Welcome to the Lion Pride!
Let's Get Rolling, 2024 - 2025!
HELLO from Mr. Hoheisel
Hello Lions!
As we welcome November, the cooler days remind us that winter is just around the corner. Here are a few updates and reminders to help keep everyone informed and prepared:
Dress for the Weather
- Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the colder temperatures. Layers work best, and a warm coat, hat, gloves, and scarf can make a big difference during outdoor activities and recess. We’ll continue to go outside as often as possible, so it's essential that our students stay warm and comfortable. If you need any support with winter items, please reach out.
Upcoming Events
- We'll be wrapping up our TeamUp fundraiser on Thursday, November 7th.
- RED Event on Thursday, November 14th at 2:30 pm.
- This month, we look forward to our Turkey Bingo on Thursday, November 21st.
Health and Safety
- With the flu season upon us, let’s work together to keep our school healthy. Please encourage regular handwashing and remind students to cover their mouths and noses when they cough or sneeze. Keeping students home when they are unwell also helps maintain a healthy school environment.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy November!
Warm regards,
Mr. Hoheisel
- 3rd - Day Light Savings time - Set Your Clocks Back One Hour
- 5th - Orchestra Rehearsal 7:45 - 8:15 AM
- 6th - Early Release 1:30 PM
- 7th - Last Day of TEAMUP Fundraiser
- 11th - NO SCHOOL (Veterans Day Holiday)
- 12th - PTO Meeting 6:30 PM
- 12th - Orchestra Rehearsal 7:45 - 8:15 AM
- 14th - Red Event 2:30 - 3:00
- 15th - End of Trimester 1
- 19th - Orchestra Rehearsal 7:45 - 8:15 AM
- 20th - Early Release 1:30 PM
- 21st - L&C Turkey Bingo
- 25th - L&C Band Rehearsals
- 26th - Favorite Character/Costume Day
- 26th - Orchestra Rehearsal 7:45 - 8:15 AM
- 27th - NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Holiday)
- 28th - NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Holiday)
- 29th - NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Holiday)
- 2nd - L&C Band Rehearsals 7:50 - 8:20 AM
- 3rd - Orchestra Rehearsal 7:45 - 8:15 AM
- 4th - Early Release 1:30 PM
- 6th - Report Cards Sent Home
- 9th - L&C Band Rehearsal 7:50 - 8:20 AM
- 10th - Orchestra Rehearsal 7:45 - 8:15 AM
- 10th - 5th Grade Program 6:30 PM
- 13th - Red Event 8:30 - 9:00 AM
- 16th - 20th (Spirit Week)
- 16th - Superhero Day
- 16th - L&C Band Rehearsal 7:50 - 8:20 AM
- 16th - Winter Band Concert 3rd, 4th, & 5th 6:30 PM
- 17th - Neon Day
- 18th - Infinity and Beyond Day
- 19th - Dress Like a Grown-Up Day
- 20th - Comfy Day
- 20th - Happy Camper in the L&C parking lot
- 23rd - January 1st - NO SCHOOL
- 2nd - School Resumes
Please go to shop.teamupevent.com/lewisandclark/register to sign your student up for the fundraiser.
Message From Early Childhood
Happiest November Early Childhood Friends,
November is here whether we are ready or not. It is the time to be thankful and remember all the little things that bring us joy.
The sound of a child's laughter brings me immense joy. It is one of my many glimmers (opposite of triggers) in life. As we gain a wonderful hour of sleep back I hope you look for the glimmers that surround you everyday!
November's newsletter looks at two new types of play and early eye tracking. Please feel free to share, use, print to anyone that might find it useful.
November Lunch Menu
🚨 Free and Reduced Meals 🚨
- Lewis & Clark is a Title 1 school that receives government funding to support the academic advancement of our students. The amount of funding we receive is determined by the percentage of our students who qualify for free or reduced priced meals.
- In order to ensure that Lewis & Clark continues to receive Title 1 funding, I am asking all families, regardless of your income, to please take the time to fill out the application for free and reduced meals. The application will be sent home with your child and can also be found here: Link to Free & Reduced Priced Meals Information
Notes & Reminders
Snacks & Allergies
School Snacks:
Some teachers schedule a snack time during the school day. You are not required to provide a snack for your child. However, if you do, please send snacks in accordance with the following Nutrition Standards outlined in the Grand Forks Public School District Wellness Policy.
Snacks should include a nutrition label
Sugar is not the first ingredient (Different names for sugar: brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, glucose, honey, fruit juice concentrate, high fructose corn syrup, invert sugar, lactose maltose, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, syrup)
- Candy is not allowed
All snacks are peanut and nut free
Any fruit or vegetable is allowable
Yogurt and cheese are allowable (with freezer pack to keep cool)
Plain water in any size is allowable
Snacks that contain or may contain peanuts or other nuts (for peanut and tree nut restricted schools), do not fall within the nutrition standards listed above, and/or do not have a nutrition label, will be sent home with your child.
Peanut/Nut Free School:
- When sending a snack or packing a lunch, please remember to check labels to make sure it does not contain or have traces of peanuts/nuts.
Birthday Treats & Invitations:
Due to food allergies, we no longer celebrate student birthdays with a “birthday snack” in our schools. Parents are welcome to find other non-food items to send to school if they wish. Please discuss with your child’s classroom teacher for ideas or preferences.
Teachers will not assist in the distribution of birthday invitations in the event that a student would be left out. If the classroom teacher creates a classroom directory, please utilize that for sending invitations through the mail.
Special Dietary Needs Information
Special Dietary Needs Form
Wellness Policy:
- In accordance with the Grand Forks Public School Wellness Policy #6175 we strive to be superior in our nutrition standards. This means that no fast food or other restaurant food is allowed in the lunchroom for either student or parent.
1:1 Student Devices
- Students at Grand Forks Public Schools will be issued a student learning device. Kindergarten–2nd grade students will receive an iPad, while students in grades 3-12 will be issued a Chromebook.
- With these digital learning tools comes a variety of information for our families. Please carefully review the attachments for information on: the Acceptable Use Policy, Receiving, caring for, using, and returning the learning device,the Device Use Pledge, the Device Protection Plan (DPP), and Internet connectivity.
- This online portal can be used to purchase chromebook cases, device protection plans, and Chromebook cases. Check out this link for more information www.myschoolbucks.com.
Breakfast & Arrival Info
Morning Options:
- Breakfast: 7:40-8:20 (door #1 or #4)
- Waiting Outside: supervision will be provided at 8:00 am for students waiting outside their assigned arrival doors.
Students eating breakfast may arrive no earlier than 7:40 AM and can enter through the main entrance, Door #1 (if walking or biking) or if you will be dropping your children off in a vehicle, please use our drive-through lane and drop them off at Door #4 in the parking lot.
Door #2 will be utilized by staff only. When families use this door, it often causes congestion in the parking lot. So please pull all the way forward using the drive through lanes and use door #4 for breakfast.
If your child will not be eating breakfast at school, plan to arrive as close to 8:20 as possible and wait by door #1. We will have designated spaces for students to line up when the bell rings.
Dismissal Info
Dismissal Doors:
- Door 1: Carsen, Muus, Storbakken, Gierszewski & Lovelace
- Door 5: Fick, Mattice, Ellingson, Eriksmoen, & Hagadorn
Parking Options:
Our parking lot has two lanes of traffic. Lane 1, closest to the building on the right, is for drop off and pick up only. The left lane, Lane 2, is a lane for continuous drive-through traffic; vehicles in Lane 2 are not allowed to stop.
In order to ensure traffic flows safely in all lanes, PLEASE REMAIN IN YOUR VEHICLE. If you wish to exit your vehicle, you will need to park at Elks Pool. Safety is always our first priority.
Families CANNOT pull up and stop by our main entrance on 13th Avenue South to drop off or pick up students. Stopping on 13th Avenue South blocks the crosswalk, causes congestion, and puts our students in danger. If you choose to park on 13th, you must park on the south side of the street, remain in your vehicle, and have your child utilize the crosswalk.
- If you would like to drive through our parking lot to pick up your child, please plan to use our pick-up lane along the north wing of the building. School staff will be on hand to assist our students to safely get into their cars at the end of each school day.
Signing a Student In/Out
- Please call the office at 701.746.2285 or buzz at door #1 (flagpole).
- In the office, please sign your child out and check the box if they will be returning for the day.
- When arriving late, you will sign your child in and the office will provide your student with a late slip to give to their teacher, as well as may be marked tardy (dependent on the reason for being late).
- When informing a teacher about an absence, please also check in with the office to ensure your child is coded correctly in PowerSchool.
- Attendance Line: 701.746.2287 or Main Office 701.746.2285
Resources for Families
Lewis and Clark's school social worker and counselor are here to support and be a resource for any and all families at any time during the school year.
- School Social Worker: Miss Claire Glines (cglines180@mygfschools.org)
- School Counselor: Miss Angie Byzewski (abyzewski050@mygfschools.org)