RVE Staff Bulletin
Updates For The Week of November 4
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday, November 4 (Day 2)
- Mock Election (see below for details)
- Mr. Peck to Wear Vikings Gear and Get Pied Outside During Each Grade Level's Recess. All Staff are Encouraged To Wear Purple To Make Sure Mr. Peck Doesn't Feel Alone 😀
Tuesday, November 5 (N/A)
- Professional Development Day; No Students (see below for details)
- Election Day
Wednesday, November 6 (Day 3)
- iTeam 2:15 in Large Conference Room
Thursday, November 7 (Day 4)
- Student Support Team 9:30 in Shawn's Office
- Equity Team Meeting 2:15 in CARES Room
Friday, November 8 (Day 5)
- Tiger Pride (Wear Orange & Black)
- CARES Student of the Month Breakfast 7:40 in MPR
- Lego Robotics After School
- ASL Club After School
- Camping on the Roof (see below for details)
Lightning Round of Quick Reminders
The number for Teachers on Call is 1.800.713.4439. Please program it into your phone. Call them if you have a last second sickness and it is too late to enter an absence into Frontline.
Waiting until I arrive to email me so I can enter it in, makes it so we won’t get a sub.
- Nurse Lisa's lunch break will be from 12:15-12:45 each day. Please make a note of it and do not send students to the nurse's office during that time unless it is an emergency.
- Keep sending Shawn pictures of things that happen each day. It can be as simple as learners reading silently, doing small groups, playing on the playground, ect. Pictures of happy kids doing school are a wonderful way for us to tell our story to our community. Keep em' comin!
- If you have good pictures/videos of the Fun Run, please place them in this folder.
- If you have Halloween candy you are trying to get rid of, please consider donating it to the candy jar in the main office.
- Complete this short Google Form if you are interested in participating in the 2024 RVES Holiday Cookie Exchange
- If you are interested in participating in the RVES Book Club, click this link to join the Group Me. This is a great way to connect with your teammates in a fun way. Reach out to Emily Dessin with questions.
The 2024 CARES Fun Run Fundraiser & Event Are HUGE Successes!
There are not enough THANK YOU's to go around! This year's fundraiser was an amazing success. It was organized, well-communicated, and thoughtful in terms of incentives. From the the kick-off event several weeks ago to Friday's main event, everything went smoothly and was overall very successful. I can't thank the Fun Run committee enough for their work! And to every teacher and staff member who helped with incentives or donated themselves: THANK YOU! This money will help our school in so many ways!!!
All Are invited To Wear Purple as We "Pie" Mr. Peck During Each Recess
As you probably know by now, because we met our Pie in the Sky goal. I will be wearing Vikings gear on Monday. You are encouraged to do the same! This invitation also went out to families earlier today. I will come outside during each grade level's recess time to get pied. There will be no change to anyone's schedule or routine, learners will be able to be loud, and we won't have to worry too much about cleaning up messes. The teacher in each grade level whose class earned the most $$ will be able to pie me. I will try to have this happen at the start of each recess (if I can't be out right away, please let learners start their typical recess fun. I will blow a whistle to have learners and staff gather when I come out). It will take place near the kindergarten doors.
Learner Mock Election To Be Held On Monday, November 4
From Crystal Merchant:
It is almost Election Day! Multiage will be hosting Minnesota Students Voting again. We'll have the multipurpose room set up for our Riverview polling location on November 4th. Inside, we'll have booths for kids to vote in. After voting, they will slip their ballot in the ballot box and receive an "I voted" sticker.
We have two ballots for teachers to choose from for their class. One ballot will just be for the president race with the two main party candidates. The other ballot will have the three branches and city races on it. Students can choose to vote for whatever they want and can choose not to vote on areas they don't know about. The goal for this is for all our kids to create a lifelong habit of being an educated and regular voter.
Please click here to sign up for a time for your students to vote and let us know what ballot you are interested in. You can sign up for your own slot or can team with another class for a 15 minute time slot. We already have a number of parent volunteers who will be helping out. If you would prefer to do “mail in” voting, you are welcome to vote in your classroom and drop off by 1:30.
Another option, if you have your own ballot, but would like to use the polling location, you can do that too! Please indicate that on the sign up if you are doing that. You can let the parents know when you arrive. They can then do the same process and get a sticker. 🙂
If you are interested in information for your class, the resources below could be helpful:
2024 Presidential Race Slides:
Kids Voting Curricula:
YMCA Student Voting:
Details For Tuesday's Professional Development Day
Tuesday, November 5 is election day and is also an elementary-wide professional development day throughout the district.
- Certified Staff
- Report times are 7:30-3:30 for everyone.
- Be sure to have all modules and assignments completed from module 3. The morning zoom will start at 7:45. The rest of the day will be dedicated to completing module 4. Folks who are doing their "alternative plan" should follow through with their planned activities found in their timeline.
- If you need extra help with tasks, please add them to this Google Sheet. Be as clear as possible with instructions so the paraprofessionals that volunteer to help with it do not need to interrupt your CAREIALL work.
- Paraprofessionals
- This is a work day and you should work the same number of hours you work on a typical student contact day.
- Be sure to use the proper payment code on your timesheet. Sally can help you with this if you have questions.
- There will be training opportunities available in several important areas. Be sure to sign up for the things that are most beneficial to you (ex. Para Pro test, CPR training, online modules, etc.)
- If you have extra time, please click here to view some extra tasks that licensed staff has requested help with. Add your name to the far right column if you are able to help with it.
The next elementary professional development day will be Friday, December 6.
RVES Staff To Camp On The Roof on Friday Night (November 8)
If you are able to join the fun, please add your name to this Google Doc. We will order pizza and have some laughs. We will go on Facebook Live to do some read alouds for families as well. Please see Rachel Olson or Angie Asher-Carlson with questions.
2025 Minnesota Teacher of the Year Nominations are Now Open!
We have many teachers at Riverview who are worthy of consideration for the annual MN Teacher of the Year award. If you have someone in mind, please take a couple minutes to nominate them. Click here to fill out the online form. Nominations are due by November 15.
November Wellness Newsletter Is Now Available
Click the attachment below to see the November edition of the Wellness Newsletter. Please take a minute to look over some of the resources about Kindness Week, Native American Heritage month, and exercises and recipes of the month.
If you are interested in attending or want to learn more about how to support the Wellness program, please reach out to Sarah Erickson at serickson@farmington.k12.mn.us or submit feedback using the link at the bottom of the newsletter.
Mark Your Calendars! Baby Shower Planned For Maddy Claycomb on November 14!
Looking Ahead To the End of First Trimester
- The grading window will open on November 22
- November 27 is the official last day of first trimester
- All grades should be entered and submitted by 7:00 AM on December 13.
- Report cards will become viewable by parents on Infinite Campus on December 18 at 2:00 PM
Wanted: Homebound Teacher For 2-3 Days Per Week
There is an opportunity for a teacher to do a homebound assignment. The learner is an 3rd grader that would need services after school for 2-3 days a week. He is unable to attend school due to his medical needs. If this is something you would be interested in, please let Meghan Dobson know and she will provide more details.
Would You Like a DARTS Learning Buddy To Volunteer In Your Classroom?
The DARTS Learning Buddies program leader, Annie Lesnar reached out to me to let me know that they currently have two new Learning Buddies volunteers who would love to volunteer in classrooms at Riverview!. As of right now, we have one Learning Buddies volunteer at Riverview, Patsy Berger, who volunteers her time in Kindergarten classrooms each Tuesday.
If any teachers are interested in some additional volunteer help this year, please reach out to Annie directly (651-234-2227 or annie.lesnar@darts1.org). All our DARTS Learning Buddies volunteers go through a best practices training. Learning Buddies do many things to help in schools, including reading with students, working with small groups, supporting math, science, or literacy skills, all while helping to support a positive classroom and school environment for students and teachers.
Farmington Area Education Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications
The Farmington Area Education Foundation is nowaccepting grant applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Any ISD 192 staff member may apply for a grant. Applications should be submitted to your building principal no later than December 20, 2024. Click here to find the application form and learn more.
The Farmington Area Education Foundation’s mission is to support and enhance innovative educational opportunities by fostering community involvement and financial support for students in ISD 192.
Some examples of grants that have been awarded in recent years include VEX robots at Boeckman Middle School (2023), graphing calculators at Farmington High School (2023), storytelling kits at Farmington Elementary School (2022), maker space materials at Akin Road Elementary School (2022), reef and jungle room equipment at Riverview Elementary School (2022), and wi-fi signal expansion district-wide (2021).
Thank you to the Farmington Area Education Foundation for their ongoing support of our learning community!
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About Riverview: A Learner Centered Community
The mission of Riverview Elementary School, a learner-centered community that transforms the future of learning, is to ensure each individual continuously grows emotionally, socially, and academically to have a positive impact in their communities through:
- Honoring the diverseness of our communities
- Learning experiences driven by passions, sparks, and interests
- Reflection on the learning process and real-life experiences
- Collaborative relationships, trust, and open communication
Our Objectives:
- Each learner continuously demonstrates academic and personal growth.
- Each learner develops the skills to understand how they learn best.
- Each learner possesses the skills to advocate for themselves and others.
- Each learner continuously explores personal interests and passions to drive their learning.