We Are Bremerton!
Bremerton School District community e-newsletter
Summer 2024
Bond program update
We’re excited to share that the 2024 Bond Program is off to a strong start! The major focus has been on the replacement of Armin Jahr and View Ridge Elementary Schools, which will be built together by the same Design-Build project team. This approach allows for more collaboration and innovative solutions. We’ve put a lot of effort into preparing for the selection of this team and organizing the early stages of the project. The selection process for this team is underway and is expected to take about two months, with design kicking off in October.
In the meantime, we’re continuing to prepare for important pre-design activities, such as land surveys, environmental reviews, and traffic studies, to ensure everything is ready to go. We’re also working closely with our Facilities and Teaching for Learning teams to establish design standards and assess the needs of both schools. Additionally, we’ve started planning for District-wide HVAC upgrades and are finalizing details for the other projects in the program.
Bond Program Advisory Committee
We're forming a Replacement Elementary Advisory Committee to help shape the future of our new schools. We’re looking for members of the community to join us to provide input on the design and construction of Armin Jahr and View Ridge and ensure they reflect our community's values. No special expertise needed - just your passion and commitment! Apply by August 30th. Download the flyer below or visit our website for more details.
How to apply
- Interested in joining? Please submit your application by August 30th.
- Applications are available online by scanning the QR code, or by visiting BremertonSchools.org/BondProgram. Printed applications are available at the District Office (134 Marion Ave. North, Bremerton).
MVMS sports complex nearing completion!
If you have driven by Mountain View Middle School recently, you can see that we are getting very close to having a new sports complex for school and community use!
Progress continues all over the site with anticipated substantial completion at the end of the month. The contractor is working on installing fencing, irrigation, plantings, and sidewalk paving throughout the site. Both the multiuse field and football field synthetic turfs are installed. The track asphalt paving is complete, and the rubberized surface is being applied in the next week. The new parking lot paving is complete and exterior finishes are underway on the concessions building.
The complex will be available for school use in September, but public use/rental of the facility won't be available until October. A grand opening celebration is also being planned for late September. More details to come!
Join us as we welcome students back for the 2024-25 school year!
Be a part of our Back to School Welcome Crew!
We want to invite our families and community to celebrate with us and help us welcome students back on the first day of school which is:
- Tuesday, September 3 (grades 1-12)
- Friday, September 6 (kindergarten)
The details
- Parents, family members and community members are invited to help us welcome students outside our schools before school starts on the first day of school.
- Please carpool if you can as parking is a challenge on the first few days of school.
- Welcome Crew members will line up outside of the main entrances of our schools to greet students as they arrive (principals will provide guidance on where to stand!).
- Welcome Crew members do not need to be an approved District volunteer for this one-time event.
- Welcome back signs, pom poms and noise makers are welcome and encouraged!
- Please - no pets (thank you!).
- Please arrive at school 15 minutes before the start of school (see start times below).
- Once school starts, you will be on your way to get on with the rest of your day!
2024-25 Budget Update
The Bremerton School District, along with countless other school districts in every corner of the state, has continued to innovate to meet the growing needs of students while balancing the increasing costs associated with these needs. Many Washington school districts find themselves in a similar, difficult financial position – with costs and needs exceeding funding from the state.
Even though the state is constitutionally required to fully fund K-12 public education, the funding formula used to provide state money to schools in Washington is inadequate and does not reflect the actual needs and costs associated with running a school district. For example, in our school district, there is an estimated 22.25% gap between the funding provided by the state for special education services and the actual costs of offering these services for students.
Major factors impacting school budgets, including ours, are:
The cost of providing special education services exceeds the funding we get from the state and federal governments;
Student needs have grown and changed, yet the money to support these needs is going away even though support is still needed;
Costs for the things school districts need to operate has skyrocketed, yet the funding the state provides for these necessities has not kept up.
The school district's 2024-25 budget includes a $2 million allocation from reserve funds. The school district has proactively managed its reserve (also known as a “fund balance”) in anticipation of potential future budget shortfalls. This strategic financial planning allows us to allocate funds from our reserves to balance the current budget without impacting staffing levels, educational programs, or student services.
Our commitment to maintaining a high-quality education for all students remains steadfast. We are committed to fiscal responsibility and maximizing resources, and are evaluating attrition as a strategy to adjust staffing levels.
With so many school districts across the state experiencing financial challenges post-McCleary, the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) has launched www.waschoolfunding.org. This website explains the issues creating financial pressure on K-12 school districts, and the need for state funding to reflect these increasing costs. We encourage you to explore the site and share it with others in the community who may be concerned about why schools are financially struggling and what issues may be affecting K-12 budgets right now.
2024-25 Budget Hearing
BHS Mural to be Evaluated
Last year, you may have noticed some extra bracing on the large-scale ceramic tile mural
outside the main entrance of Bremerton High school. That's because the Washington State Arts Commission visited to assess the condition of the mural and determined that the anchors that hold the mural (that was installed in 1989) to the building have corroded.
The Arts Commission installed braces in order to prevent further damage and reduce the safety hazard. At the end of the month, the Commission will have contractors out to remove the mural in sections so it can be transported to Olympia for further assessment in order to determine if repairs can be made, or if the piece of art is at the end of its life. We will keep you updated!
You can learn more about the artwork on the Commission's website.
Here is one thing you may never have noticed.... there are hands at the top of the mural in a circle that spell out "BSD."
School Board Updates
The following revised policy was adopted by the board:
Three policies were brought to the board for a first read and were approved:
- New Policy 6217- Electronic Funds Transfer
- New Policy 6225- Use of Electronic Signature
- Revised Policy 1400- Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum
Other Business:
- 2023-2024 Injury Reports
- Facilities End of Year Report
- Child Nutrition Services End of Year Report
- Bremerton High School Annual Athletics Report
For more information about these meetings and to view any of these documents, visit BoardDocs.
The next Regular Board Meeting will be August 15. Join us in-person or online! BremertonSchools.org/SchoolBoard
Join our team!
View all current job opportunities at BremertonSchools.org/Jobs.
Registration for 2024-25 is open!
Get more information and/or register online at www.BremertonSchools.org/Registration.
The Bremerton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Garth Steedman at 360.473.1031 or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mark Mayfield at 360.473.4702. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Location: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA, 98312
Phone: 360-473-1000
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