The Paw Power Press
Butler Elementary School - Volume 19 - June 2024
Butler's Pledge: Be Respectful, Responsible, & Kind
Important Information
Central Bucks Laptop Collection Planning and Prep
Please review the infographic to familiarize families on the collection plans for Central Bucks laptops & devices. All Laptops/Pens/Chargers to be turned in per student. Details to come specific for Butler - with collection beginning on Monday, June 10th.
Butler Back to School Night Schedule 2024-2025
Please see the below schedule for Back to School Nights in 24-25. With parking always being a "process" at school, and in considering our household neighbors nearby, we will be focusing on individual sessions across the 3-seperate evenings - with a special "Parent Only" NOVA Social Media Awareness presentation for 5th & 6th Grade parents. Please see schedule below and mark your calendars.
NAESP - Report to Parents: Summer Learning
Tomorrow is June 1st and summer is on the minds of the KIDS (and parents, teachers, and principals)! It is important to use the time to reset, re-energize, and enjoy favorite activities. It is also important to keep your child's minds active, too! Jumping into the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) "Report to Parent archives, this publication explores ideas to keep on hand for reference throughout the summer months! Enjoy the article, Summer Learning and gather ideas on how to "Exercise Kids’ Minds During Summer!"
"If students laze away the days of summer without using their minds, they can lose up to a month of learning—especially in reading and math. Stem the summer slide and keep your child engaged with these fun, brain-friendly activities..."
To read the entire article from the NAESP, please click here.
CB Realignment Plan - Community Update/Board Decision
Thank you to those who have provided feedback and helped guide our decision-making processes. The board also approved the Realignment plan to be implemented in fall, 2026. That plan includes:
• Realignment to a K-5, 6-8, 9-12 configuration. (Current grade configuration is K-6, 7-9, 10-12).
• Implement full day kindergarten in all elementary schools in fall, 2026.
• Establish a full day kindergarten pilot for the 2025-26 school year.
• The Administration will prepare a timeline of tasks to be implemented prior to fall, 2026.
To read the most recent press release about realignment, please visit here (3/13). If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, you can share it here.
Dr. Scanlon, Superintendent
CB's E-Friday Folder - Online Location for Community Offerings
To learn about programs, events, clubs, and athletic organizations in our local area, please be sure to check on e-Friday Folder by clicking here.
Student 1:1 Device Assistance
Central Bucks School District: Portrait of a Graduate
CBSD Portrait of a Graduate
- Balanced Individuals - February Focus
- Responsible Citizens - October Focus
- Resilient Learners - December Focus
- Critical Thinkers - January Focus
- Effective Communicators - November Focus
- Thoughtful Collaborators - March Focus
- Adaptable Innovators - April Focus
To learn more about our monthly Portrait of a Graduate Page, please click here.
Department News
Health Office Reminders
Hello from the Health Office! We wanted to reach out with a few reminders as the year comes to a close.
Health Screenings: All student health screenings have been completed for the year. To see your child’s results, please log onto the Parent Portal.
Reminders About Required Medical Forms for 24-25:
- All students rising into 3rd grade require submission of a dental examination form.
- All students rising into 6th grade require submission of a physical examination form.
- All students rising into 7th grade require submission of a dental examination form. Please email 7th grade dentals to cbunaminurses@cbsd.org.
- IMPORTANT: All forms must be dated on or after September 2023 and are *due by October 15th of the 24-25 school year*. These forms can be found on the Butler Health Office website.
- Butler Health Office
Support for Families - Contact our Student Counselor Department
Butler Elementary School Counselors are her to support students and families who are in need. If you are a family that needs support, please contact your School Counselor.
School Calendar & Building Updates
School Calendar
May 31 - CBSD Art Show @ CB South Begins (Evening) - Details Below
May 31-Jun2 - CBSD Art Show @ CB South Continues
June 3 - Band/Strings Concert - Grades 5&6 - 7:00 PM
June 4 - Butler PTO: Ow Wow Cow Dine & Donate (Chalfont)
June 7 - Move Up Day K-5 - PM-K attends in AM (In-School, Student Only Event
June 10 - Breakfast with the Principals (Last One 23-24) (AM - Students Only)
June 10 - Laptop Collection Gr. 3-6 Begins - See Infographic Above
June 12 - Volunteer Tea (8:30 AM) - Thank You Parent Volunteers!
June 12 - 6th Grade Promotion (7:00 PM)
June 13 - Half Day for Students - 12:25 PM Dismissal (Graduation Day)
June 13 - PM KDG attends in AM (Last Day for PM Students)
June 14 - Last Day for All Students (Half-Day) - 12:25 PM Dismissal
June 14 - Spirit Day - Beach Day! (Dress for the Beach)
June 14 - Kids Celebrating Kids Assembly - Student Assembly
August - Class Placement 2024-2025 - Date TBD
Have a Great Summer!
CB Art Show - CB South HS - May 31-Jun 2
Be sure to visit CB South this weekend to enjoy and celebrate the art program in CB. Many Butler students will be highlighted with pieces on display. Thanks to Mrs. Casey for her work and effort in supporting student creativity and instilling a love for art in our elementary classrooms. See details below for timing!
Dine & Donate - OWowCow (Chalfont)
Please consider joining our Butler Community at OWowCow on Tuesday, June 4th
Butler Volunteer Tea - June 12 (AM)
Butler Elementary would like to celebrate and thank our school parent volunteers - thank you for your support throughout the school year and in helping students succeed. The time and commitment spent in supporting our school staff - in varied ways - has been so appreciated. We have the best community - one worth celebrating!
CB East Field Hockey Camp - All Students Grades 2-8
June 17, 18, & 19th - Registration Information Below via My Payments Plus
CB South Titans Volleyball Camp - June 24-27
Interested in learning more about Volleyball or enhancing your skills with a new sport? Join the CB South Titan Volleyball Teams - both boys and girls - for a focused and energy-filled experience. Please see details below - registration can be found on MyPaymentsPlus - CB South Volleyball!
CB West Cheer Camp for KIDS - June 24-26
West Cheer Academy
Grades 1-8
June 24, 25, & 26
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
CB South: Mock Trial Camp - July 8-11
Students in PEN or others interested in law - consider participating in CB South's Mock Trial Camp this summer! See below for details and be sure to register in My Payments Plus - only 24-spots available for all students. See contact information below. July 8th-11th from 9:00am-3:00pm
CB South Field Hockey Camp - August 5-8 (Grades 2-9)
Registration Process: Go to www.mypaymentsplus.com. Once registered, click on the Events and Activities Tab on the left and search CB South Girls Youth Field Hockey Camp. Add it to your cart and checkout!
Each camper will receive excellent instruction from coaches and the current field hockey team, attention to detail, and a reversible camp pinnie.
Butler 2023-2024 Spirit Days
Check Here to see what the next event will be!
School Happenings
Spring Concert - Grades 1& 3
1st Grade “Zoo Out There” and 3rd Grade “Circus, Circus” took place on Wednesday, May 15th for two wonderful performances by the star students of Butler! Using their school performance as a dress rehearsal, the children were prepared for an incredible night in front of families! Thanks to the students in their preparations and the leadership of Ms. Griffin, Butler Music Teacher. Thanks to all who were in attendance.
Grade 2
Sing Me A Story!
Grade 3
Circus, Circus!
Field Day 2024
Thank you to everyone who has taken a moment to recognize our teachers and support staff's contributions to this community. The tokens of appreciation, delicious food, gift, and personal notes were so kind! We love serving the students in this community and are so proud being Butler Bears!
Rita's Celebrity Scoop - 5/16
On May 16th, Rita's Water ice of Chalfont was a busy place - maybe more than normal - as Butler Staff took time to be their Celebrity Scoopers for the evening. Proceeds from the event were provided by the business to support Butler initiatives. Thanks to our teaching staff who attended and to the many families who enjoyed a delicious treat!
CBSD Kids Triathlon - 5/19
The Central Bucks Triathlon took place on May 19th. many students from Butler were able to sign-up as registered participants - having a fun opportunity to compete against peers from across the District. the event was held at CB South!
Field Trips: Multiple
As the end of the year draws near, many grades have been enjoying field trips across the area! See below.
Grade 1
On May 28th, 1st Grade also took a trip to the Elmwood Zoo to see many of their favorite animals (and maybe discovered a few new ones, too)!
Grade 3
On May 14th, Grade 3 visited Elmwood Zoo exploring the many habitats while learning about the care and schedules of their animals. Since students were unable to take this trip when they were in 1st grade, they easily connected to the 3rd grade curriculum!
Grade 3 - PEN
On May 20th, 3rd grade PEN students have been learning about various elements of design and architecture. During a walking tour of Doylestown, they were able to put their new learning to good use! Along the way, students were asked to find and identify numerous features that could be found throughout the historic buildings in town. Their impressive architectural knowledge was on display during the trip as they discussed the form and function of the structures they observed.
5th Grade
On May 29th, 5th Grade had their field trip to Washington’s Crossing Park along the Delaware River. During the trip, students were able to experience colonial life firsthand. Their day consisted of rotating through 9 different stations where they learned how to process wool, examine the gear that soldiers would have carried, join an artillery crew, play with old colonial games, write like a colonial person with a quill pen, see reproductions of the Durham boats that Washington and his men crossed the river in, and witness a blacksmith at work in his workshop. It was a great experience!
Grade 6 MBIT
On May 20, 6th graders visited Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) in Jamison. Students were invited to explore student-run tables introducing them to the 21 programs that MBIT offers. Students hammered nails, practiced chest compressions for CPR, took photos, and checked out firefighter gear. The programs offered give students an opportunity to earn certifications and college credits. It’s awesome that our CB students have so many options.
Grade 6 - Unami Middle School
On May 21, Butler 6th Grade visited Unami middle School to begin their preparations for becoming middle school students! The children toured the school, heard from students, and got a glimpse of life as a Middle School Student!
Grade 6 - Clean Streams (Bobrownicki & Kelly)
Our final classrooms were able to enjoy a beautiful day at Peace Valley on Friday, May 31 - exploring all that the park has to offer as part of their culminating activity field trip from learning about the water pollution unit! (Photos Coming)
Student Showcase
Paw Power Winners - 5/17, 5/23, and 5/31
Simon Butler's students and staff embrace the Butler Pledge, the foundation of our school's positive behavior program. Our Butler Community promises to:
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Kind
This pledge to all Butler Bears upholds our traditional Pillars: B.U.T.L.E.R.
Butler (at its Best!); Understanding; Teamwork; Leadership; Educational Excellence; Respect
Each week, students earn Positive Paw Power Coupons for their good deeds and honorable actions as recognition. Children enter them into our collection bins where names are drawn to earn a special "Breakfast with the Principals".
5/17 Winners: Michael K. (Kdg), Vittoria P. (Gr1), Spencer N. (Gr2), Hailey C. (Gr3), Cole K. (Gr4), Zachary R. (Gr5), Gavin M. (Gr6), T-Shirt - Jannat B. (Gr6).
5/23 Winners: Maeve W. (Kdg), Molly G. (Gr1), Lux D. (Gr2), Adela A. (Gr3), Chase W. (Gr4), Adam C-T., (Gr5), Ella D. (Gr6), T-Shirt - Lea H. Gr2).
5/31 Winners: Siena C. (Kdg), Shane M. (Gr1), Sohum S. (Gr2), Mila B. (Gr3), Maren G. (Gr4), Matthew F. (Gr5), Gavin W. (Gr6), T-Shirt - Amelia H. (Kdg)
Congratulations to all students who earned Positive Paw Power awards!
From the Butler PTO
The Butler PTO Newsletter
District Details
Simon Butler Elementary School
Principal: Karl Funseth
Administrative Assistant to Principal: Peggy Bernabei
Assistant Principal: Lauren Dowd
Administrative Assistant to Assistant Principal: Michele Droxler
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/butler
Location: 200 Brittany Drive, Chalfont, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-4250
Twitter: @CBButlerElem
Central Bucks School District
Acting Superintendent: James Scanlon, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Elementary: Nadine Garvin, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Secondary: Charles Malone, Ed. D.
Website: cbsd.org
Location: 20 Welden Drive, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools/
Twitter: @CBSDSchools