Vermilion Elementary
Sailor Scoop - December 2024
Principals' Message
VES Families,
The holiday season is in full effect. This time of year between Thanksgiving and Christmas is always a great time to reflect on all the things that you are thankful for and the blessing that you receive each day. Each year we are very blessed at VES to have a school community that supports the work that we do and helps to make VES the kind of place where all kids are welcome and can succeed. I want to use this portion of the December Sailor Scoop to celebrate the kindness and generosity of those who support our mission at VES. The following acts are just some of the many that help make our school community so amazing.
We are so lucky that this year a group of very generous donors from The Grace Methodist Outreach Committee, along many other small but might donors have helped our vision of having a sensory room and other sensory tools come to life. The number of students who have sensory needs that cannot always be met in the classroom environment has increased in recent years and this space has truly been a game changer. Our intervention staff and behavioral support staff have really been able to utilize this space with our students when the classroom setting becomes too much. Check out the pictures below.
Another group that has been a huge support to our team is the Vermilion Education Foundation and its supporters. Each year our staff from all three buildings are able to write grants to the foundation. They hold a dinner and donors come and pick what projects they want to fund. This year at VES over $35,000 dollars was granted. Over $14,000 to support Camp Invention and lower the cost to make it affordable for studnets to attend. Over $5000 to eliminate or lower the cost of various field trips. Another $5,000 was donated to various projects for books. This includes the annual whole school book. The remaining $10,000 was donated for various classroom supplies that support hands on reading instruction, literacy night, science and social studies magazines for grade 3, and so much more. This is always such an amazing night and as a school leader, to see the support that this group of community members gives each and every year is truly humbling.
One other group that we have to mention is our PTO. We are so grateful for the mighty group of super moms (and a few dads) who are able to donate so much of time to support learning at VES and show appreciation for our team. The group organizes fun events, staff lunches for conferences, and fundraisers. They funds raised support student learning by providing yearly subscriptions to scholastic news, new books for the book machine, books for the school library and other teacher requests. We appreciate all the parents who participate in our fundraisers and donate to the conference meals. We are better because of you all!
When I came to Vermilion in 2002 as a new teacher, I knew right away that I was in a place unlike any other. The support of this community has always been strong. The ability say what you need and see someone jump into action to support the needs of our students and families has always amazed me. Shifting into the role of principal in 2019, my perspective has only been confirmed ten times over. Whether it is cloths for the nurses office or school supplies for those who needed them, the call is answered. When a family lost its home, gift cards, toys, clothes, and house hold items came pouring in. When families need support around the holidays, this community is there. So for all of you out there who have been a part of what makes our school community amazing, we thank you! Your support is appreciated and noticed.
Happy Holidays to all of our school community and know that we will always work to earn the continued support and generosity of this small town on a great lake!
Mr. Malear and Mrs. Rebman
12/23-1/3 - Winter Break
1/10 - NO SCHOOL - End of Quarter 2 Teacher Workday
1/20 - NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr. Day
2/13 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development and Conferences
2/14 - NO SCHOOL
2/17 - NO SCHOOL - President's Day
3/7 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development
3/21 - NO SCHOOL - End of Quarter 3 Teacher Workday
3/24-3/28 - Spring Break
4/18 - NO SCHOOL
5/26 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Set Sail with Ms. Naill (Austin)
Is your family in need of extra support during the holiday season? Vermilion Local Schools is collaborating with community resources to connect families with holiday gifts and food over winter break.
- Any family that would like to be considered for support can sign-up here
- Our holiday resource guide includes other local opportunities for families to receive support
Are you seeking opportunities to give back to those in need? Please consider donating to our upcoming drives at VES.
Dates: Now through Friday, December 13th
Consider donating a gift card of any amount
Date: Wednesday, December 11th
Consider donating non-perishable food items
Thank you for your consideration and support of the VES Counseling Program!
PBIS Corner
PBIS Tiers:
Tier 1: (All students)
Tier 1 PBIS focuses on universal strategies to create a positive and inclusive environment for all individuals within a given setting, such as a school or workplace. It involves establishing clear behavior expectations, teaching these expectations to everyone, and implementing systems of positive reinforcement. Tier 1 aims to prevent behavioral issues by promoting a culture of respect and adherence to shared expectations across the entire community.
Tier 2: (Some students)
Tier 2 PBIS involves targeted interventions for individuals who require additional behavioral support beyond the universal strategies implemented at Tier 1. These interventions are designed for students or individuals displaying recurring behavioral challenges. Tier 2 strategies include personalized plans and interventions that address focused behavioral needs, providing additional reinforcement and guidance to help individuals meet and exceed behavioral expectations.
Tier 3: (Few students)
Tier 3 PBIS is the most intensive level of support, designed for individuals with significant and persistent behavioral challenges. At this tier, personalized and comprehensive plans are developed to address the specific needs of the individual. Collaborative efforts between professionals, families, and other stakeholders are crucial in implementing these individualized and customized interventions to promote positive behavior and mitigate challenging conduct.
We would love to seek feedback from our families to gather input and determine how we can best include families in PBIS. Please email me at brebman@vermilionschools.org if you would like your feedback and questions to be included in the process. Thank you!
Citizen of the Month Character Traits
Important December Dates
- 12/5 Pizza Galley Night
- 12/9 Board Meeting
- 12/10 1st Grade Music Program at VHS @ 6:30
- 12/11 One Day, One Bag Challenge
- 12/11 PTO Meeting 6:30
- 12/13 PTO Holiday Gift Card Drive Ends
- 12/13 Kindergarten Nutcracker Field Trip
- 12/13 PTO VES Holiday Movie Night @ 6 PM
- 12/17 Citizen of the Month Lunch
- 12/18 Tales with a Teacher Ritter Library @ 6:30 PM
- 12/19 Donut Parties for One Day One Bag Challenge
- 12/20 Holiday Parties
Past Sailor Scoop Editions
About Us
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Doors Open for students: 8:30 am
Student Hours: 8:50 am - 3:30 pm
Email: mmalear@vermilionschools.org
Website: https://www.vermilionschools.org/vermilionelementary_home.aspx
Location: 1285 Douglas Street, Vermilion, OH, USA
Phone: 440-204-1703
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063691387394