AIS Friday Flash
Friday, April 24, 2020
Distance Learning Week 4
- At AIS, we believe that academic immersion in a seamlessly multilingual and multicultural environment fosters creativity. By being creative, this core value will foster our students to take creative risks to help them learn and grow as individuals and in teams. It is great to see how our students are being creative during COVID with their art projects guided by Ms. Virginie. We have shared their outstanding work with you.
- In CM1, students experimented with eggs and learned about volume and 3-D shapes.
- Our CM2 students enjoyed a French breakfast with Ms. Noémie this week dressed in their best French-inspired attire....ooh, la, la.
Afterschool Activities Resume
Some afterschool activities resumed virtually this week, and some will begin next week. A handful of classes are not able to continue virtually, however, we are adding a selection of NEW (replacement) course offerings instead to supplement including:
- Storytime with Ms. Natalia
- Papercraft with Mr. Joel
- Arts & Crafts with Ms. Veronica
- Storytelling with Ms. Natalia
- Daily Study Hall
Check out the updated course schedule (a couple of modifications were made to the scheduled emailed last week) which you can access here. If you were enrolled in one of the activities which were canceled, please replace it with a new course option by registering with the links at the bottom of this info sheet. For now, registration is reserved for students already registered in the Spring classes to continue their experiences, however, if you were not in a spring class previously and are interested in joining one, email Jhino and April for more information.
Progress Reports Disseminated
Check your inboxes for progress reports which were distributed via email this week. Review the video communiqué from Mr. Jacques about how to discuss student progress with the teaching teams in lieu of our regular in-person Parent-Teacher Conferences.
PTO Meeting-Tue., 4/28, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
The April Parent Teacher Organization meeting will be held on Tuesday, 4/28 at 5:30 pm. This meeting will include discussions about Teacher Appreciation and PTO executive committee elections for the next school year. To join the meeting virtually, click here or by phone 1 402-839-8204 (PIN: 220791665).
May Break/No School-Fri., 5/1
We hope families will enjoy a day off next Friday, May 1st for our May Break.
Head of School Coffee-Thur., 5/7 10:00 - 11:00 am
Join Jacques for a virtual HoS coffee on Thursday, May 7th at 10:00 am. The virtual coffee meeting will be limited to the first 15 guests. A sign-up link will be included in next week's newsletter to register.
S.T.E.A.M. Fair-Mon. 5/11
AIS will be holding a Virtual S.T.E.A.M. Day on Monday, May 11th to celebrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math! On this day, teachers will post activities for students to complete independently throughout the day and post in a Virtual Science Fair! Students will not have live calls with teachers on this day. Be on the lookout from your classroom teachers for exciting STEAM challenges and more information next week.
Staff Shares
For Ms. Audrey this week: "This is one of our weekend traditions, Whole Wheat Blueberry Pancakes! My son Matteo loves to cook (and eat them!) so I thought I would share it with you! It is super easy and fast to make! I usually add frozen blueberries (and remove the honey). It makes a nutritious, healthy, and delicious breakfast! Enjoy!"
In honor of Earth Day, enjoy Ms. Emily's reading of Earth Day, Every Day by Lisa Bullard.
Community Connectedness
We would love for you to share photos of your experiences and at-home learning. You may add a google doc with a quick anecdote or story, post a cool video, or upload family and student pictures here on our AIS Community at Home. As you share, we will pass some of it along here over the upcoming weeks to help us stay connected with each other.
COVID-19 Communiqué & School Closure
A reminder that all COVID related updates can also be found at the bottom of the AIS homepage and the COVID-19 Information & Updates page. The AIS campus closure has been extended through the end of this school year (in June) in compliance with the state of Texas Executive Order GA-16.
Save the dates
All school functions and events originally scheduled through the school closure have been canceled. Some events may be reconfigured to virtual. We will keep you updated here.
- May 1 - No School/May Break
- May 4 - 8 Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 11 - Student STEAM Day
- May 21 - Virtual Open House
- May 25 - No School/Memorial Day
- Achievement Ceremonies-TBD
Austin International School
Email: info@austinis.org
Website: www.austininternationalschool.org
Location: 4001 Adelphi Lane, Austin, TX, United States
Phone: 512-331-7806
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AustinInternationalSchool
Twitter: @austinintschool