North Chevy Chase Elem. School
Principal's Weekly Update
October 22, 2023
From our Principal
Happy Sunday!
Please take a moment to read this week's updates.
Friday November 10, 2023 - Open House for Parents 10:00 - 11:30 am.
Converting from air conditioning to heat
In preparation for colder weather, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will begin converting mechanical equipment from air conditioning to heat in the next few weeks. Beginning on Monday, October 16, 2023, conversion will begin with elementary and then secondary schools. Schools with special needs students will be evaluated each week based on the temperature forecast to mitigate the impact of the conversion on these students.
Unlike residential systems, most of our schools cannot switch automatically from air conditioning to heating because the same piping is used for heating and cooling. Air conditioning will not be available after the changeover process begins. Preventive maintenance technicians and specialists will be available to assist mechanics as needed during the conversion process
Mark your Calendar
23rd - 31st - Red Ribbon Week
25th - Executive Board Meeting PTA (virtual) 7:00 8:00 pm
27th - Fifth Grade Field Trip Strathmore Music
29th - November 4th - Mental Health Awarness Week
31st End of First Quarter; Halloween Festivities ( more information to come)
November - Indigenous Heritage Month
1st - No School for students Planning Day for teachers
2nd - Marking Period 2 Begins
8th - General PTA Membership Meeting 7:00 - 8:00 pm
10 - Veteran's Day Open House for parents 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
20th - Early Release Day ( Parent Teacher Conferences) 1:30 pm
21st - Early Release Day 1:30 pm ( Parent Teacher Conferences)
22nd - 26th - Thanksgiving Holiday
4th - Picture Retake Day
6th - Executive Board Meeting (virtual) 7:00 - 8:00 pm
23rd - January 2nd - Winter Break
January -
3rd - Classes resume for students and staff
15th - Holiday Martin Luther King Jr. Day
26th - Semester 1 and Marking Period 2 End
29th - No School for students, Grading and planning for teachers
30th - Semester 2 and Marking Period 3 Begins
Renee D. Wallace-Kimbrue, Principal
North Chevy Chase Elementary School
3700 Jones Bridge Road
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(240) 204-5280
MCPS Students' Rights and Responsibilities
As you review the MCPS Students Rights and Responsibilities with your child, please make sure to review:
Page 6- Technology Policy and Expectations
Page 7- Personal Mobile Devices (This includes smart watches and cell phones.)
Page 8- Bullying and Harassment
It's Geo Bee Season!
The Geography Bee is a long-standing tradition here at NCC where students study the geography of one-third of the world during each of their 3 years here at NCC. Students will hear more about this program in the coming weeks in Media class and beyond. Special thanks to NCC parents, Ms. and Mrs. Zaidan for taking a look at this year's Geo Bee packet. This year's focus will be on North America, Central America, and South America. (This is an optional activity.)
- Geo Bee Kick Off with Packets distributed to interested students- Friday, Oct. 20, 2023
- Geo Bee study buddy work in classes, Media, and during recess in Media Center
- Geo Bee packets due for small prize- Nov. 28
- Geo Bee quiz to determine team for each homeroom class- Week of Nov. 27
- Geo Bee Event- (mid- December in the All Purpose Room)
Hey alright!
Message from the PTA -
Navigating Screen Time Challenges, Victoria Saylor from Common Sense Education
How much screen time is too much for an elementary school student? When should a student get their own phone? How can we re-balance our child’s use of electronics? What lessons are being taught in school about electronics and online safety? And how can we break our own addiction to our devices?
Join the Montgomery County Council of PTAs for a presentation/Q&A with Victoria Saylor from Common Sense Education on Tuesday, October 24 at 6pm. Victoria is a nationally known expert on these topics and she works closely with the MCPS Director of Media Centers on lessons delivered to students via Media Centers. She can help us navigate these challenging issues around screen time within our schools and families. Tuesday, October 24th at 6pm via Zoom. REGISTER HERE.
The NCC PTA especially needs volunteers for the following:
The NCC PTA has needs volunteers to form an Auction Committee of 5-6 people. This is the PTA's biggest fundraiser of the year and ensures that the PTA can continue to provide increasing levels of support to NCC. The location used last year is no longer in business and new one must be found. Join Rita Montoya and Teri Poux to help plan the Auction!
Special Needs/Individual-focused Education Committee: Chair (1) Engage with the NCC community with an education access and equity lens to identify systems and structures that may impede access and equity efforts. Chair attends the Executive Committee meetings and is part of the Board of Directors.
Game Night: The PTA would love to host a Family Game Night in early December but we need your help to make it happen!