Hornets' Nest News
Everything you need to know about Castle Rock Elementary
January Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, January 10th:
- Minimum Day (Dismissal @ 1:00 PM)
- Safety Committee Meeting @ 3:00 (Parents Invited to Attend- Please)
- Friday, January 12th: Monthly Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM
- Monday, January 15th: Holiday- No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
- Wednesday, January 17th: Basketball vs. Hornbrook @ Hornbrook @ 5:00 PM
- Thursday, January 18th: 4-8 Nordic Ski w/Mr. Birch
- Friday, January 19th: Family Game Night @ 5:00-6:30 PM
- Wednesday, January 24th:
- Minimum Day (Dismissal @ 1:00 PM)
- Basketball vs. McCloud @ McCloud @ 5:00 PM
- Monday, January 29th: Basketball vs. Golden Eagle South @ Gazelle @ 5:00 PM
- Tuesday, January 30th: DAC/LCAP Committee Meeting @ 4:00 PM (Parents please attend- Your input is needed, child care and pizza provided)
- Wednesday, January 31st: Basketball vs. Gazelle @ Gazelle
- Friday, February 2nd: Monthly Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM
All Fridays are Spirit Days- Wear your Castle Rock Elementary Spirit Shirts!
Other events may occur that are not yet scheduled, but we will keep you posted.
Fun Educational Activities from December
4/5 Genius Hour Projects
Cookies with Santa
Cookies with Santa
Cookies with Santa
Cookies with Santa
Cookies with Santa
Cookies with Santa
Cookies with Santa
Cookies with Santa
Holiday Craft Day
Holiday Craft Day
Holiday Craft Day
Holiday Craft Day
TK STEM Rapunzel Tower
TK STEM Rapunzel Tower
TK STEM Rapunzel Tower
TK Magnet House
TK Magnet Moustache
TK STEM Billy Goats Gruff
TK Santas
TK Driving the Book Bus
2/3 Inspecting the TK Loft
After School Program
After School Program
TK Reading with Buddies
TK Reading with Buddies
TK Reading with Buddies
Playground Fun
Playground Fun
K/1 Nature Field Trip
K/1 Nature Field Trip
K/1 Nature Field Trip
K/1 Nature Field Trip
K/1 Nature Field Trip
K/1 Nature Field Trip
K/1 Field Trip Nature Finds
K/1 Field Trip Nature Finds
K/1 Field Trip Nature Finds
K/1 Field Trip Nature Finds
K/1 Field Trip Nature Finds
K/1 Field Trip Nature Finds
K/1 Science w/Mr. Birch
K/1 Science w/Mr. Birch
K/1 Science w/Mr. Birch
K/1 Science w/Mr. Birch
K/1 Science w/Mr. Birch
K/1 Science w/Mr. Birch
K/1 Science w/Mr. Birch
K/1 Science w/Mr. Birch
Holiday Performance Dress Rehearsal
Holiday Performance Dress Rehearsal
Holiday Performance Videos
Student of the Month Awards
The November Student of the Month Awards Assembly was held on December 8th. The Student of Month award winners for November were (Pictured below):
TK Class: Eli Cottini
K/1 Class: Hunter Borba
2/3 Class: Wesley Poole
4/5 Class: Jacob Pudwill
6-8 Class: Julia Ortega
TK Class: Lucy Moreno
K/1 Class: Muira Nicora
2/3 Class: Kia Ghiotto
4/5 Class: Kaylee Hernandez
6-8 Class: Logan Hernandez
For the month of January the Value is:
Be honest and admit when you have done something wrong!
Perfect Attendance Award Winners-December
December Student of the Month Award Winner are:
Hunter Borba
Kaylee Hernandez
Logan Hernandez
Kenzie Johnson
Tanner McElhiney
Paityn Mellon
Kinsley Moreno
Lucy Moreno
Muira Nicora
Julia Ortega
Mason Pederson
Emery Poole
Jace Poole
Wesley Poole
Elijah Smith
Ezra Smith
Aiden Stout
Cloie Swartz
Pictured below are the November Perfect Attendance Award Winners from the December Monthly Awards Assembly.
Message from Leslie Rames
The colder weather is definitely here! A reminder to bundle up your students warmly! An extra pair of labelled socks and mittens in their backpack is always a great idea! Research shows that regular fresh air and exercise increase student learning. Our students will go out to play unless it is raining, snowing, icy, or really cold outside. With that, I would like to remind all families of our playground expectations during this winter weather. In order for students to play in the snow on the playground they must have snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves. In the event that a student does not bring boots or snow pants to school, they will be allowed outside, but will have to remain on the sidewalk and blacktop area where the snow has been cleared. As we will have snow and ice over the next few months keep a lookout each morning for text messages, emails, and phone calls in case we need to inform you of late start or school closures for inclement weather (snowy) days.
On behalf of all our staff, we sends our best wishes to all of our Castle Rock families for a safe, happy, and healthy 2024!
School Calendar 2023-2024
Castle Rock Elementary School
29373 Main St.
Castella, CA 96017