We're here to learn! 2024-25
One Team, One Mission
We commit to maximize our students' successes through personalized experiences, so they make a difference in any community.
October is here, along with fun events such as Homecoming Week, the Pumpkin Run, Fall Break (10/14 to 10/18), and Book Character/Fall Party Day. It is also the time of year for Parent Teacher Conferences where you will learn a lot about your child's progress and growth during this first quarter of the 2024-25 school year. We look forward to seeing everyone in the building next week for these meetings.
This month also brings with it darker mornings and cooler temperature. Please take a moment to read our reminders about keeping our car rider process safe as it gets more difficult to see staff and students during drop off and our note about dressing your student for colder recesses.
It has been a great 9 weeks of school!
I wish you a relaxing, fun and safe fall break.
Karen Perkins
September 30 to October 4 ~~ Homecoming Week (see below for parade information)
October 3 ~~ Picture Re-Take Day
October 4 ~~ End of 1st Quarter
October 7 to 11 ~~ Elementary Parent Teacher Conference Week
October 10 ~~ North Elementary Pumpkin Run (see below for more information)
October 11 ~~ First Grade Field Trip
October 14 to 18 ~~ Fall Break
October 25 ~~ DFD Fire Safety Day
October 31st ~~ Book Character Day and Fall Parties
November 4 ~~ eLearning Basic Day (students do not report to school)
November 11 ~~ Veterans Day Lessons
November 27 - 29 ~~ Thanksgiving Break
December 19 ~~ Last Student Day of First Semester and Winter Parties
December 20 to January 3 ~~ Winter Break
January 6 ~~ First Student Day of Second Semester
September Student Recognitions
Each week, on a rotating basis, classroom teachers and related arts teachers recognize students who have shown the Warrior Way by being respectful, responsible and ready to learn. We call these students our Warriors of the Week, and we are very proud to share their pictures with you.
Congratulations to all!
First Grade Warriors of the Week
September 11th
Artists of the Week
September 11th
Kindergarten Warriors of the Week
September 18th
Techies of the Week
September 18th
Littlest Warriors of the Week
September 25th
Librarians of the Week
September 25th
DCSC Homecoming Parade Route
October 4th at 5:30
Pumpkin Run
Thursday, October 10th
Below is a QR code for donations. A pledge sheet with additional information was sent home with your student in their folder.
Lost and Found
It continues to grow! And not in a good way. :-)
Recess Temperatures
The temperatures are starting to be chilly, and it's important that your student has the right gear for outdoor recess. Please remember:
- Many of our students have recess in the morning, long before the predicted afternoon high temperatures. Just because a weather report says that it's going to be 60 outside, it may still just be in the 40's at recess time.
- Recess is held outside unless wind chills dip below 20 degrees.
If providing a warm coat, hats and mittens is a struggle, please contact our school counselor. She would be happy to provide these resources for your student. You can reach her at
Nutrition Club
The Nutrition Club provides supplemental weekend food for children at North, South, and Middle School each Friday during the school year. We all struggle at some point. The goal of this program is to ease a bit of the struggle. You are welcome to sign-up at any point during the school year. The food will be sent home in a plastic bag that can fit inside a school backpack or be carried. You only complete one form per family. List all of your children that you would like to participate. Each child in your family will receive their own cinch sack or bag on Fridays throughout the school year. This program is the result of the generosity of the Danville community! Please contact Chrissy Larkin with any questions. or 317-563-2498.
Sign up with the PDF atttached below.
Car Riders
October Notes:
As it gets darker in the morning, we ask that you increase your awareness as your drive through the line. Be aware of students walking on the sidewalk, parents and students walking to the crosswalk in the parking lot, and staff directing traffic.
Continual Reminders:
Please remember that all of our processes are designed to keep your student and their peers safe and to keep the lines efficient. With that in mind, here are a few important reminders:
- We ask that all parents use the drop off line. Do not park and walk your child across the sidewalk and/or into the building unless you have business that you need to take care of.
- Before stopping in the line, please pull all the way forward (you can get closer!!) The more cars we can get along the sidewalk, the faster the line will go.
- If you do have to come into the building, PLEASE USE THE CROSSWALK. Do not cross through the drop off line even if it is stopped.
Destination Changes
- A signed note sent to school in your child's folder (please include your child's first and last name and the date for the change)
- A phone call to the office 317.745.2610
- An email to
- A parent square message to DCSC Northoffice
I have a sick kiddo. Should I keep them home?
Students with a temperature of 100°F or above, vomiting, diarrhea, eye discharge, or an undiagnosed rash should stay home for 24 hours. They must be fever-free without medication for 24 hours before returning.
For symptoms of infectious diseases (mumps, measles, chicken pox, conjunctivitis, impetigo), contact the Danville North Elementary nurse. If a child falls ill at school, the nurse will assess, take their temperature, and notify the parents, keeping the child separate and supervised until they arrive.
To report an illness-related absence, call the Danville North Elementary front office at 317-745-2610 with your child's name, class, and reason. If on antibiotics, the child should be treated for at least 24 hours before returning.
Lunch Visitors
We love having visitors for lunch. See below for some important expectations for lunch visitors:
- All visitors must sign in with their driver's license.
- Please notify our office if anyone other than a parent or legal guardian will be joining your child for lunch.
- Per federal guidelines, carbonated beverages are not allowed in the cafeteria for students or adults.
Lunch items brought for your child cannot be shared with other children.
- NO TECHNOLOGY AT THE TABLE! While visiting for lunch, we ask that you (1) take full advantage of this time to visit with your child by refraining from having your phone out and (2) respect the privacy of other people's children by NOT taking pictures of other students.
- Lunch visitors should return to the front office to check out immediately following lunch dismissal. For safety reasons, we ask that you do not walk about the building or return to the room with your student's class unless you have made arrangements to do so with their teacher.
Other Visitors
- Includes guest speakers, special events, and parent/teacher conferences.
- Must sign in with a driver’s license. No criminal history check required.
- Includes field trip chaperones and regular classroom volunteers.
- Complete the Verkada application and background check (if not already on file).
Reporting an Absence
You should report your student absent before 8:45 a.m. You can let us know by calling our office at 317-745-2610, by sending an email to, or by sending a parent square message to DCSC Northoffice. While it is helpful to let your student's teacher know of their absence, letting our office know is most important.
Supporting Your Student
If your student is struggling to come to school, please reach out to us. Our counselor, Allie Brown, is a great place to start. She can help with getting a healthy routine back on track. You can reach her at or by calling our front office at 317.745.2610.
Attendance Procedures
In following Indiana State Statute, DCSC schools use the following process for communicating with parents when a student's attendance is a concern:
- 5 unexcused absences - Letter will be sent to the parent/guardian. If a student is in grades K-6th, additional meetings regarding truancy prevention may occur.
- 7 unexcused absences - A parent conference may be requested
- 10 unexcused absences - a violation will occur upon the next unexcused absence. This violation may result in a mandatory meeting of the parent and student with a school representative. The student may be sent to Project Attend through Hendricks County Juvenile Court System and/or Department of Child Services.
Attendance Codes and Definitions
AED (excused)
Illness verified by note from a physician
Illness verified by the school nurse
- AN (excused)
Illness verified by note from a parent
Absence due to family maternity
Absence due to family bereavement*
Absence due to deployment or return from service*
Absence due to Religious Nature*
*can be changed to AED with notification
AUC (with parent contact) or AU (with no parent contact)- change to absence unexcused
Absence not due to illness
Family Trips - Must submit a form, signed by all teachers and the parent/guardian, two full days before the first day of absence.
Infinite Campus
Parent Square
Teachers, North Elementary, and the District Office will use this platform to share newsletters and send direct messages, including delay and cancellation notices, with parents. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified (email, text, or through the app).
You also have a parent account (login is the same as Infinite Campus) and you can view what your student sees.
Welcome to North Elementary!
We are glad you're part of our family, and we are here to help. Contact any of us if you need any assistance or have any questions.
Parent Square message: DCSC Northoffice
Mrs. Perkins
Mrs. Jackson
Director of Little Warrior Learning Center
Mrs. Brown
Mrs. Landgrave
Mrs. Bre Hull
Mrs. Andrews
Contact Information and DCSC Social Media
Location: 398 Urban Street, Danville, IN, United States
Phone: (317)745-2610