Wolf Tracks
Friday, Nov. 1
📆 Upcoming Dates and Events
Nov 1 & 2 - Sr. Volleyball Ardrossan Tournament; Elementary Volleyball Tournament (Bev Facey)
Nov. 5 - Gr. 2 Field Trip - TWOS
- Gr. 8 Learning Strat Field Trip - Skills Alberta
- Linking Generation Visit
- Post-Secondary & Career Fair - Grade 9 Families
Nov. 6 - Anything but a Backpack Day (Cash 4 Care)
- Early Dismissal 2:10pm
- Gr 6 Immunizations
- Gr. 9 Take Our Kids to Work Day
- Theme Day - Anything but a backpack
Nov. 7 - Rock Your Mocs - wear your Moccasins or slippers to school
Nov. 8 - Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30am
Nov. 10-16 - Métis Week
Nov. 11-15 - Fall Break - No School
Nov 18-22 - Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
Nov. 20 - School Council Meeting @ 6:30pm
Nov. 21 - Gr 6 Alberta Legislature trip
Nov. 26 - Linking Generations Visit
Nov. 27 - Gr 8 Field Trip - Citadel Theatre - A Christmas Carol
Nov. 29 - Report Cards
Check our school website for the most up-to-date information.
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Please join us for our annual Remembrance Day ceremony on November 8th at 10:30am. We would also like to invite any students who are in Girl Guides, Scouts or Cadets to dress in their uniforms for the occasion.
Take Our Kids to Work Day
On Wednesday, November 6, our grade 9 students will be participating in Take Our Kids to Work Day. Take Our Kids to Work Day offers families a great chance to connect with their kids, talk about potential career aspirations, learning about the goals, hopes, dreams and possibilities their student envisions for their future.
The goal of Take Our Kids to Work Day is to introduce students to the world of work and to help them begin thinking about their future careers. By engaging in this hands-on experience, students can connect what they learn in school with the real-world skills and competencies required in various jobs.
What career is of interest to your child?
We encourage parents and caregivers to arrange for their student to join them at their workplace, or connect them with a relative, neighbor, or friend who can provide a safe and educational experience. If your student is unable to participate through family connections, students should attend their regularly scheduled school day.
Here is the Official TOKTWD Video
If your child is participating in Take your kids to Work, please fill out this Permission Click form ahead of time.
Your Future: Post-Secondary and Career Fair
Grade 9 Students! Thinking about attending post-secondary school after graduation? Not sure on the career or sector? Plan to attend this year’s Your Future: Post-Secondary and Career Fair.
Event Details:
Date: Nov. 5, 2024
Time: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Strathcona County Agora
401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park
This event is highly recommended for all students in grades 9. Vendors include a full spectrum of post-secondary institutions, in addition to career and occupation-related programs and organizations.
Winter is here, and with it comes the great clothing mix-up! 🎿🧣 To prevent a fashion showdown in the Lost & Found, let’s label our kiddos' gear!
Because let’s face it, every child’s mittens look like they came from the same winter elf factory. If you find a rogue glove that looks suspiciously like yours, don’t panic! Just check for the secret code (a.k.a. your child’s name) and return it to its rightful owner.
So grab a permanent marker, some cute labels, or even a paint pen, and let’s make sure we don’t accidentally swap little Timmy’s bright orange hat with Lucy’s “I Love Unicorns” beanie!
Happy labeling, and may the odds of finding matching mittens be ever in your favor!
— The Winter Wardrobe Safety Patrol ❄️👶🧤
Guide to Reporting School Achievement and School Education Plan
Read our Guide to Reporting Student Achievement and School Education Plan
The Guide to Reporting Student Achievement (GRSA) and School Education Plan (SEP) for the 2024-25 school year are available now! The GRSA explains how we assess student achievement, how we determine grades and more. The SEP details our school goals for the year—with key strategies and measures in achieving these outcomes. You can access our GRSA and SEP through the two corresponding Quick Links on our homepage: https://www.lakelandridge.ca/
Regulation Practice - Clench & Release
Our Wellness Wednesday regulation practice for next week will be Clench and Release. Start from the top of your body, clenching your face, hands and abdomen and hold for 10 seconds (try to hold your breath as well). Release after the 10 seconds and breathe out. Try this again 3 times (10 seconds in between each clench and release). Here is what you should look like!
This is an example of a body grounding activity. Body grounding activities are beneficial for students as they help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance emotional regulation.
To try out previous week's regulation strategies, check out the Regulation Strategies page on our school website.
Lakeland Ridge School Spirit Wear!
Our school wide fall spirit wear clothing store is now open. Please check it out at: https://lakelandridgespirit2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Special 20th anniversary items available as well, show your school pride and help celebrate Lakeland’s anniversary.
The ordering deadline is November 8th.
Any questions regarding the order, please reach out to Rob Fisher rob.fisher@eips.ca
Cash for Care
With the recent fires in Jasper, and elsewhere in Alberta and BC, hitting home with so many of our families, we have selected this year's Cash4Care organization to be Alberta Wildfires Appeal, run through the Red Cross (https://give.redcross.ca/page/24AWA).
Leadership classes will help promote Cash4Care each month for each Early Out theme days. Cash donations will be collected after announcements on early out days.
Indigenous November newsletter
Sunridge Ski Fieldtrip
Grades 4, 5, 6, 7
As part of the physical education program, all Lakeland Ridge grade 4, 5, 6 and 7 students have the opportunity to spend a day at Sunridge Ski Area in Edmonton. This winter, students will board a bus on January 21, 2025 at 8:45 am for Sunridge Ski Area and return to the school at 3:00 pm. Please sign into ParentPortal, select your Gr 4, 5, 6, 7 student, select Fees, scroll down to School Items, select Sunridge Ski Fieldtrip – January 21, 2025 complete and submit.
In order to provide Sunridge Ski Area with our fieldtrip details this fee form needs to be completed by October 31, 2024.
Permission Click fieldtrip forms will be sent out closer to the fieldtrip.
Alberta Mental Health Caregiver Sessions
Click the picture for more information
School Fees
School Fees for the 2024-25 school year have been added to student accounts. Please log in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, go to “Student Fees” to view and pay these fees. Fees are due within 30 days of being assessed. Fee payments can be made online via the PowerSchool Parent Portal using Visa, MasterCard. Fee payments can be made in person at Lakeland Ridge School office using Debit, Cash, Cheque, Visa, MasterCard. If you require assistance accessing your ParentPortal account, contact the school at 780-416-9018.
If circumstances exist where you are unable to pay your school fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived by submitting an Application for a Waiver of Fees.
Applications for Waiver for Fees form is due to Elk Island Public Schools Treasurer by December 16, 2024. Past due amounts will be sent to Collections.
For more information about school fees, waivers, and payment deadlines visit eips.ca.
Remember to order your Lakeland Ridge 2024-2025 Yearbook!!
Log in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, go to “Student Fees” , scroll down to bottom page under School Items, Select and pay.
Did you purchase a yearbook for the 2023-24 school year? Our vendor is currently producing them and we should receive them any day! We will distribute them to all students who purchased one.
Contact Us
Email: general.llr@eips.ca
Website: https://www.lakelandridge.ca/
Location: 101 Crimson Drive, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-416-9018
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lakeland-Ridge-School-1490402014609661
Instagram: @LakelandRidgeWolves