Collins Cadence
February 2025 Parent Newsletter
Collins Cobras
Dr. Julie English, Interim Principal
Cassie Hertzenberg, Interim Principal
Chelsea Harness, Assistant Principal
Chiante Deal, Counselor 5th Grade
Alex Schultz, Counselor 6th Grade
Email: contactcollins@conroeisd.net
Website: http://collins.conroeisd.net/
Location: Collins Intermediate, 6020 Shadowbend Place, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 281-298-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollinsCISD/
Twitter: @CollinsCobras
A Note from Your Interim Principals
Dear Collins Intermediate Families,
As we settle into our roles as interim principals, we want to take a moment to express how truly impressed we are by the students and staff here at Collins. From the enthusiasm in the classrooms to the dedication of the staff, it's clear that this is a community committed to growth and success. We are enjoying our time here and are so grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such hardworking educators.
Thank you for your continued support as we all work together to create a positive, enriching environment for our students. We look forward to the semester ahead and can't wait to see all that we will accomplish together.
Julie English & Cassie Hertzenberg
Bus Tag Reminders
Please remember that your student needs to have a SMART Tag on their backpack to ride the bus every day. If your student has lost their bus tag, they need to request a replacement by clicking the link below.
Key Dates
Please mark your calendars!
Released STAAR Practice Tests
Wed. Jan 29th - 5th Science
Tues. Feb 4th - 5th Reading
Wed. Feb 5th - 6th Reading
Tues. Feb. 11th - 5th Math
Wed. Feb. 12th - 6th Math
*To ensure the testing environment is secure, the Collins Cafe will be closed on the above testing days*
NEW DATE - Mark your calendars!
Reporting Absences at Collins
The district has created an app to report student absences. Please see the information below to access the absence reporting app. You will not be able to upload files, so you will still bring any notes or documents to the front office, or email them to our registrar at nvillanueva@conroeisd.net
Parent Portal
If you haven't already signed up for the new parent portal, you will need to sign up before you can access the absence reporting app. This is also where you can check your child's grades, progress reports, and report cards.
Student Clubs Calendar
Counselor's Corner
Our February character trait of the month is Kindness. Counselors will be doing classroom guidance lessons focused on being kind to others, showing compassion, celebrating diversity, playing fair, and having healthy relationships.
February 14-20 is National Random Acts of Kindness Week. Random Acts of Kindness Week is a wonderful opportunity to cultivate a culture of compassion, empathy, and positive behavior among students and staff. Collins will be celebrating this week through a variety of activities and school wide initiatives.
Before spring break, our campus will show the mandatory Human Growth and Development videos. Please keep an eye out for an email containing permission slip links and detailed information for your student. Parents must OPT-IN for their child to participate.
6th Grade Band Parents: Good Afternoon! Our Knox band benchmarks are coming up soon on February 8th and 22nd! This is where your child will get to sit down one-on-one with Mrs. Dillard at Knox and she will get to listen to them play and talk to them about band! We are very excited for the opportunity to do these benchmarks at Knox JH this year. I am putting a sign-up genius link below for you to lock in your time slot! Please put your student's First and Last name, as well as their instrument. You only need to sign up for one time slot. When you arrive, please go to the BACK entrance of Knox. The front entrance will not be accessible. The back entrance is off Grogans Mill. Pull up to the back of the school, you may park in the bus loop. Walk to the left side of the building. You will see the large air conditioning unit in which our back band hall door is located next to it. Double brown doors, entry number 15. Sign Up Link for 6th Grade Band Members: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C48A5AD28A1F5C70-54591005-knox
Choir is back in full swing! This semester, 5th grade meets on Tuesdays after school, and 6th grade meets on Thursdays. Over the next several weeks, we will be preparing for our Spring Showcase on April 1st!
Congratulations to our 6th Grade CISD Honor Orchestra students who put on a fabulous concert this past weekend!
Practice Records are due every Tuesday with a parent/guardian signature.
In these last few weeks of music before we rotate, we will be observing Black History Month by studying and listening to music by black composers and musicians.
Huge thank you to all of the families who have donated supplies to the clinic. These have all gone to help our Cobras in need. If you feel led to donate, the clinic could always use water bottles, snacks (animal crackers, crackers), hygiene/ feminine hygiene products (such as pads, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss), and peppermints. As always we appreciate all of your continuous help and support. Gentle reminder that the best way to keep our families healthy and germ free is by practicing good hand hygiene. Help us in reminding and educating your students of the importance of frequent hand washing as well as avoiding touching their eyes, nose and mouth. This will significantly reduce the spread of germs and illness. Consider keeping a change of clothes in your student’s backpack in case of accidents. Thank you! Sincerely, Nurse Dempsey
Community Events
Feeder School Events
Stock the Snack Cart
Stock the Snack Cart! Each LC gets an opportunity to help make sure our staff gets a monthly fun pick me up. Be on the lookout for further details from your room parents.
LC 5-1 & LC 5-2: February
LC 5-3 & LC 5-4: March
LC 5-5: April
You can always check here for volunteer opportunities:
For questions please reach out to: collinsptohospitality@gmail.com
PTO Meetings/Updates
You can always find the latest and greatest info about what is going on via our website: https://collinspto.membershiptoolkit.com/ or in-person at our monthly meetings.
Our next meeting is Monday, February 10 at 1:30 pm in the Collins Cafe all members are welcome!
Spirit Wear Update
Spirit Wear ordered in January will be delivered the week of February 13th. Be on the lookout in your student’s backpack
If you forgot to order, but still need a shirt for the 6th grade field trip, we have a limited supply of vintage shirts available for purchase.
Please contact Shannon Perkins at collinsptospiritwear@gmail.com
Don’t wait any longer to order your yearbook! And don’t forget to make it extra special for your student by adding a recognition ad!!
Knox Information for 6th Graders
Math Selection Placements
It is the time of year that many families start to think about course selections for Knox as we move into our spring semester. We have created a short presentation that discusses options student will have in regard to their math selections. Please watch the presentation and view all linked documents to help make the best decision for your student as they transition to Knox next year.
Additional Documents/Sites linked in the presentation:
CISD Summer School Information
Knox Yearbook Application
Interested in being the on yearbook production staff at Knox?? Apply now! Click HERE for the application and more information.
Band Benchmark Auditions for Knox Band
Here is the link for the sign up for the band benchmark audition.
Broadcast Club
Cheer Tryouts
Mandatory Meeting: February 6: 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Additional Cheer Information: https://knox.conroeisd.net/2025/01/09/cheerleading-tryouts/
Color Guard Tryouts
April 15th-17th
Gingham Girls Tryouts
Just a reminder for 6th graders that the registration window for the Spring Credit By Exam dates listed below will open March 17th. Please contact Ms. Schultz if you are interested in registering.
2024-2025 Handbook
Times to Remember
Times to remember
Bell Schedule:
- 8:50 AM—4:05 PM
- Students may enter the building by 7:45 AM (Please enter 5th grade side door)
Lunch Times (Visitor to Collins Café must sign up here... https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DA4AB2EA6FBC43-50692527-collins#/)
- A Lunch (5th grade) 11:55 - 12:30 PM
B Lunch (6th grade) 12:35 PM-1:10 PM
- 8:00 AM—4:30 PM
End of Day:
- 3:30 PM Calls to change transportation will end
- 3:40 PM Early check out of students will end
- 3:35 PM Cones for car rider dismissal will be set - cars for early pick up will not fit in front parking area
- 3:50 PM First Flight (7 cars) will move forward to cones
- 4:05 PM Flights 1 - 6 dismissed along with bike riders
- 4:10 PM Walkers dismissed - continue to scan parents cars using sign with student's ID number. Students will meet parents at cones 1 - 7. Once a flight is loaded it will be dismissed to take a RIGHT hand turn only to exit.
- Buses will be dismissed based on bus arrival to campus.
Other Helpful Links
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The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.