Anglo European School
Bulletin w/c 25th November 2024 - Week 2
Ex-student David Abraham visits the Sixth Form
We were delighted to welcome back ex-student, David Abraham to visit our current Sixth Form students. Since leaving the Anglo, David has had a distinguished career in the media industry, working for Channel 4, the Discovery Channel and Wonderhood Studios. He spoke about the importance of resilience, following your passions and seeking opportunities in emerging industries. He also shared his career journey and gave valuable insights to students aspiring to work in similar industries in the future. David then talked about the future of the media industry, given its current challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence. Many students asked David questions at the end of his presentation, and spoke of how they valued hearing from him. We invite a range of speakers to present to Sixth Form students in our Tutor Period hour and look forward to future speakers from the fields of real estate, technology and international business in weeks to come.
Mandarin Excellence Programme Confucius Classroom Event
Year 9 Mandarin Excellence Programme (MEP) students from Beckett Keys, Dartford Grammar, and Simon Langton joined our own Year 9 MEP students at Anglo for a fun-filled carousel of Chinese activities. Throughout the day, students practiced their stances and forms in a Kung Fu (功夫) workshop and created beautiful artwork in the Blow Painting (吹墨画) workshop organised by Goldsmith's Confucius Institute. They also deftly used scissors to produce characters and imagery in the Paper Cutting (剪纸) workshop with our CLEC assistant Miss Zi, before learning and applying the skills required to haggle (讨价还价) in Chinese Silk Markets with our own Mr. Kamper. All students had a wonderful day engaging with the workshops and chatting with their peers from other schools.
Peter Jones Foundation Tycoon Awards
Mr Ward and Mrs Mason took 20 Lower Sixth Business students to Canary Wharf to attend the launch of Peter Jones Foundation Tycoon awards. It was also the awards ceremony for this year's winner, where Noelle received £2000 and was highly commended. We are hopeful it will inspire the Lower Sixth in their entrepreneurial journeys as they work towards becoming a graduate of the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy.
Food Technology
For this practical assessment, our Year 10 students were being introduced to the experience of making pasta from basic ingredients, eggs and flour, rather than relying on the dried and packaged offers available commercially. Students were then free to decide on their own sauces, as well as choice of pasta shapes, to produce a truly "homemade" and healthy dish. These look absolutely delicious and healthy!
Long Term Frankfurt Students
At the end of last week we said goodbye to new friends as the first leg of our 8-week Frankfurt exchange came to a close. Our Year 10 students who took part in the exchange have been absolutely brilliant hosts and given their partners a truly memorable time in the UK. On Friday, Herr Buenger, their teacher arrived from Germany and we enjoyed a little farewell party to share memories of their experiences at AES. Students spoke about the differences between school in the UK compared to Germany and our exchange students received certificates to congratulate them on their fantastic achievement. We have a short break now before our students will board the plane to Frankfurt in January to take part in the 49th year of our 8-week exchange visit to Germany. This is a much treasured relationship and generations of students have now benefitted from this amazing immersive experience at AES.
Ancient History Presentation
Ex-student, Dr Jack Lennon from Leicester University gave a fascinating presentation to students from Years 10-Upper Sixth about Ancient History at university. This involved discussion of the differing enquiry questions that are undertaken, the types of sources used, and the many interesting links that Ancient History has to the present day. The event was a great success and the students learnt more about studying this subject at university level.
As the winter nights begin to draw in, Bibliomaniacs book group has compiled some of their favourite comfort reads (or authors) which you can return to again and again during those long, dark evenings:
Powerless, Lauren Roberts
The Magic Faraway Tree, Enid Blyton
Murder Most Unladylike, series by Robin Stevens
The Devoted Friend, Hans Christian Anderson
Cherub, series by Robert Muchamore
So I'm A Spider, So What?, series by Okina Baba
The Inheritance Games, Jennifer Lynn Barnes
The Hunger Games, series by Suzanne Collins
Gallagher Girls, series by Ally Carter
The Famous Five, series by Enid Blyton
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, series by Jeff Kinney
Absolutely anything by Tahereh Mafi, Jewel Parker Rhodes
or involving Harry Potter 🙂.
Sixth Form Paris Saint-Germain Academy
The Sixth Form Paris Saint-Germain academy launched last week, with Sixth Form students benefitting from PSG coaching to enhance their football skills. Students are coached in their CAS timetabled lessons and enjoyed their first session. The partnership between PSG and our school continues to strengthen. We look forward to continuing this offer for future applicants to our Sixth Form and our IBCP curriculum route has been enhanced by Physical Education being accredited as a "career related study". This means that students studying A Level PE with us can fully immerse themselves with PSG opportunities of coaching, guest speaker workshops and future visit opportunities. Full details regarding the IBCP can be found here https://www.aesessex.co.uk/sixth-form/curriculum/curriculum-routes/ib-career-related-programme-route-ibcp/ #PSGAcademy
Rotary Shoebox Campaign
Once again we are participating in the Rotary Shoebox Campaign. Boxes can be collected from the Citizenship Office or B1. Students can either bring in a filled box or individual items that can be boxed in school. Individual items can be deposited in B1 or B2.
Any donations will be greatly appreciated to cover the transportation cost for the boxes. Donations of money should be given to Student Services in an enveloped clearly labelled. £2 can also be stuck to the shoebox.
Type of boxes or individual items suggested:
- Babies aged up to 12 months: baby wipes, baby shampoo, baby oil, bonnets, bootees, mitts, baby blankets, soft toys, rattles
- Young children: Cars, trucks, balls, complete jigsaws, pencils, pencil case, drawing books, cards
- Teenagers for up to 18: Sportswear, scarves, gloves, playing cards, tennis ball, jewellery, toiletries, sketch pad
- Household goods: soap, toothbrush, disposable razors, cosmetics
All donations must be brought to school by 6th December and given to the International Campaign CAS group in B1/B2. Any donations would be gratefully received.
Modern Languages in Schools Prize 2024-2025
The School of Global Affairs has been running their well-received Modern Languages Schools Essay Prize since 2014. They are inviting students to participate in various mediums this year - Sixth Form in essay form, Years 10/11 in video format and Years 7/8/9 with photos. Please see the attached guidelines below. All entries must be with Mrs Latimer by Monday 2nd December - GOOD LUCK!
A date for your diary: Christmas Dinner - Thursday 5th December
Please note: Wednesday 4th December will now be chilli con carne and vegetable chilli meal deal, not a roast dinner and on Thursday 5th December there will be pizza and pasta available in the canopy café and G4 will also be selling Christmas treats.
Senior Citizens' Christmas Tea Party
Students are busy organising this annual event for our senior residents but need your support.
We would be grateful for any donations towards this event, such as cakes, scones, biscuits, mince pies etc. We would also like any items for our raffle prizes. All donations will be gratefully received and we thank you in advance for helping to make this event a very special memory for all those who attend.
If you know of any senior citizen who would like to attend this event, please contact us to secure a place at enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Bus Route 621 - Roxwell to Ingatestone
We have been informed that, unfortunately, First Essex Buses have had to cease operation of the new bus route 621, due to low passenger numbers. The 621 service’s last day of operation will be Friday 20th December 2024. All ticket holders will have received a letter from First Essex informing them that the operation will not resume in the new year. This is disappointing news for those parents and students who were using this service and we hope that they find alternative ways of travelling to school.
Advance Warning: Road Closure
Please see below from Essex Streetworks Team:
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of New Road, Ingatestone. Please click on the following link https://one.network/?tm=140623483 to find details of the intended closure of New Road, due to commence on 2nd December 2024 for 3 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while UK Power Networks undertakes pole replacement works.
Admissions Policy - Consultation
Reminder: Please send any comments regarding the consultation of our Sixth Form Admissions Policy by email to enquiries@aesessex.co.uk or post to Anglo European School, Willow Green, Ingatestone Essex CM4 0DJ before 5th December 2024. https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/admissions/admissions-policy-2026-consultation/
Price Buckland - Notice re School Uniform
Price Buckland have informed us that they are doing a stock take, which will involve a temporary 8-day closure of their warehouse. This will take place from Thursday 28th November to Friday 6th December. During this period, they will continue to accept orders, but they will not be processed or dispatched until after the stock take is complete. If you’d like to place any orders in advance, feel free to do so and they will do their very best to dispatch them before the closure.
Christmas Themed Non-Uniform Day - Friday 13th December 2024
Students are invited to participate in our annual charity Christmas themed non-uniform day, organised by the Sixth Form Charities CAS team, to be held on the 13th December 2024. Please can a donation of £1 be paid via ParentPay, either before or on the day. All the monies collected will support Farleigh Hospice, our chosen local charity, which was voted for by our students this academic year.
We remind you that our school is a place of work for people of a wide range of ages. Sensitivity needs to be shown in everyone’s choice of clothing. Nothing should be worn that can give a reasonable person any cause for embarrassment or offence, therefore we ask students to ensure their choice of clothing and footwear is appropriate for school, for example, no ripped jeans, cropped tops or high heeled shoes are allowed. If students have PE that day, please ensure they bring their normal kit.
If your child is in Year 11 they may still participate in the non-uniform day, but MUST REMEMBER TO BRING ALL EQUIPMENT NECESSARY FOR THEIR EXAM(S) THAT DAY!
We look forward to seeing as many students and parents from Year 9 upwards at our next annual Careers Convention, where companies, educational institutions and industry experts will be on hand to provide information and advice for students to explore different career pathways. Put this date in your diary as this is one not to be missed!
University Destinations
We are delighted to report that the Upper Sixth students have been gaining offers from a variety of prestigious university destinations already. With the AES deadline for applications to be submitted coming around quickly (Friday 20th December), we look forward to this list growing in the next few weeks. Recently, the following universities have offered the following courses to our students:
University of Edinburgh (Law and French)
King’s College (Physics)
University of Leeds (Economics)
University of Cardiff (Biomedical Sciences)
University of Leeds (English Literature)
University of Leeds (English Literature and Creative Writing)
University of Essex (Biomedical Science)
University of Stirling (French and History)
Don't miss out on the fun! Come along and join one of our extra-curricular clubs. Jump into the world of technology, find your singing voice, learn to debate with confidence or perfect your netball skills - there is something for everyone. Year 11 and Upper Sixth students please ensure you are making the most of the extra revision classes and support available to you in each subject.
Christmas Present Donations
Year 9 Rugby
Year 9 rugby result. Anglo ran out comprehensive winners in their latest game 47-0! Stand out performances from Samuel, Lucas and Noah. They also played in another tournament this week winning all 3 games and playing some scintillating rugby. Amazing performances from Charles and Freddie. Well done Year 9!
Year 10 Football
PSG 2025 Residential Camps
Unlock 35% savings on 2025 Residential Camps. Bookings are now open. See below.
GoKart Champion
Year 9 student, Matteo began his passion with indoor go karting in 2020. In 2022/2023 he reached top 10/15 in the British Indoor Karting Championship (BIKC). Nearly three years ago, he started to race outdoors; the karts are much quicker compared to indoor karting. Matteo's home track is Brentwood where he races in their Sunday League, which is equally his practise time.
2024 has been a very successful year for him; at the beginning of the year he won the Winter Championship in Buckmore, became Runner Up for The Driver of The Year (also at Buckmore), was invited to join 'Vertice Racing' (Professional Sports Team) and now finished the season with the incredible achievement of winning the Club100 Championship.
Club100 runs a corporate nationwide GoKart Championship in various age groups with 20 races throughout the year, up and down the country between Kent, Wales, Cumbria and North Yorkshire. Matteo won his category with 100 drivers participating.
Matteo’s passion lies clearly in motorsport; his ultimate dream is getting into the prestigious Formula 1, if not as driver, then as an engineer. We look forward to hearing more about his achievement in this sport.
Hosting Exchange Visitors
Our visits and exchanges programme is now finalised for the year and as in the past, we are reaching out to our wider Anglo Family for support in hosting teachers from our partner schools. When hosting, you would be required to offer a visiting teacher a bedroom with access to a lockable bathroom and provide them with meals including a packed lunch for the days that they are out on excursions with their students. We are able to pay £25 per teacher per night for the hosting services provided. Please could you email enquiries@aesessex.co.uk if you are able to accommodate one of our visitors for more information.
Colchester United FC are pleased to confirm they will be hosting an Boys open trial early on in the New Year for U6’s – U16’s. Please see the below information and links to register.
Would your son benefit from the following?
• Weekly training sessions for 1.5 hours with UEFA qualified coaches
• Regular fixtures in half term periods vs other professional clubs
• Individual learning plan
• X3 player feedback opportunity throughout the season
• Match Day Experience Opportunity’s at 1st team games.
• Opportunity to progress to CUFC Academy
• Plus many more benefits!
U6’s-U11’s + GK’s Only
Day: Thursday 2nd January 2025
Time: 4.30pm-6pm (Please arrive at 4.20pm)
Venue: Shrub End Community & Sports Centre, CO2 9BG
Link’s To Register: ⬇️
U6’s & U7’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1923
U8’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1924
U9’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1925
U10’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1926
U11’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1927
U6-U11 GK’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1928
U12’s-U16’s + GK’s Only
Day: Friday 3rd January 2025
Time: 4.30pm-6pm (Please arrive at 4.20pm)
Venue: Shrub End Community & Sports Centre, CO2 9BG
Link’s To Register: ⬇️
U12’s’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1929
U13’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1930
U14’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1931
U15/16’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1932
U12-U15/16 GK’s: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/info/1933
Who: Girls in School Year 2-7
Date: Monday 2nd December 2024
Time: 6.45-8.00pm (6.30pm arrival)
Location: Shrub End Community and Sports Centre, CO2 9BG
Register: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/term/667
Who: Girls in School Year 8-11
Date: Monday 9th December 2024
Time: 6.45-8.00pm (6.30pm arrival)
Location: Shrub End Community and Sports Centre, CO2 9BG
Register: https://colchester-united-cf.classforkids.io/term/668
Please note all above age groups are for the current 2024/25 season
Key Dates
Monday 25th November - Flu Vaccinations
Wednesday 27th November - Year 7 MESSSA Netball Rally
Wednesday 27th November at 4pm - Careers Convention for Years 9-Upper Sixth
Thursday 28th November - Year 8 MESSSA Netball Rally
Thursday 28th November from 5pm - Upper Sixth Parents' Evening (virtual)
Monday 2nd December - Lower Sixth Chemistry in Action Visit
Thursday 5th December - Christmas Dinner
Friday 6th December - Senior Citizens' Christmas Party
Monday 9th December - Start of Year 11 PPEs
Tuesday 10th December - Lower Sixth Geography Fieldwork - Stratford
Tuesday 10th to 20th December - Year 9 Cadiz students at AES
Wednesday 11th December - Christmas Concert - all day rehearsal followed by performance at St Edmund and St Mary's Church at 7pm
Friday 13th December - Non-uniform day
Friday 20th December - 12.30pm early closure
Key Dates for each Year Group can be found https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/parents/key-dates-and-term-dates/ and here for Sixth Form https://www.aesessex.co.uk/sixth-form/student-and-parents-information/key-dates-and-term-dates/
Term Dates 2024-2026 - https://www.aesessex.co.uk/assets/Documents/Attachments/Term-dates-2024-2026-1.pdf
Anglo Communication
Finance - finance@aesessex.co.uk
Admissions - admissions@aesessex.co.uk
Visits - visits@aesessex.co.uk
Attendance - use Edulink
Email: enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Website: aesessex.co.uk
Location: Anglo European School, CM4 0DJ, Willow Green, Ingatestone, UK
Phone: 01277 354018
Anglo European School is a distinctive, comprehensive school which seeks to develop ambitious, resilient and principled young people through inter-cultural understanding and a broad balanced, inclusive curriculum enriched by a strong international dimension informed by the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate.