Paw Print #23
February 2, 2025
Mark Your Calendars
February 14: 2 hour early dismissal (12:30PM)
February 17: Presidents' Day Holiday (Schools and offices are closed)
February 28: PTSO 7th grade dance (2:45-4:30)
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Many citizens are concerned about reports in the media relative to ICE Raids and want to know how their local school systems plan to handle the issue. SMCPS will adhere to the guidance provided by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Please read A Guide for Students, Families, and Local Education Agencies on the MSDE website. Our actions are bound by law, and our administrative staff consistently ensures compliance.
Lost and Found
Please ask your student to check the lost and found for lost items. We also have quite a collection of lost jewelry and eye glasses.
Career Center News
Exploring Careers in Middle School with Virtual Reality
During February we will continue to offer the use of a VR headset during lunch time to immerse the students in realistic career scenarios. VR provides a unique and engaging way to learn about various professions.
This immersive experience allows them to visualize themselves in different roles, perform tasks and solve problems relevant to those professions. For instance, a student interested in healthcare might participate in a simulated surgery, while a student curious about welding can simulate a repair to a bridge.
This technology not only captivates students' attention but also caters to different learning styles. Visual and kinesthetic learners, in particular, benefit from the hands-on experience that VR offers.
By engaging in such opportunities, our MBMS students can begin to form an idea of the careers that might interest them, laying the foundation for informed and thoughtful decisions in their high school years and beyond!
CACSE Rise Up Nominations
The Rise Up Award recognizes a teacher, administrator, therapist, assistant to an educator, or anyone in the Special Education system who has truly gone to extraordinary efforts to contribute, in a compassionate and caring way, to the growth, happiness, and general well-being of our children with disabilities. If you are a parent or caregiver who would like to nominate a person who has positively impacted your child’s life, please consider nominating them for the Rise Up Award. When educators go above and beyond to help our children “Rise Up” and exceed in life, it is our pleasure to recognize and thank them for the amazing jobs that they do. (The nomination deadline is March 7, 2025)
The St. Mary’s County Citizens’ Advisory Committee for Special Education (CACSE) Rise Up Awards
Spring Bazaar
Weekly Lunch Menu
Yearbook Sales
The PTSO members are parents, teachers and students who are dedicated to promoting the education and welfare of our children. We highly encourage everyone to join our PTSO to show their support. As a member you are welcome to attend all meetings & functions; however, your membership does not require you to participate in these functions. The membership fee is $10. If interested in joining, you may email us at mbmspanthersptso@gmail.com!
Make sure you follow us on Facebook (Margaret Brent Middle School PTSO) to stay up to date on fundraisers and other events.
PTSO General Meetings (all meetings are at 2:45pm in the Media Center) - Wednesday, February 19 - Wednesday, May 14 Dances - 7th Grade (February 28) - NEW DATE - 8th Grade (May 16) Dodgeball Tournament - Thursday, March 13 at Chopticon High School Spirit Nights - Saturday, 2/8/2025- Calvert Kettle Corn - All Day - Wednesday, 3/12/25 - Mod Pizza, California, MD - All Day - Wednesday, 4/16/25 - Chipotle, Charlotte Hall, MD - 5-9pm Ongoing Fundraisers - Croc Charms/key chains - MBMS Magnets
Events to look forward to this school year:
Ongoing Fundraisers:
Croc Charms & Magnets
- First come, First serve – limited quantity available. Orders will be delivered to students during homeroom as orders are placed. Order Forms attached.
Gift Card Fundraiser
- Need a last minute gift or just want an easy way to support the PTSO? Look no further. Purchase your gift cards through us. Parents will purchase the gift cards to use themselves when they shop. Go to this link and enter the enrollment code JJCJE4A6X9H9.