Fife High News
updates for our school community
1/16/20 Vol. VII
Fife At A Glance
Principal's Community Message: What Inspired Dr. King
This week we are celebrating the life and influence of Martin Luther King jr. During our recent winter vacation I had the chance to visit the National Historical Reconstruction Era National Park and Museum in South Carolina. This is the site of one of the first schools in the United States for freed slaves following the Civil War. On my tour of the grounds I came across the house pictured above. Dr. King stayed in this home, and this reportedly is where he wrote much of the I Have a Dream Speech. He was inspired by the very sites that I stood looking at, and I was emotionally moved from the realization that from such a humble and unassuming place came words that changed America and positively impacted so many people's lives. It was surreal walking the park taking it all in, and I had a moment of pride being an educator. When the Civil War ended teachers from all around the country converged on this school to do their part to begin the formal education of African Americans in the South. These teachers were heroes, and I am convinced Dr. King came to this site to gain inspiration from this legacy as he crafted some of the most important words ever spoken. Lets all be reminded, yet again, that education is life changing and is truly a gift that we can't take for granted.
Brandon Bakke
We are THRILLED to welcome Antonio McLemore to Fife Friday as our keynote speaker for our MLK Assembly.
Antonio is a sought-after motivational speaker, as well as an influential keynote speaker for character development, social and emotional learning, and professional development. His service in character development has lead him to travel to New York City, Kolkata, India, and Los Angeles, CA.
Antonio is committed to Tacoma-based program initiatives with a focus on community engagement, sustainability strategies, team building, and local/regional network development. He also works with multiple different area schools in the Tacoma area helping students develop character and positive behavior habits.
His message and aspiration is to inspire people to discover their inner greatness. He believes every person has a genius inside, and this is why the student to Teacher/Mentor relationship serves a consequential role in cultivating the character that will sustain every student's genius.
We are excited to have him speaking with us Friday!
Juniors and Seniors: Take the ACT during the School day! Sign Up!
This Week at Fife!
Unified Basketball Season Underway
Governor Inslee Honor's Junior Brynna Nixon
Court Is In Session
Family Honor Service: Thank you Fife Community!
Coming Events!
No School Reminder!
No School Monday 1/27 (Staff Enrichment Day)
Final Exams! Special Early Release Schedule
Thursday, January 23
Schedule D Sem 1 Finals Schedule/ Periods 1-3
1st per 7:40-8:40 (60 min testing block)
2nd per 8:50-9:50 (60 min testing block)
3rd per 10:00-11:00 (60 min testing block)
Friday, January 24
Schedule D Sem 1 Finals Schedule/ Periods 4-6
4th per 7:40-8:40 (60 min testing block)
5th per 8:50-9:50 (60 min testing block)
6th per 10:00-11:00 (60 min testing block)
Parents & Community, join us at the Booster Auction 2020!
District Science and Technology Showcase!
When: February 6 | 6-8 PM
Where: Columbia Junior High
Look Ahead Overview:
NOTE: Home Varsity Athletic Events Listed
1/17 - Friday-Schedule B
FFA @ ShoWare
MLK Assembly During Flex
1/20 - Monday-MLK No School
G Basketball v Riverridge 7pm
1/21 - Tuesday-Schedule B
B Swim 3:30pm
1/22 - Wednesday-Schedule B
AVID Site Team @ 2:30
B Basketball v Foss 7pm
1/23 - Thursday-Schedule D
Sem 1 Finals per 1-3
1/24 - Friday-Schedule D
Sem 1 Finals per 4-6
G Basketball v Steilacoom 7pm
1/27 - Monday: No School!
School Board Mtg 6pm
Wrestling 5:30pm
1/28 - Tuesday Schedule Special:
Day 1 Semester 2
Students report to Family to start the day
1/29 - Wednesday-Schedule B
Hoopin 4 Heroes Special Olympics 5pm
1/30 - Thursday-Schedule B
B Swim v Lindbergh 3pm
1/31 - Friday-Schedule B
B Basketball v CP 7pm
Fife High School
Email: tgieck@fifeschools.com
Website: https://fhs.fifeschools.com/
Location: 5616 20th St E, Fife, WA, USA
Phone: 253-891-5500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fifehigh/
Twitter: @fifeHSTrojans