Columbus School District
March Newsletter
Contact Us
Columbus School District
Email: promote@columbus.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.columbus.k12.wi.us/
Location: 200 West School Street, Columbus, WI, USA
Phone: (920) 623-5950
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusWisconsin/
Instagram: columbusschooldistrict
March 11th & 25th
11th - Board Workshop at 7:00 p.m.
25th - Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
March 25th - April 1st
25th - 1st - Spring Break (students return to school April 2, 2024)
Message From The Superintendent
Spring is often associated with the idea of new. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings. If you are like me, the recent warm weather provided you with a burst of energy that comes with the changing of the seasons.
Outside of school, it is a time of the year where we start to think about the blossoming flowers and the return of some nature. In the school world, we begin executing a plan to finish the last quarter of the year strong; simultaneously, we dive deep into the planning of the next school year.
I want to focus more on the planning for the next school year component. I at times get asked why the planning starts so early. The best answer is that substantial time is required to be strategic in our planning and pragmatic in our decisions. In almost all changes, it involves our staff working hard to prepare for the changes. For me, this planning creates an energy that is similar to the changing of the seasons.
There are times where people wonder why we don't simply keep doing everything the old way. In some areas I get that perspective; however, change is necessary to continuously improve. Imagine schools with dirt floors, the classroom teacher preparing and serving lunch, and getting to school like past generations (even uphill walks both to and from school). Sometimes changes are driven by legislation and other times local decisions. Like any business or organization, some of the new changes will be positive, some negative, and even some will be neutral. Ultimately, we hope to hit on many more positives than negatives by making informed decisions.
When it comes to the toughest decisions, though, we rely on our constant strategic dimensions as a guide. We plan with a focus on: Student Care, Student Challenge, Student Commitment, Community & Staff Engagement, and a Sustainable Infrastructure. I am excited as we are in this planning stage for our future. We are enjoying the process, much like I hope everyone enjoys the first tastes of warm weather. Make it a great March, and we hope all of you have an enjoyable Spring Break. Go Cards!
Jake Flood
Columbus School District
Traffic Flow for CES and CMS
The following message was previously shared with CES and CMS families. We wanted to share this in the newsletter for all to be aware. Please note that the changes are already in place.
Dear Families,
This communication is in regard to drop-off and student pick up in the area of CES and CMS. We recognize that no drop-off or pick up is perfect; however, we infer our current situation is perceived as less safe than in the past. Student safety rises to the top of our priorities.
As a team, we decided it was important to make some changes in hopes of creating a safer environment. Communicating those changes is the main objective of this message. We recognize that any change in routine can cause frustration to a faction of the stakeholders. With that as guidance, we are not making these adaptations without much consideration and analysis. Also, this message is not intended to discredit the efforts of the individuals that were involved with the conception of the initial plan.
We have observed that the CES/CMS Parking Lot is the most urgent area to address. Consequently, starting on Monday, February 26, the following will be implemented:
- The drive-thru pick up lane that goes past CES will continue to be a great option for families to utilize. There will be no changes to this area.
- Outside of the parking lot area, CMS will have no changes.
- Changes in the CES/CMS Parking Lot:
- When cars enter the parking lot during drop-off and pick up, vehicles will only be allowed to make an immediate right turn. This will create a one-way counterclockwise flow of traffic.
- Staff will be enforcing no double-parking which includes the non-marked spots by the islands on the north and south ends of the parking lot.
- The parking lot exit onto Richmond Street will be blocked off at drop-off and pick up time. Parking lot traffic will exit onto Dickason Boulevard.
The changes above will allow a test of minimal variables. We know that any change may lead to a domino effect. This is our purpose for sharing this information with parents of both CES and CMS. Please understand that there may be other adaptations in the future. We will communicate any other changes via Infinite Campus. Please see the attached map for more information.
Open Enrollment
Future Business Leaders of America
As February and Career and Technical Education Month comes to an end, Columbus High School FBLA reflects on the chapter's activities and accomplishments this month.
First, CHS FBLA and Wisconsin Region 5 Vice-President Jamie Damm hosted the Region 5 Regional Leadership Conference on Saturday, February 3. With over 700 students and advisers in attendance and another 140 participating in remote events, it was the largest single day event hosted by CHS in a long time.
On that day, 34 CHS FBLA members competed in skills testing and presentation events. Seven students from CHS qualified to advance to the State Leadership Conference in April. Qualifying students are: Jeremy T. – Insurance and Risk Management, Kristina F. - Public Speaking, Grace F. - Journalism, Ella B. – Supply Chain Management, Mitchell K. - Intro to Information Technology, Samara C - Business Law, and Jamie D. - Impromptu Speaking.
Chaired by the Region Vice-President, local members planned the conference and led workshops encouraging networking, personal interest exploration, community service, and more. More than 60 community members gave their time as presentation event judges and competitive event volunteers.
Closing out Career and Technical Education Month was the Wisconsin FBLA Middle School State Leadership Conference. Region Vice-President Jamie Damm led workshops on communication and leadership during the 2-day conference in Wisconsin Dells.
FBLA State Leadership Conference for high schoolers will be held April 8-9 in Green Bay.
Rotary Youth Exchange Program
Student Account Balances
We have seen an increase in negative lunch balances. Please take a look in infinite Campus to see where your family is at with lunch accounts. In order to make any purchases, a student account MUST have a positive balance throughout the school year.
Student accounts can be blocked at parent's request by contacting the Food Service Director.
Pay By Check or Cash
Envelopes are available in each school office or place payments in a sealed envelope with the student(s) full name, meal ID#, and amount enclosed.
Payments received are processed and updated within 24 hours with the exception of holidays and vacations.
Pay Online
Using your parent portal, you can track your student's meal account balance and spending habits
Alumni In The News
We are proud to highlight some Columbus Alumni. Please click the button or email promote@columbus.k12.wi.us, if you are a Columbus Alumni and would like to submit a story. Please note that these stories can be shared on social media/marketing material.
Facilities Use
2023-2024 Inclement Weather/School Cancellation
We hope that this information will not be applicable for a while or ever this school year. The odds are probably against us, though. If 3 days of school are cancelled, those days are “built in” with the approved 2023-2024 school calendar. Unless there are unforeseen circumstances, including an extraordinary number of delays/early dismissals, the district would not make up the first 3 cancelled days. If there would be more than 3 days cancelled, the district would consider converting any of the following from in-service days to school days: February 9, April 19, and/or May 17th.
We had a number of stakeholders inquire about utilizing virtual learning days in the event of a cancellation during this school year. In the end, we were not confident that all students would have access to their education. This is feedback received in regards to students living in rural areas and families of younger students. This approach is not totally off the table in extreme circumstances; however, it will not be our first approach to replace cancelled days. Furthermore, we love having students in front of our Columbus staff! In the end, our goal of this message is to communicate early for planning purposes. This was all done with substantial research and consideration. We will provide information as soon as possible, in the case of any cancellation.
Notifications for Inclement Weather
The District Administrator may close the schools, delay the opening of school, or dismiss school early when such alteration in the regular session is required for the protection of the health and safety of students and staff members. The District Administrator shall have the authority to determine which school-related activities may be conducted if the school is closed for a period of time. Staff and students may be alerted by Infinite Campus notifications along with the following media stations: WBEV-95.3FM, WMTV-Channel 15, WKOW-Channel 27 AND WISC-Channel 3.
Care Solace Supporting Columbus Schools
If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs regardless of the circumstance. Care Solace is a complementary and confidential service provided to students, staff, and their families by Columbus School District. Care Solace's team is available 24/7/365 and can support you in your language. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
- Call 1 888-515-0595 available 24/7/365
- Visit www.caresolace.com/columbus and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
See attached flyer English
See Family letter English
See attached flyer Spanish
See Family letter Spanish
Angel Fund Donations
Are you looking for ways to help in our community? Consider donating to the Columbus School Nutrition Angel Fund.
The funds will be used to help families receive nutritious meals through the School Nutrition Program.
It’s easy to do. You can send or drop-off your donation to the District Office or any school office. Make checks payable to Columbus School District. In the Memo write Angel Funds.
Columbus School District Office, 200 W School Street, Columbus, WI 53925
If you wish to donate electronically please click the link.
For more information, please contact the district office 920-623-5950
Social Media
Facebook: Columbus Wisconsin School District
Instagram: columbusschoooldistrict
Charlie's Tree House K-5 March Menus
Club Charlie's 6-8 March Menus
Charlie's Food Court 9-12 March Menus
2023 Columbus Community Survey Results
Please click the link below to see the results in BoardDocs from our Community survey.
Please click the link blow to fill out this optional survey
School Calendars
Spring Election
Board Business
Columbus School District ensures each student will be prepared for future success.
Vision of the District:
Columbus School District will create a global learning experience in rural Wisconsin.
We Believe All Students and Staff:
- are valued.
- are engaged in learning.
- are responsive to unique learning needs.
- have a place to belong.
- appreciate diversity.
- interacting with community will benefit all.
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Certified Staff Positions Available - WECAN
Support Staff Positions Available -WECAN
Support Staff Positions Available - Indeed