it easier to provide a quick solution!
CCPS Medication Policy
All medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter, including cough drops and ointments, must be kept in the health room with the exception of state mandated emergency medications. Medications must be brought to school by a parent or responsible adult, be in the original labeled container and must be accompanied by a Maryland State School Medication Administration Form signed by both the prescribing medical or dental provider and the parent or legal guardian. A new medication administration form is required at the beginning of each school year for each medication and each time there is a change in dosage or time of administration of a medication. Any medications remaining after the order is discontinued or at the end of the school year will be destroyed unless picked up by a parent or other responsible adult within the designated time frame.
Hearing and Vision Updates
Healthy vision and hearing is important for your child’s success in school. State law requires school systems to have students’ hearing and vision screened when they enter the school system for the first time and in the first grade. Hearing and vision screenings are scheduled to begin on 10/23/23.
Students who should not be included in the screenings include:
Those whose parents/guardians object in writing to the screenings on the grounds that it conflicts with the tenets and practice of a recognized church or religious denomination of which they are a member;
Those with known hearing loss, including but not limited to, students with cochlear implants or hearing aids; and
Those who present evidence of testing within the last year.
If your child falls into any of these categories or if you have any questions, please reach out to the school nurse directly at 410-479-2916 or via email at miller.rachel@ccpsstaff.org
Birthday Celebrations
23-24 Lunch Update
All Caroline County Public School students may eat breakfast and lunch free of charge this year, with no application needed. CCPS now participates in the Community Eligibility Provision, which allows free meals for all students in schools in low-income areas. There will still be a charge for extra items such as snacks. School menus may be found on the Caroline Schools, MD free mobile app and on all CCPS websites.
Communication Information
Parent Resources
DES Title I
DES is a Title I School receiving federal funds to improve instruction in math and reading.
Parents of students attending Title 1 schools may request information about the professional qualifications of their child's teachers. Parents of elementary students may request in writing to the school principal information about their child's teacher including:
* Any college or university degree or certification held.
* The subject area of the teacher's degree or certification.
* Whether the teacher is certified by the State of Maryland to teach a grade level or subject area.
* Whether the teacher holds a provisional certificate.
* Whether the child is served by paraprofessionals and, if so, parents may request their professional qualifications.
Principal Crebs
Email: crebs.sarah@ccpsstaff.org
Location: 303 Sharp Road, Denton, MD, USA
Phone: 410-479-1660
Assistant Principal Mrs. Lindsay Grow
Email: grow.lindsay@ccpsstaff.org