Tamarack Elementary
News from the Lodge March 2024 #2
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Spring Break is around the corner!
Hello Tamarack Families,
I hope this finds you smiling. Welcome to our new families as well, we have several new students joining us since the last newsletter, welcome!
It is going to be a beautiful weekend (crossing my fingers that stays true!), bringing lots of sunshine! I know I'm ready for a change in weather and hope your family is able to get out and enjoy it. Below you will find information about a Hillsboro Hops Reading Program for Spring Break. Also your child may ask to work on a family recipe with you. We will be sharing recipes from each family on April 18th, see below for more details. We will also send home a flier.
April 18th @ 5:30pm-7pm Additionally, please consider offering the opportunity to learn from your family: We invite you to come celebrate the heritage, culture and traditions of our Tamarack Community through an open house of sharing! If you can partner with us and share your heritage by hosting a table please contact Nidhi Choudhary choudhan@hsd.k12.or.us
* ¡Te invitamos a venir a celebrar la herencia, la cultura y las tradiciones de nuestra comunidad de Tamarack a través de una jornada de puertas abiertas para compartir! Si puede asociarse con nosotros y compartir su herencia organizando una mesa, comuníquese con Nidhi Choudhary choudhan@hsd.k12.or.us
Also, another plea to try and have your student(s) in their classroom by 8am when we take attendance. We average about 40 students late/day and those first few minutes of greeting each other and setting up the day are important. We also have tight schedules around supervision, and staff start moving to their next scheduled assignment at 8am. I truly appreciate your help 🙂
Hope you have an amazing Spring Break (no school March 25th-29th)!
Leadership Hillsboro learning about OMSI @ Tamarack!
4th grade teaches Stop Motion Animation
Hillsboro Hops Home Runs for Reading Program-schoolwide Spring Break Challenge!
Check your child's backpack for the Hillsboro Hops Home Runs for Reading Program! Your child will be bringing home a log next week to track the number of hours read (or co read w/ support) for a chance to win prizes! Including a classroom visit from Barley and a free ticket to a 2024 Hillsboro Hop Baseball Game! This is a daily minute count and a great time to get your library card handy and check out some books! I look forward to celebrating the number of minutes Tamarack reads as a whole when we return from break. I will be announcing the challenge at our March assembly and sending logs home Thursday the 21st/ Friday the 22nd. Thank you for partnering with us over break to support literacy skills!
Preschool & Kindergarten for the 2024 School Year
Still optimistic!😊 but I do not have any updates for preschool yet...
Our preschools are grant funded and are coordinated by our Early Learning Team at the District Office: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/Page/148
I should have more information in April and will communicate as soon as I do.
Our Kindergarten Orientation will take place on May 16th at 5:30pm; here are a link to the our slides: Tamarack Kinder Orientation 24-25 Registration is Open! https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/kindergarten
Can’t wait to meet the next team of Otters!
Dates for your calendar
Link to full list of District PAC & Family Engagement Dates
- 25th-29th: No School - Spring Break- Please support your students with our Hillsboro Hops Reading Challenge!
- 8th: After School Clubs resume! email your teacher or the fornt office with questions
- 11th: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
- 12th: No School
- 18th: Coffee w/the Principal @ 8:10 Room 126 front office
- 18th: Tamarack Family Night: Celebration of Our Community @ 5:30-7:30pm w/ food trucks & talent show more information to come!
- 26th: Tamarack 4,5,6th grade Family Social
- 7th-10th: 6th grade Outdoor School at Camp Merriwether
- 9th: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
- 16th: Tamarack Kindergarten Orientation @ 5:30-6:30pm Gym
- 23rd: Coffee w/the Principal @ 8:10 Room 126 front office
- 24th: Tamarack Otter Fun Run-family fundraiser & health event (all day)
- 12th: 6th grade Promotion Ceremony @ 8:15 am Gym
- 13th: Last Day of School, early release @ 11:20 (lunch served K-6)