Highlander Happenings
May 17, 2024
Thomas McKean High School
Principal's Corner
McKean School Community,
As we conclude the school year, I want to remind all of our families to be on the lookout for important communications around the end-of-year deadlines and dates. Along with our Highlander happenings there is an abundance of information shared through our social media platforms and our "class of" pages on Schoology for students. As a follow-up to Teacher Appreciation Week, we wanted to thank the McKean PTO, Sunshine Club, and culinary group for providing refreshments for our teachers. The staff appreciated the treats and offered their sincere thanks! It was also School Nurse Day last Wednesday, and we thank Nurse Hoffman and Nurse Cunningham for all that they do to keep the Highlander community safe and healthy!
We A.R.E McKean!
McKean PTO Invitation
Attention McKean Parents and Guardians
We are excited to invite you to be a part of something extraordinary – our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)! The PTO plays a crucial role in enhancing the educational experience for our children and fostering a strong sense of community within our school.
Join a community of dedicated parents, teachers, and staff who share a common goal – creating a positive and enriching environment for our students.
How Can You Get Involved? 👉 Attend PTO Meetings: Join us for informative and engaging meetings where we discuss upcoming events, fundraising opportunities, and collaborative projects.
Together, we can create a vibrant and supportive community that empowers our students to thrive.
InvitaciĂłn a la reuniĂłn del PTO de McKean
Estimados padres y tutores de McKean:
Espero que este mensaje te encuentre bien. Nos complace invitarlo a nuestra prĂłxima reuniĂłn de la OrganizaciĂłn de Padres y Maestros (PTO), donde discutiremos asuntos importantes relacionados con la comunidad escolar.
We want to hear from our Highlander Families!
We are asking you to complete a survey to help us learn what parents and guardians think about McKean High School. Your thoughts and opinions are very important. Through this survey, we will use your experiences and opinions to help us build on our strengths and work to make improvements.
The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and can be accessed by computer or cellphone. If you have more than one child in this school, please complete the survey with one child’s experiences in mind.
Queremos saber de nuestras familias Highlander.
Le estamos pidiendo a usted que complete una encuesta sobre McKean High School para que nos ayude a saber que piensan los padres, madres y guardianes sobre nuestra escuela. Sus pensamientos e ideas son muy importantes. A través de esta encuesta, utilizaremos sus experiencias y opiniones para ayudarnos a desarrollar las áreas en buen funcionamiento y trabajar para mejor las débiles.
Solo le tomará 15 minutos para completar la encuesta. Si usted tiene más de un niño/a en esta escuela, por favor complete la encuesta basándose solamente en las experiencias de uno de sus hijos/as.
Para acceder a la versiĂłn HOME de la Encuesta Clima Escolar de Delaware
Important Dates
May 2024
- Monday, May 20th- Senior Chromebook collection
- Monday, May 20th-Thursday, May 23rd: Senior Final Exams
- Thursday, May 23rd - Spring Instrumental Band Concert - Gus Highfield Audion - 6pm
- Friday, May 24th- Final Day for Seniors
- Wednesday, May 29th- Underclassperson Chromebook collection
- Thursday, May 30th- MANDATORY rehearsal for all graduates @7:45am
- Thursday, May 30th- Senior Awards
- Thursday, May 30th- Senior Picnic
June 2024
- Saturday, June 1st: McKean Graduation @9AM
- Friday, June 7th- Final Day For Underclassmen
Class Advisor Information
Class of 2024
Graduation is right around the corner. Have you...
Gotten your cap and gown?
Completed all of your obligations?
Told your guardians dates and times for the big day?
Figured out what is up next?
Class of 2025
A reminder for families of rising seniors in the class of 2025 – Class of 2025 senior portraits will be taking place by appointment only in the Auxiliary Gym on the following dates this upcoming week, Please use this link to schedule your appointments or any other questions use this information
6/20, 7/11, 10/18, 10/31-11/1
Here is the contact information for customer care service Legacy Studios
• Call: 716-512-6336
• Email: customercare@legacystudios.com
• Chat: https://seniors.legacystudios.com
Class of 2026
Don’t forget about your class dues - $20
Please contact Ms. Marchak with questions
Class of 2024
Class of 2025
Academic Updates
Early College Academy
Red Clay Consolidated School District is growing the Early College Academy partnership with our neighbor Goldey-Beacom College! More information will come for this opportunity to attend college classes at GBC and earn college credit while enrolled at Thomas McKean High School. Click the photo to the right for more information! Please contact Mr. Downes with questions.
AVID Corner
What is AVID?
AVID’s mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society. This is done by a schoolwide approach to teaching and learning styles, as well as, supported by identified students who are in the AVID elective to raise their rigor and access to higher education opportunities. We will be sharing out more AVID information monthly – see where are some of our AVID Alumni now in the linked slide show. Please contact Ms. Brandi Mycoff with any questions regarding AVID at McKean!
Members of the Thomas McKean AVID site team has now offered two after school professional developments that focus on different AVID teaching strategies. These strategies are being shared to staff members to maintain student engagement and success in the classroom. Professional developments have been in the areas of Socratic seminars, interactive notebooks, reading strategies, World Café’s, and Focused Note taking.
AVID Field Day 2024
The annual AVID field day!
Red Clay's Side-by-Side Program
Do you enjoy working with young children? Are you looking for steady employment after high school? Any senior interested in learning more about becoming a classroom paraprofessional after high school is invited to attend an informational session on April 17th. The sign-up link can be found on the Class of 2024 Schoology Page. If more information is needed regarding this matter, please see Dr. Galloway.
Attention Current 10th Graders - Are you interested in a career in Health Care?
Greetings Class of 2026!!!
Are you interested in learning more about the Patient Care Assistant Pathway at Delaware Technical Community College?
I invite you to sign up to learn more about this wonderful and exciting opportunity.
Sign up by using the Delaware Tech Patient Care Assistant Informational Session Link on the Class of 2026 Schoology Page or see Dr. Galloway in Room C3C.
Little Highlanders Graduation
The Little Highlanders had their 2024 Graduation on Tuesday, May 14th. Thank you to the leadership of Mrs. Gonzon and the early childhood educational class!
Highlander Athletics
Fall Sports 2024 and Finishing Spring 2024
Make sure you have scheduled your DIAA physical for the fall!
Football - Avery McMullin
Boys Soccer - Mike Freccia
Cheerleading - Holly Schnittger
Cross Country - Gavin Coates
Field Hockey- Anna Petrucci
Unified Flag Football - Jaxon Brown
Volleyball- Nettie Choice
Marching Band - Kevin Reeves
Spring Sports are coming to a close!
Amazing job to all of our teams and coaches!
Please visit HighlandersSports.com for information about Highlander Athletics!
Athletic Eligibility at McKean High School
1) McKean Sportsmanship Policy
- Students must attend a presentation on Sportsmanship with Ms. Dukuray
- All students must sign McKean Sportsmanship Contract prior to competing in games/practices. Form can be found on the bottom left of the Highlanderssports.com page under Forms.
2) DIAA Physical
- Students must have a DIAA physical on file with the school to be eligible for practices, scrimmages, and games.
- Physicals must be completed on the approved DIAA Physical Forms.
- Physicals must be completed after April 1st of the year that the school year begins.
- Physicals may be uploaded to Family ID or submitted to the school nurse.
3) Academic Eligibility
- Academic eligibility is determined each marking period.
- Students must be passing 5 classes to be eligible to participate in athletic activities.
- 2 of the 5 classes must be in the core subject areas: Math, Science, English, or Social Studies.
- Seniors must also be passing all classes needed for graduation.
Athletic Director Updates
- After-school buses are reserved for active roster student-athletes only. NO STUDENT FANS PERMITTED
- Highlander Sportsmanship is expected from all athletes, student fans, and family fans at all sporting events. All Highlanders are expected to adhere to the codes of conduct set forth by Thomas McKean High School, Red Clay Consolidated School District, and the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association.
Climate and Culture
A Message from Principal Downes
Highlander Families,
The end of the year is quickly approaching and there are some events upcoming, we need to provide some information and direction on expectations. Please read and process the following information.
We want to provide a some gentle reminders to everyone regarding the following policies below, while summer weather is finally here:
Dress Code:
Students must wear clothing including both a shirt with pants or skirt, or the equivalent.
The torso must be covered and undergarments must not be visible.
Students must wear shoes with a sole.
Hats and other head coverings are not to be worn in schools except in cases of medical, and religious reasons.
Clothing May Not
Depict, advertise or advocate the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances.
Depict pornography, nudity or sexual acts.
Share or depict hate speech.
Depict violence or threaten the health or safety of any other student or staff member.
See page 15 of the Student Handbook for more information.
Any families dropping or picking up Students need to be aware about the designated drop-off and pick-up procedures to ensure the safety and efficiency of our school community.
All Students being picked up or dismissed early from our building must provide consent from only listed Parent/Guardian in our system. We will not allow any students to leave without consent/permission from appropriate legal appointed guardians.
Upper Lot Usage:
All parent drop-off and pickup activities are to take place exclusively in the upper parking lot. This area has been designated for these purposes to streamline traffic flow and enhance the safety of our students.
No Entry to Bus Lane:
Please refrain from entering the bus lane for any drop-off or pickup activities. The bus lane is reserved for school buses and needs to remain clear to facilitate the smooth and safe flow of school transportation.
Safety First:
By adhering to these guidelines, we collectively contribute to the safety and well-being of all students, parents, and staff. Your cooperation in following these procedures is greatly appreciated.
After School Activities, Clubs, Sports, and Other Event Expectations:
For any and all students attending any After-School activities are to abide by the Red Clay Student and Family handbook, whether at McKean campus or any other school campus.
The Student and Family handbook is enforced at all school-sponsored events and other activities where school administrators have jurisdiction over students.
Any student who actively hinders an investigation or any student who aids, is involved with the planning, or helps another student in any way in an act which violates the Student Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action.
Students can be subject to be revocation or loss of privileges at any time being unable to attend any After-School activities violating the Code of Conduct.
After School Activities, Clubs, Sports, and Other Event Expectations:
For any and all students attending any After-School activities are to abide by the Red Clay Student and Family handbook, whether at McKean campus or any other school campus.
The Student and Family handbook is enforced at all school-sponsored events and other activities where school administrators have jurisdiction over students.
Any student who actively hinders an investigation or any student who aids, is involved with the planning, or helps another student in any way in an act which violates the Student Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action.
Students can be subject to be revocation or loss of privileges at any time being unable to attend any After-School activities violating the Code of Conduct.
After School Activities, Clubs, Sports, and Other Event Expectations
For any and all students attending any After-School activities are to abide by the Red Clay Student and Family handbook, whether at McKean campus or any other school campus.
- The Student and Family handbook is enforced at all school-sponsored events and other activities where school administrators have jurisdiction over students.
- Any student who actively hinders an investigation or any student who aids, is involved with the planning, or helps another student in any way in an act which violates the Student Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action.
- Students can be subject to be revocation or loss of privileges at any time being unable to attend any After-School activities violating the Code of Conduct.
We A.R.E. On Time
We would like to stress the importance of on time arrival to both school and every class this year. As a team, we are ramping up interventions and supports, as well as consequences and celebrations, for students around on time arrival to class. Attendance interventions have been designed to help all students maximize their learning time by incentivizing being on time, and we have a team dedicated to addressing any challenges students face with tardiness to school and class. Students that arrive to class late will not be eligible for hall/bathroom passes during the period.
Highlander Highlights
Veterinary Medical Applications Certification
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
Please congratulate the following students who were voted into the National Honor Society by the faculty council based on their service, leadership, scholarship, and character. The induction ceremony was held Thursday May 16th
- Carlene Sowden
- Makayla Eubanks
- Taliya Hayman
- Michael Hernandez
- Jesus Lopez Rico
- Haydn Orr
- Ma’zzine Thomas
- Lizbeth Tovar-Lemus
- Olivia Barnes
- Holden Bickford
- Vaughn Brooks
- Grace Starrett
Annual Spring Choir Concert
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week was May 6th-May 10th. The wonderful administration and PTO treated the staff to donuts, popcorn, fun treats, and an amazing cooler backpack! Thursday, May 9th, the Culinary department made delicious tacos and dessert!