The Buzz at Westbrook School
November 17, 2023
If you need assistance with language translation for any of the information or flyers in this newsletter, please reach out to the Westbrook office at wb-office@d57.org.
Dear Westbrook Families,
I attended the Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, November 14th to share some of the remarkable STEAM projects that showcase Westbrook’s Learning Resource Center. The goal of STEAM is to introduce our young learners to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM). In this video, you will see students explore coding, creative expression, and problem-solving at various STEAM stations.
This initiative aligns with the portrait of a graduate by nurturing curiosity, fostering a love for learning, and instilling confidence in tackling challenges, ultimately empowering students to become innovators and lifelong learners. Thank you to our dedicated educators for making the Learning Resource Center a thriving learning hub for Westbrook School.
As a parent of elementary students, I know how busy this time of year can be with meetings, activities, social gatherings, work, and school. I am thankful for everything you do to manage your family schedule and help your children learn, grow, and experience new things. I wish you and your family a restful and relaxing holiday break. I hope you have lots of time with your family and friends and can slow down and enjoy each moment. We always ask that you be intentional about reading with your children over the long break.
We look forward to seeing our students back at Westbrook on Monday, November 27th.
For your children,
Danielle Crandall
Mark Your Calendars
November 20th - 24th - Thanksgiving Break, No School
Thursday, November 30th - First Grade Family Reading Night, WB Gym, 6 PM
Friday, December 1st - PTO Special Lunch, 1st grade
December 4th - 8th - Westbrook Book Fair
Thursday, December 14th - Lunch with the Principals, Brunzell/Solar /Bruns
Wednesday, December 20th - Lincoln Choir Performance, WB Gym, 9:30 AM
December 22nd - January 8th - Winter Break
For more dates, check out the district calendar: D57 Calendar
Safety Reminders
We kindly request your cooperation in adhering to a few essential guidelines to prioritize the safety of all the WESTBROOK family:
Please use the designated crosswalk when traveling to and from the parking lot. We discourage walking between buses for your safety.
Some of our students have apprehensions around animals, so we ask that dogs or other animals not be brought onto school property.
For those interested in utilizing the Westbrook playground during school hours, please sign in at the office to receive a visitor's badge.
All visitors are required to ring the bell at door #1 and sign in with the office for security purposes.
Picture Retake Information
Picture retake proofs have been sent home.
Online orders are due Friday, November 24th. Paper orders need to be returned to school for processing by Monday, November 27th.
For questions, please contact HR Imaging at https://www.hrimaging.com/
Join us for......
PEPS (Partnering with Educators and Parents to support students needs) is a networking group for parents of children with special needs in any of the District 57 schools.
Check out the latest PEPS newsletter.
2024 / 2025 Kindergarten Registration
News from the LRC
Our schools' Library Resource Centers utilize an online library management system called Destiny Discover. This system is accessible to our students and families, allowing them to view all books available in our school libraries. Students can access Destiny Discover through their Classlink LaunchPad from anywhere and explore the catalog to find books of interest. Additionally, Destiny offers an option for students to place a "hold" on a book they would like to check out from the library. This short video shows how to use Destiny Discover.
Classroom collections are another great source of books for our students, and teachers are well-equipped to make recommendations based on students’ interests and Lexile (reading) levels. Classroom collections are not cataloged like our libraries, so families that prefer to make reading decisions on their own may choose to take advantage of Destiny to only check out books from the LRC.
Recognize a Staff Member
Westbrook teachers and staff work hard to support students and staff daily. We invite you to click on this LINK if you would like to recognize a teacher or staff member for their hard work and dedication. We will pass on the good news to them.
Thank you in advance for sending an encouraging word, as we know it will mean so much.
Getting ready to bundle up for the winter season? Looking for a cute holiday gift? Westbrook Spirit Wear is here to help!
We have two places to shop. Get your student a full color Westbrook hoodie, joggers, or a beanie cap from our Winter Gear Shop. We are also offering some cute hair accessories and lanyards from a locally owned shop, Bobbi June.
Deadline to order is November 21st!
Orders will be delivered before Winter Break.... Click here and order today!
Starting in January, the PTO will be providing "Tasty Bites" to Kindergarten and First Grade students at the beginning of PE class.
This program allows students an opportunity to try fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The goal is to introduce healthy, natural foods in a fun way and allow students to taste fresh produce that they might not have been eager to try before. The PTO volunteers will talk about the taste, color, and texture of the food, as well as where it is grown and how it looks in its whole form. Learning about these foods and tasting the samples may help kids discover new fruits and vegetables that they enjoy eating!
Food samples will be prepared in the Kids Corner room to avoid any cross-contamination issues. Each fruit, vegetable, or herb will be provided raw without any other added ingredients.
In order to participate, EACH student MUST have a signed permission slip.
Permission slips are due by Friday, December 8th.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at westbrookstastybites@gmail.com.
The PTO is happy to support the school and its vision in sprucing up the front entrance area. The PTO paid for the new window and door coverings, which frees up money for the school to do things like plant new bushes. It looks great! We couldn’t do this without the generous support of the Westbrook community. Thank you for everything!
The PTO is also happy to announce that we received grants to support low-income students and their families over Thanksgiving and the holidays. These grants will be used to provide support to families in need with grocery store gift cards and enriching toys, games, and other supplies requested through the Holidays Helper program run by Westbrook staff. We are excited to be involved and grateful for the opportunity to help the Westbrook community.
First grade and Kindergarten families: Don't forget to read 20 minutes a night and complete the Read-Away calendar for a free kids pizza from Station 34! Return the calendar at the end of the month in your students folder. Click here if you need another copy.
First grade families, a reminder that the next Special Lunch is Friday, December 1st from Dairy Queen.
The PTO meeting scheduled for December 20th, 2023 has been cancelled. The PTO will meet again January 17th, 2024.
Information & Community News
Preschool Information from ECDEC
Información preescolar de ECDEC
Westbrook School for Young Learners
Email: wb-office@d57.org
Website: https://www.d57.org/westbrookschoolforyounglearners_home.aspx
Location: 103 Busse Road, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 394-7340
Twitter: @westbrook_d57
Westbrook School - Mount Prospect School District 57