Alternative Methods of Instruction
Student Learning Expectations for Grades PK-5
Beginning in the 2020-2021 school year, a local education agency (LEA) will not be required to make up school hours that are lost or canceled due to exceptional or emergency circumstances (up to 36 hours). This allows our school district to implement alternative learning methods in place of up to 5 missed days of learning.
- Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) packets of work will be disseminated by the classroom teacher. Please place these in a safe place where they can be retrieved on AMI days.
- Packets have work labeled Day 1-Day 5.
- AMI packets will be used as a review of items previously covered during seated instruction.
- Teachers will be working remotely and will be checking their email and Seesaw throughout the day. Please reach out to your classroom teacher with any questions.
- Completing the assigned packets will result in the student being counted as present for the AMI day. Students not completing work will be counted as absent for the AMI day and the day will count against their attendance.
- Please send back the completed work within 1 week of each AMI day used.
Kelly Hobbs
Kelly is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters