Partee General News
Partee Elementary Parent Newsletter - December 2024
December Events
12/12 - Winter Wonderland Concert
12/19 - Winter Classroom Parties
12/20 - PBIS Celebration
12/20 - End of the Semester
12/23 - 1/3 - Winter Break
Principal's Message
The winter break is approaching quickly. The holiday season is a great time to reflect on our blessings and think of ways to impact and connect with others. I've said this before, but feel that is important to repeat. I am grateful for an amazing school where students can come to learn and grow daily. I am also grateful for the gift of a wonderful staff and teachers who give many countless hours of their day to provide students with a quality instructional experience. I am very appreciative of our extremely supportive parents and community who support and partner with Partee Elementary. Have a wonderful winter break!
Even though our weather can be fickle, please make sure that your child/children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, etc. are needed when the temperature drops really low. Make sure your child's/children's names are inside of their personal items so they don't get lost. Contact the Parent Center if you need support with any of these items.
Thank you for your continued support! Have a wonderful winter break.
Generals Salute,
Mrs. Clowers
Congratulations to Mrs. Barnes
Mrs. Barnes has worked at Partee for 10 years as a classroom teacher, Instructional Coach, and Assistant Principal. I am excited to share that Ms. Barnes was recently named Coordinator of Federal Programs. Ms. Barnes will transition to her new role on January 6th. We thank her for her time , dedication, and the love she has shown to the Partee Community over the years. We wish her the best and will miss her!
Media Center
Thank you to everyone who supported the Scholastic Book Fair! With your help, we raised over $2000 for our school library. This money will go towards buying new books, our annual student book giveaway via the BookMobile, and a special author visit from Patrice McLaurin (author of Have You Thanked a Kidventor Today?)
As we wind down for the winter break, please don't forget to visit our friends at the Centerville Branch of Gwinnett County Public Library. They are a great place to hang out and get new books during your time of rest and relaxation.
DeAnna Espinoza
Media Specialist
Class Parties
Holiday Classroom Parties
Thursday, December 19
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Thank you for your donations for the classroom parties.
- Only store bought items can be brought in for the parties.
- Unfortunately, we can not accept homemade goodies.
- Classroom teachers will communicate specific details.
Winter Wonderland Concert
Lost and Found
Lost & Found items are located outside of our cafeteria. Please ask your child to check the lost and found if he/she is missing any items. Any items that have not been picked up by December 20th will be donated.
Counselor's Corner
Attendance is vital in a student's success. Please remember to send in absent notes explaining your child's absences.
Ms. Kitchen and Ms. Orokunle
School Counselors
The Family Engagement Center
- Happy Holidays to all of our Partee families! Lots of resources can be found in the Family Engagement Center to support learning at home. Please stop by the Family Engagement Center so you can help your student(s). We look forward to seeing you! Feel free to call if I can help with anything.
Ms. Deborah Bridges
Family and Community Engagement Coordinator
Parent Outreach Liaison
Partee Elementary School
From the Clinic
As always, thank you for the awesome clinic donations thus far. It is greatly appreciated. The clinic is always in need of supplies. If you would like to donate monetarily to the clinic, you can go to My Payments Plus and click Partee ES Clinic Supply Contribution. If you have any clothes to donate, please feel free to drop them off to the clinic.
Just a Friendly Reminder:
Our school policy states that you should not send your child to school if he/she has:
- Fever – student must be fever free for 24 hours prior to returning to school without fever reducer medication.
- Vomiting – student must be vomit free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
- Diarrhea – student must be diarrhea free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
- Chills, Sore throat
- Strep throat (must have been taking an antibiotic for at least 24 hours prior to returning to school.
- Bad cold, with a very runny nose or bad cough, especially if it has kept the child awake at night.
If your child becomes ill at school, you will be called to pick him/her up from school. It is essential that your child’s teacher has a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached
In ParentVUE you view enrollment records and progress:
- See attendance records.
- Review academic progress and grades.
- Check class schedules and course history.
- See graduation requirements and status.
- Translate information into your preferred language.
- See records for all your children at any GCPS school with a single login.
Helpful Links
January Events
1/6 - Students return to school
1/17 - Report cards mailed home
1/20 - MLK Holiday (No School)
1/24 - Award's Day (more information to come)