September 27, 2024

Did You Know...
Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) play a crucial role in supporting the emotional well-being of military-connected students. These dedicated professionals provide a range of services, including:
- Small Group Support: MFLCs facilitate group discussions on topics relevant to military life, such as making friends in new places, coping with deployments, and managing emotional challenges.
- Individual Counseling: MFLCs offer one-on-one counseling sessions to address specific needs and concerns of students.
- Family and School Partnerships: MFLCs collaborate with families and school staff to create a supportive environment for military-connected students.
- Crisis Intervention: MFLCs are available to provide immediate support during times of crisis, such as deployments or family separations.
Yelm qualifies for MFLC services based on the number of families enrolled in our district. It is important each year to complete the survey sent electronically. These professionals make a tremendous impact on our students and families. Learn how to connect with our MFLC counselors on our website.
Next week there is one more forum before winter break. Attend in person or on Zoom.
Bringing Learning to Life
Fort Stevens 2nd Grade Health Fair
During November, Fort Steven’s 2nd grade classes studied the human body systems: digestive, nervous, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, and excretory systems learning about cells, tissue, and what organs are used in the systems we studied. To end the unit, they studied health and nutrition and participated in a HEALTH FAIR.
Many parents volunteered their time to help run “health stations.” Stations focused on health snack vs. sometimes snack, amount of sugars in drinks, what drinks can do to your teeth using an egg, vegetable samples, two snack sorting stations, body craft with organs, and fitness bingo.
Students took home their crafts, a toothbrush (donated by Yelm Dental), and body exercises that they can use anywhere. These supplies help connect their prior knowledge and can be shared with to others and family, encouraging everyone to use healthy habits in their daily lives
YMS Robotics
Yelm Middle School students competed at the Regional Robotics Event and earned the Breakthrough Award! They were described as “being a team that knows to have fun and work hard on both their innovative project and their robot. They demonstrated unwavering dedication to each other and their coach through the entire competition." Thank you TwinStar Credit Union for financially supporting these students and making their achievement possible.
Prairie Students Plant for the Future
Prairie students got their hands dirty, planting over 50 native trees and shrubs along a Nisqually Watershed creek to improve salmon habitat. Partnering with Nisqually River Education Project, students will return next month to boost the watershed's nutrient levels by adding salmon carcasses.
If you are new to Yelm or Washington State, here are some commonly asked questions about voter registration. Additional information is available at the Elections Office of the county in which you reside.
Q: How do I register or update my address to vote?
A: Visit to register online. You can visit the county election office for Thurston County (360.786.5408) or Pierce County (253.798.8683) in person by election day to register and obtain a ballot.
Q: Is there an tax exemption for the disabled or senior citizens?
A: Disabled persons or those 61 of age or older may be eligible for a tax exemption. For more information, contact the Assessor’s Office Thurston County (360.786.2200) or Pierce County (253.798.2160) based on your residence.
Community Resources
SmileMobile is Coming to Yelm
At your SmileMobile appointment, they may do one or more of the following: Dental examination, Oral health education, Fluoride varnish, Sealants, Simple extraction, Filling and/or X-rays.
WHEN: January 21-24
WHERE: Yelm High School off of Tornado Alley
Please call 888.286.9105 to schedule your dental appointment or if you have questions.
Check website calendars for activities and events.
Dec 17: Levy Forum @ Prairie 6:00pm
Dec 19: School Board Meeting @ District Office 6pm
Dec 23: Winter Break Begins (District Office open by appt only)
Jan 6: Return to School & Online Absence Reporting Begins
Jan 7: SPED Advisory Meeting @ YMS 5:00pm (Forum at 6:00pm)
Jan 9: School Board Study Session @ Fort Stevens 6pm
Jan 13: Levy Forum @ McKenna 6:30pm
Jan 16: Temperance and Good Citizenship Day
Jan 16: Levy Forum @ Mill Pond 5:30pm
Jan 20: NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr Day
Jan 21-24: SmileMobile @ YHS
Jan 21: Levy Forum @ Fort Stevens 5:30pm
Jan 22: Levy Forum @ Yelm MS 6pm
Jan 23: School Board Meeting @ District Office 6pm
Feb 11: Election Day
Stay Connected
Yelm Community Schools does not discriminate in any programs, activities or employment opportunities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights: Doyla Buckingham, 360.458.1900,; Title IX Coordinator: Lisa Cadero-Smith, 360.458.6120,; and HIB & 504 Coordinator: Shannon Powell, 360.458.6124, Address: 107 First St N, PO Box 476, Yelm, WA 98597.