Miller Elementary Weekly Update
May 18, 2024
Mrs. Goodman's Message
Hello Miller Families!
Here we are, the final week of the 2023-2024 school year! We have been honored to learn and grow alongside your children throughout this school year. We can honestly say that they come running into school with excitement and smiles on their faces and have grown immensely throughout this year. Please take some time to reflect on all that your child has accomplished socially, emotionally and academically, we are so proud of every child! Thank you for your partnership throughout this year to make it one of the best years ever! We will have tears in our eyes as the final bus and car drives away later this week. You can expect one more newsletter from me after all of our festivities with some fun photos of our busy week ahead. Then, Ms. Stewart at Craddock and I will send out periodic updates over the summer helping you prepare for the 2024-2025 school year!
Here are some important reminders for the upcoming week:
- Monday: Preschool Graduation Ceremony -We are excited to welcome families of our preschoolers who are graduating and heading to kindergarten! Preschool graduation will be on Monday, May 20th at 5:30 PM (remember to drop off your graduate at 5:15 PM at door 3). Don't forget to bring lawn chairs to sit and view our ceremony!
- Tuesday: PE Fun Day - Please dress your child in comfortable clothes and tennis shoes for some outdoor fun! We have planned a few fun events to play outside and enjoy some activities together.
- Thursday: Our Preschool Family Playground Party will be on Thursday, May 23rd from 11:00-11:30 for our AM classes and 2:30-3:00 for our PM classes. This is open to our preschool families to say goodbye for the summer!
- Thursday: Kona Ice Party: Please see more information below about our last day of school celebration! All preschool and kindergarten children will have the opportunity to enjoy a Kona Ice Treat sponsored by our Elementary PTO. Thank You, PTO!
- Wednesday: End of the Year Field Day Events: We are excited to host a fun-filled day for Kindergartners with numerous games and activities Thank you to all the volunteers who will be helping out on this day! Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes, has sunscreen applied at home, and has a labeled water bottle for the day! Kindergarten will wear their class-colored t-shirts that were distributed at the beginning of the year.
- Thursday Lunch: The PTO and Nutrition Group is offering a FREE Pizza Lunch to ALL children who eat lunch at school. This will be Pizza Hut Pizza, Apple Slices, Baby Carrots, Pirates Booty Cheddar Puffs and Water. Your child will mark Pizza Lunch if they would like this option or packing if they should choose to pack. We will have some snacks for our half day Kindergartners too!
- Thursday: Kona Ice Party: Please see more information below about our last day of school celebration! All preschool and kindergarten children will have the opportunity to enjoy a Kona Ice Treat sponsored by our Elementary PTO. Thank You, PTO!
As we roll into the last week of school, please make sure that you empty your child's backpack each day since we will be slowly sending home materials and supplies with your child.
Here's to a FUN LAST WEEK ahead!
Maria Goodman
Miller Elementary School - Principal
Craddock, Here I Come!
Hello soon-to-be 1st grade families!
It was a pleasure spending time with many of you Tuesday evening to share our excitement in welcoming your child to 1st grade at Craddock! I hope you found our time together informative, as well as reassuring! It's going to be a wonderful summer, a smooth transition and a fantastic 24-25 school year! I can't wait!
As I shared last night multiple times, please don't hesitate to reach out now or later with questions or concerns! I am here to help!
Take care,
Kim Stewart
Principal of Craddock Elementary School
105 Hurd Road
Aurora, Ohio 44202
330-562-3175 - office
216-849-2552 - cell
Kona Ice Treat on Thursday
Our wonderful PTO is supplying all Miller children with an end-of-the-year Kona Ice Treat!
The shaved ice truck will be visiting Miller to provide a tasty treat to our preschool and kindergarten children on Thursday, May 23rd. We have included important allergen information for you to know about the ice flavor concentrates used on the icy treat. If your child requires an alternative option, please let your child's teacher know and we will make sure an allergy-safe option is provided. Additionally, if you do not want your child to have the flavored ice treat, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Lost and Found
Here are a few pictures of our lost and found in the front office. If you see an item that belongs to your child or family, please send in a note with your child which picture 1, 2, 3, or 4 and the item they need to bring home. Any unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the school year or kept for our clinic to use next year. Thanks!
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Important PTO Information
Hello Miller Families!
No PTO updates this week. However, I would like to thank all of you for another amazing school year! We truly appreciate all your support, whether it was through one of our fundraisers or through volunteering your time. Thank you to all our Head Room Parents and event Chairs who helped plan so many AEPTO events, from classroom parties, book fair, Holiday shop, teacher appreciation week, donut days, and so much more! The AEPTO would not be able to do all the amazing things we do all year without our supportive families!
This is my last year as the Vice President of Miller for the AEPTO. I truly enjoyed my time in this position and am thankful to Mrs. Goodman and all the staff at Miller for always supporting the AEPTO. I will continue to serve the AEPTO next year as President. I look forward to next year and hope everyone has amazing summer!
Jen Borman
Important Dates and Events
- Monday, 5/20 - Preschool Graduation at Miller - 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on the Playground
- Monday, 5/20 - Board Meeting at 7:00 Conference Center
- Tuesday, 5/21- Preschool PE Fun Day - Wear Tennis Shoes
- Wednesday, 5/22 - Kindergarten End of the Year Outdoor Events- Wear Aurora T Shirt and Tennis Shoes -
- Thursday, 5/23 - Kona Ice Last Day of School Party & Lunch for Full Day Kinder.
- Thursday, 5/23- Preschool End of the Year Family Farewell
- AM Classes 11:00-11:30 and PM Classes 2:30-3:00
- Thursday, 5/23- Last Day of School/Last Day of Trimester 3
Miller Parent Pick-Up and Attendance Reporting
This is a reminder that we are using our Miller Attendance and Parent Pick-up Form as an easy communication tool to report your child will be absent or you need to pick them up from school early. You still need to use the Alternative Bus Stop Form linked in this newsletter if you need your child's bus to change. You do not need to report if they will not be riding the bus in the morning due to an absence or illness on this form.
If you want to change your child from a bus rider to a parent pick-up, please scan the QR code below or click the button to fill out our Google form. This can be done from any device and your reply will be sent immediately to our secretary, Mrs. Wolf.
If you need an alternative bus stop or a change in busing, we also have attached the transportation forms to change your child's busing information. These forms need to be completed and sent to our transportation department at transportationinfo@aurora-schools.org
As a reminder, you can send in cash or check made out to the Aurora City Schools and we will add any amount to your child's lunch account. Please send in money in a clearly labeled envelope so we know to add this amount to your child's account!
Important Dates for 2024-2025
- Friday, August 16th - Miller Elementary Open House/Meet the Teacher 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- Tuesday, August 20th - K-5 Staggered Start Last Names A-L & Assigned Staggered Start for Preschool
- Wednesday, August 21st - K-5 Staggered Start Last Names M-Z & Assigned Staggered Start for Preschool
- Thursday, August 22nd- ALL Preschool and K-5 Children Attend School
- Friday, August 23rd - ALL K-5 Children Attend School (No Preschool on Friday's)
- Friday, August 30th - Back to School Assessment Days - K-5 Children A-L attend School and M-Z NO SCHOOL (NO PRESCHOOL)
- Monday, September 2nd - NO SCHOOL FOR ALL - LABOR DAY
- Tuesday, September 3rd - Back to School Assessment Days - K-5 Children M-Z Attend School and A-L NO SCHOOL (ALL PRESCHOOL STILL ATTENDS)
Miller Elementary: Preschool & Kindergarten
Vicki Wolf
Email: mgoodman@aurora-schools.org
Website: aurora-schools.org
Location: 646 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202, USA
Phone: 330-562-6199