The Big Cat Courier
Your Source for Barnard News, Right Meow!
Dear Barnard Families,
Welcome back Big Cats!
J. Graham - Principal
Student iPad Distribution
What if I already have a loaner iPad from last spring?
In order to receive your new student iPad, all loaner devices will need to be returned to the school where they originated. For instance, if you are an incoming kindergarten family that is in possession of an iPad from one of our programs at SELC, you will need to return the iPad there in order to be cleared to pick up your new iPad at HBS.
Student iPads will be distributed to families this Thursday, September 3, 2020.
What time?
Student Last Name A-K = 8:30-11:15 AM
Student Last Name L-Z = 12:15-3:00 PM
The front circle at Henry Barnard School.
-Please drive into the front circle and pass by the front doors to the end of the overhang.
-Remain in your car and a masked staff member will approach the vehicle's window. For your safety and ours, please remain masked through the entire process.
-Present the staff member with 1) your completed tech form from the Technology handbook and if insuring your device, a check for the appropriate amount made out to Enfield Public Schools 2) Your driver's licence or other State issued ID.
-A staff member will then deliver an iPad, keyboard iPad cover, iPad charger, and a student sized cloth face mask to your vehicle.
Virtual Orientation/Meet and Greet Events
These individual classroom events will be held via Microsoft Teams, the virtual meeting platform used by Enfield Public Schools. Classroom teachers will send out an invitation to join their virtual Teams classroom so it is important that you set up your child's iPad before the events begin on Friday morning. Technical support for families can be found in the form of instructional video clips here: http://www.enfieldschools.org/tech_support Specific student information can be found on the student assignment letter you received in the mail last week.
Friday morning's events will be scheduled by grade level to ensure that families with children at multiple grade levels have the ability to attend each meeting.
9:00-9:30 Kindergarten
9:30-10:00 1st Grade
10:00-10:30 2nd Grade
Welcome Videos
Distance Learning
Enfield Public Schools
Big Cats are Safe!
Additional Information
Henry Barnard School
Email: jgraham@enfieldschools.org
Website: https://henry.sharpschool.com
Location: 27 Shaker Road, Enfield, CT, USA
Phone: 860-253-6540
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldPublicSschools/
Twitter: @EnfieldPS