CVHS Post Grad Newsletter
January 30, 2025

Senior Stats
Students who need to complete/turn in graduation required community service hours: 256 or 55%
Students who need to complete ICAP requirements: 105 or 23% - Check your Naviance > tasks
Students who have completed their application to college: 57.5%
- It's 2025-- your graduation year! With that, we wanted to provide the most recent dates and information surrounding graduation. Please note that this information is subject to change if necessary. Our website is also a great place to seek updates and stay informed. We cannot wait to share this special time with you all.
- Senior graduation speeches and entertainment tryouts are on the horizon! Speeches are due March 24th. Time limit is 2 minutes. Remember, you will be auditioning for one of four speakers (one from each academy). Leave your classmates with an inspirational message. You will upload your video to your google drive (or other linkable source) and then share the link in this form.
- Entertainment auditions are February 25th during advisement. Sign-ups are available HERE. As with speeches, your choice of entertainment has to be graduation appropriate and anyone involved in the audition must be a senior. The accompaniment should be of high quality, whether live or using a track.
- If you need a reminder on how to request transcripts, it's on the Post Grad website: How to Request Transcripts and Letters of Recommendation. To pay for transcripts, go through this direct link or login to MySchoolBucks and search "transcripts" to find and add CVHS TRANSCRIPTS. Students, don't forget to see me to let me know where and what you want sent!
- Final transcripts are final because they include final semester 2 grades and the graduation date. Students request these transcripts through a final survey in Naviance as part of their senior check-out. Seniors can complete the survey with Ms. Gentry as soon as they commit to post grad plans. Once the district adds the graduation date to the transcript (usually in the beginning of June) I send out all final transcripts. You do not need to pay another $3 if you have already paid for that school to receive a transcript.
- If you need to send your transcripts from Arapahoe Community College, you send them through the ACC website.
- Test scores are not on the transcript. You'll need to send them directly from ACT or SAT.
- Use your resources. Counselors, teachers and Ms. Gentry are here to help you with this process. Make your future a priority and ask for help if you need it. College applications can feel complex and they change constantly. We are also here to help you find your pathway even if it isn’t college. Our goal is to make sure you find your “right” path.
- Have you heard back from a college? Let me know the college decision so that I can update your application status in Naviance.
- If you have had someone write you a letter of recommendation, please make sure to THANK them. That's not a requirement of their job and it takes a lot of work. Thank you cards are a nice memento!
- We have a few college reps visiting Castle View this spring. Reps visit to help students learn more about the college/university, but they are also usually the rep who reads your application and helps you with all steps of the application process. If you list a college in “college I’m applying to” or “colleges I’m thinking about” in Naviance, you will receive an e-mail notification about the visit as soon as it’s scheduled. If you don’t have colleges updated in Naviance, you will have to frequently visit Naviance or the College Visit calendar to check upcoming visits. You must register for each visit in Naviance and pick up your pass the morning of the visit.
- Northwest Kansas Technical College (Now Fort Hays Tech Northwest) - Friday, January 31st at 10:00 AM
- Fort Lewis College - Wednesday, February 5th at 11:30 AM
- Northern Arizona University - Tuesday, February 11th at 8:30 AM
- Texas Tech University - Tuesday, February 11th at 12:30 PM
- Arapahoe Community College - Thursday, February 13th at 9:00 AM
- University of Mississippi - Friday, February 21st at 8:30 AM
- University of Calgary - Thursday, March 6th at 10:30 AM
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Wednesday, March 12th at 11:00 AM
- University of Northern Colorado - Thursday, March 13th at 11:30 AM
- Colorado State University is hosting three upcoming events:
- Event: Admissions Presentation and Tour - all in Spanish! on February 8th. On Saturday, February 8th, we will be offering a tour and presentation about CSU all in Spanish. Guests will have the opportunity to learn about CSU and hear directly from CSU students. This event will be from 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM. You can register for the event here: https://connect.colostate.edu/register/?id=a564b8b4-4841-42cf-a4e2-6c109afe4c9f
- South Dakota Mines is excited to announce that our 2025 summer camps are now open for registration. We'll be hosting STEM day camps for current 8th-12th grade students. Our faculty-led camps give students an immersive pre-college experience in subjects like Biomedical Engineering, programming, robotics, geology, and more.
Discover ACC on February 27: With new programs and partnerships launching this year, Sabrina, we're so excited to invite students to discover new opportunities at ACC. Your juniors and seniors will get a chance to dig into their favorite subjects in our 7 Academic Pathways, exploring their passions and learning how they can Move Mountains as an ACC Puma. RSVP for Discover ACC, Thursday, February 27, 2025, 9:30am to 1:30pm, ACC Littleton Campus
CASFA, the Colorado Application for State Financial Aid, is the state financial aid application for undocumented, Colorado ASSET students.
The purpose of CASFA is to determine the need for financial aid awards for students historically excluded from receiving state and federal financial aid. CASFA positively supports families and is a logical next step in efforts to erase equity gaps and put college in reach for the families who benefit most from a postsecondary education.
Start or Complete the CASFA
CSS Profile
- uAspire is hosting a free FAFSA Walkthrough in Spanish for students and families on January 30th at 6:00 pm ET/ 3:00 pm PT. This session will give them an overview of the new FAFSA and walk them through the steps required to receive federal financial aid at colleges nationwide. Register HERE!
- Get an overview of the new FAFSA, the application required by all colleges nationwide in order to receive federal financial aid.
- Know how to review financial aid offers, compare different offers, and ultimately determine a college’s affordability.
I submitted my FAFSA® form. What happens now?
If you submitted your FAFSA form online, we’ll process your form within one to three days. If you submitted a paper FAFSA form, your form will be processed within 7 to 10 days.
Once your form is processed, you’ll receive a copy of your FAFSA Submission Summary, which summarizes the information you provided on your FAFSA form. Review your FAFSA Submission Summary and make sure all of the information is complete and accurate.
Your FAFSA Submission Summary will include your Student Aid Index (SAI). Schools use your SAI to determine your eligibility for a Federal Pell Grant and other federal and nonfederal student aid. Learn more about how your SAI is calculated.
You can check the status of an online FAFSA form at any time by logging in to StudentAid.gov and selecting your FAFSA submission from the "My Activity" section of your account Dashboard.
If there is any missing or incorrect information, complete or correct your FAFSA form as soon as possible.
Once your FAFSA form is processed, your Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) is sent to the colleges or career schools you listed on your FAFSA form. Those colleges and career schools are responsible for creating your aid offer and disbursing your financial aid. However, listing a college or career school on your FAFSA form is generally not sufficient to receive aid at that school, as most schools don’t create aid packages for every applicant who lists the school on their FAFSA form.
Contact the financial aid office at the college or career school you plan to attend to find out if there are additional requirements for receiving financial aid and to learn more about the process of applying for aid at that school.
ICAP: Individual Career and Academic Plan
The required tasks for all seniors are:
- Create/Update a Resume. If you need to create one, use this website. Otherwise, update your resume, download as a PDF and upload to Naviance.
- Complete AchieveWorks® Learning & Productivity assessment from 9th grade
- Complete Career Interest Profiler from 10th grade
- Identify 3 favorite careers
- Add colleges to my list
- Complete AchieveWorks® Skills from 11th grade
- Senior Credit Check With Counselor
- Create a 12th Grade Post-Secondary Workforce Goal. What do you want to do after high school?
Use the Naviance tool "SuperMatch college search" under the colleges tab. This tool allows students to search for specific interests and narrow down their college options. Students can then make a list of their appropriate choices.
Have you received a scholarship? Please send Ms. Gentry the letter or a picture of the scholarship information for our records.
Sttark is excited to award a $3,000 scholarship to a U.S. high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student who is willing to open up and unbox their life in a creative 5-minute video. Video Prompt “This Is Who I Am: Unboxing My Life.” Deadline to apply is March 1st.
Children, step-children, and legal dependents of full- or part-time permanent federal civilian or postal workers employed with the federal government for more than three years, are eligible for the Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund Scholarship. Apply by March 13th.
College should never be out of reach for a family member of the sea services. The Navy League Foundation guarantees this support by awarding scholarships to high school seniors who will attend college in the fall. Navy League Foundation scholarships are available to children and grandchildren of veterans or active duty sea service men and women, as well as members of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. Apply by March 15th.
The 2025-2026 Latin American Educational Foundation scholarship application is now open! Completed applications are due Saturday, March 15, 2025. Applicants must identify with or commit to serve the Latine/a/o/x community, and have a 2.0+ cumulative GPA.
Rocky Mountain Relocation Council sponsors an annual scholarship program for current high school seniors who have relocated into the Denver and surrounding areas during grades 9 through 12. The one-time award of $1,500 will be presented to two seniors. Students must have a GPA of 3.0+ and must have relocated more than 50 miles and changed schools during grades 9-12 due to their family's relocation. The application is online. All applications are due by March 22, 2025.
In 1955, the Japanese American community established a scholarship to honor the late Mr. Harry Sakata. Mr. Sakata was involved with the Japanese American community on both the local and national level and believed the youth as the future of the Japanese American community. Apply for the Japanese American Community Scholarship online by March 31, 2025.
The Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS Science Scholarship will be awarding $1,200 to help deserving science students. Applicants are required to be high school seniors majoring in a science field and pursuing advanced education. Apply by March 31st.
The University of the Aftermarket Foundation is accepting applications for automotive scholarships. Applications are due March 31, 2025.
The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War awards two $2,500 scholarships annually for tuition and books to high school seniors and college students (male or female) contingent upon their enrollment at an accredited four year college or university prior to December 31st of the year the scholarship is granted. Applications are only accepted each year from January 1 to March 31. Click here for instructions and an application form.
The Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA) furthers its mission of increasing the number of Latine actuaries by awarding academic scholarships to Latines who will be attending a US college/university next school year and are interested in the actuarial profession. The scholarship applications are open from January 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025.
Beyond the Cure Ambassador Scholarship Program awards college scholarships to childhood cancer survivors who have demonstrated the ability to overcome the difficult challenges of cancer with determination and motivation. Applications must be postmarked by March 31, 2025.