Eckstein Weekly News
December 13, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- Dec. 16-20: SPIRIT WEEK! (See Below)
- Dec. 16-20: Basketball Practices Begin
- Dec. 19: Winter Assembly (See PM Assembly Schedule below)
- Dec. 19: Last Day to Order a yearbook
- Dec. 19: Biker Donut Day (8:15 at Bike Cage)
- Dec. 20: One Hour Early Dismissal (See Bell Schedule below)
- Dec. 23-Jan. 3: Winter Break (NO SCHOOL)
- Jan. 6 - Back to School
- Jan 7: Hot Cocoa Morning - 6th Grade (8:30 am)
- Jan. 9: Hot Cocoa Morning - 7th Grade (8:30 am)
- Jan. 10: Hot Cocoa Morning - 8th Grade (8:30 am)
- Jan. 17: MLK Assembly (AM Assembly Schedule)
- Jan. 22: Mowry Jazz Clinic (7 pm)
- Jan. 23: Theater Showcase (7 pm)
- Jan. 28: End Quarter 2/Semester 1
- Jan. 29: Begin Quarter 3/Semester 2
- Jan. 31: Black History Month Assembly (AM)
Last Chance to Order a Yearbook - Thursday, December 19, 2024
Yearbooks are $30 and can be ordered through SchoolPay located in your student's Source account or you can go here: https://schoolpay.com/. You can log in with your Source login information.
If you do not see a link to order the yearbook, most often that means you already ordered one. If you want to check you can contact Ms. Drachler at aldrachler@seattleschools.org
Yearbooks are distributed during the last week of school in June.
Last Yearbook Ordering Window
November 29 – December 19, 2024
Are You Taking Your Student Out of School Around Winter Break?
If you know that your student will be missing school around winter break, please have them complete a Preplanned Absence form. Your student can pick one up in the Attendance Office. Parents/guardians need to complete the top and bottom portions. Students will then take the form around to each of their teachers. When the form is complete, students will turn it into the Attendance office to have the absence excused.
Biker Donut Day - December 19 starting at 8:15 AM in the Bike Cage
Eckstein Bikes! will put on a holiday Biker Donut Day for our spectacular riders on December 19 staring at 8:15 a.m. Join us for donuts, cocoa, as well as general merriment and other joys of the season!
Different Bell Schedules on Thursday, December 18 & Friday, December 19
Thursday PM Assembly & Friday 1-Hour Early Release (Students released at 2:45 pm)
Period 1: 8:55 AM - 9:45 AM
Period 2: 9:50 AM - 10:40 AM
Period 3: 10:45 AM - 11:35 AM
Period 4: 11:40 PM - 1:05 PM
1st LUNCH: 11:35 AM - 12:05 PM (Class: 12:10 PM – 1:05 PM)
2nd LUNCH: 12:35 PM - 1:05 PM (Class: 11:40 AM – 12:35 PM)
Period 5: 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM
Period 6: 2:05 PM - 2:45 PM
Thursday Assembly 2:50 - 3:45 pm
What to Do for Snow Days Remote Instruction
Students should bring their laptops home every night, especially if snow is forecasted. Be sure that your student brings their laptop home over winter break.
Watch the video below for instructions.
Snow Day – First Day of Remote Learning - Two-Hour Late Start Schedule
Whenever there is potential school disruption due to snow please check the SPS website at seattleschools.org and/or local news stations for the latest updates.
If SPS declares a two-hour late start, Eckstein will follow the bell schedule below:
Two Hour Late Start:
Period 1 10:55 to 11:34
Period 2 11:39 to 12:18
Period 3 12:18 to 1:32
1st lunch 12:18 to 12:48 class time 12:53 to 1:32
2nd lunch 1:02 to 1:32 class time 12:23 to 1:02
Period 4 1:37 to 2:16
Period 5 2:21 to 3:00
Period 6 3:05 to 3:45
Chess Club & Debate Club at Eckstein Starting in January
NEW: Debate Club at Eckstein
Debate Club at Eckstein Starts on Tuesday, January 14 and will run for 6 weeks with a 7th week to prep for the Seattle U tournament on Tuesdays. Each class will be 1 hour 45 minutes. The cost is $300 per student for 6 classes. For students participating in the tournament, the 7th week session is highly recommended and costs an additional $75. The tournament fee is and additional $75. Scholarships are available. We only have space for six students so sign up quickly. Students who join our program develop self-confidence, critical thinking skills, and have fun communicating about important issues. Students work with other motivated, smart kids. They learn to express themselves, organize their thoughts better and make a compelling case for their own ideas. Learn more and register here: https://www.climbthemountain.us/afterschool-program-at-schools
RETURNING: Chess Club at Eckstein
Is your student interested in learning and/or improving their chess skills? Consider enrolling them in Chess Club at Eckstein. Chess Club at Eckstein will be hosted by Orlov Academy in Room 106 with Ms. Haakanson on Mondays beginning January 13, 2025. The fee is $175 per student. Scholarships are available. Email Ms. Detering at jrdetering@seattleschools.org if interested.
Attendance Matters - Season Greetings
Dear Families,
During the December 23-January 3 winter break from school, we are grateful to everyone for helping to restore a routine for showing up to school while supporting students and families.
We appreciate everyone’s efforts to avoid taking extra time off during the winter break. As long as your child is healthy, please encourage showing up to class when school is in session.
Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as to connect to their peers and teachers.
We thank:
● Our students and their families who do their best to show up daily even when it isn’t easy.
● Our teachers who go above and beyond to make school a welcoming and safe place for all students to learn.
● Our administrators who help us work together to ensure we create a physically and emotionally safe and engaging learning environment.
● Our many, many healers and helpers - the support staff and community volunteers who provide the extra hands and attention our children need.
We appreciate each one of you. May these days off be restful and healing.
● If your family or your child needs support, please reach out to either their grade level counselor or our social worker, Ms. Davenport for help.
6th Grade - Reema Ziada: raziadeh@seattleschools.org
7th Grade - Bryan Manzo: bjmanzo@seattleschools.org
8th Grade - Mike Hoff: mmhoff1@seattleschools.org
Social Worker - Erica Davenport: esdavenport@seattleschools.org
● We look forward to seeing you again when school resumes on January 6, 2025.
Thank you for partnering with us!
Katy Ryan, Attendance Specialist
SPIRIT WEEK - December 16 - 20, 2024
Family Education Session on Substance Use - December 18; 7 pm @ JAMS
Dear Eckstein Families,
You are warmly invited to join us for a special program on Wednesday, December 18th, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at the JAMS Library.
This family education session on substance use will be led by Lynette Mitchell, Healthy Schools Coordinator for Seattle Public Schools, as well as myself, Maria Torres, Eckstein's Prevention and Intervention Specialist, and Daniel Adjei, JAMS Prevention and Intervention Specialist.
Together, we will discuss important information about substance use and share insights from the recent Healthy Youth Survey.
We hope you can attend this valuable session and look forward to seeing you there!
Warm regards,
Maria Torres
Prevention and Intervention Specialist
Eckstein Middle School
Reminders and Ongoing Announcements
Join the Eckstein 75th Anniversary Celebration Steering Committee
2025 marks the 75th anniversary of the opening of Eckstein Middle School. We are planning to celebrate this anniversary in the fall of 2025. We are creating a steering committee of staff, students, and community members and would love your help. If you would like to join this steering committee please email Ms. Rose at kprose@seattleschools.org.
Eckstein Prospective Student Night (for 5th Graders) - Jan 30
Learn more: https://ecksteinms.seattleschools.org/news/incoming-student-open-house/
Student-Led Conferences - March 27, 2025 - NO SCHOOL FOR ECKSTEIN STUDENTS ONLY
Learn more: https://ecksteinms.seattleschools.org/news/student-led-conferences-march-21-2024/
Lunch Monitors Needed: We can always use help during lunch. Contact Ms. Detering at jrdetering@seattleschools.org for more information.
Needs and Leads with Ms. Davenport, School Social Worker
Tis the season to give! We are lucky to have such a giving community. Thank you for your donations of laundry detergent and concert shoes! About 10% of our school has significant ongoing financial needs. We are still low on all household supplies. Please see the updated Amazon Wishlist, including sketchbooks and calculators: Amazon Wishlist. We can use more socks, hoodies and beanies and gloves too!
Winter Break Gift Card Donations
Thank you for signing up to donate gift cards to families at Eckstein this holiday season! Please drop off gift cards by Monday December 16th to the main office to Ms. Davenport's mailbox. $25, $50, and $100 Gift Cards to Ross, TJ Maxx, Target, Kroger (Fred Meyer/ QFC), Safeway and Walmart are requested and still needed. Sign-Up Genius
Community Resources for the Holidays
Maverick Cares - Season of Giving December: Sat, Dec 21, 2024
Food Program - Hopelink
Deadline is Monday, December 16th: Family Application — The Forgotten Children's Fund
General list: https://ths-wa.org/general/king-county-free-
High School Open Houses
We will list the open house for high schools as we learn about them.
Nathan Hale High School Family Information Nights
We invite and encourage families who will be assigned to NHHS next year to attend our information evening in order to get a head start on transition to high school. We also welcome families who are assigned to another school but are interested in NHHS and are considering going through the Open Enrollment process.
Future and prospective parents/guardians and students are invited to join us for the following informational evenings:
Thursday, February 6th, 2025
6:00PM – 7:00PM Information Tables and Tours in Commons (last tour leaves Commons at 6:40)
7:00PM – 8:00PM Presentation and Questions in Performing Arts Center
Center School
The Center School in Seattle is a unique public high school that focuses on fostering creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration among its students. Located in the heart of the city, it offers a diverse curriculum that emphasizes arts, project-based learning, and student leadership. The school aims to create a supportive community where students can explore their passions, develop their talents, and prepare for future challenges in a rapidly changing world. With a commitment to inclusivity, The Center School provides an engaging environment for learners who prefer a smaller learning community.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Interested students and parents can RSVP using the QR code in the flyer or the link here: https://forms.office.com/r/YC1wdjaKUb
For more information on The Center School, we invite you to take a virtual school tour linked here: https://vimeo.com/703976333/ad1b681004
For inquiries about scheduling a Shadow Day, please contact Michele Hayes, Counselor at mrhayes1@seattleschools.org.