JM Daily Announcements
Club & Class News
Class of 2025
Graduation is May 16th!
Every senior needs a cap and gown!!!
Follow this link!
- You must order a “cap and gown unit.” ($52.00) You will need to submit your height and weight information and make payment for the product at that time.
- There are other items you may want to order as well, which can be ordered as part of a package or separately.
SCA Spreads the LOVE!
- Looking to celebrate your Valentine? Dedicate a Spotify Shoutout to them! Pay $2 for 30 seconds of any approved song and book for a specific person during their lunch. Your song will be announced and played during the lunch of your choice. Only one person can be booked per lunch wave for the month of February so book fast!
- Cupid has visited the JM Commons and left behind his photobooth! During each lunch wave, snap a polaroid of you and your friends during the whole month of February! $2 for one photo or $5 for 3 photos. Open to anyone during all lunch waves. Purchase of photo enters you to win a FREE ticket to prom!
NHS Carnations!
Improv Club, 2/6
The Improv Club will meet Thursday, 2/6, after school. See Ms. S with any questions.
Spring Play Rehearsal_CANCELLED, 2/6 & 2/7
Rehearsal for Little Shop of Horrors is canceled today AND tomorrow. No rehearsal Friday. Please check the rehearsal schedule for the updated changes.
Merch Design Contest!
Calling all creative minds! The James Monroe Writing Center is teaming up with the Art Club for an exciting Merch Design Contest. We’re looking for unique and eye-catching designs that represent the Writing Center's spirit and creativity. The winning design will be featured on official JM Writing Center merch! Whether it’s a t-shirt, hoodie, or sticker, your artwork could become part of our official collection.
Deadline for submissions: February 21st. Get your designs in and show us your artistic flair!
Help the JMHS Theatre Department
Greeting Arts Lovers! The JMHS Theatre Department has an ambitious lineup of shows and activities for students this year.
We will present our original One Act Play, Prompt: The AI Play on Friday, November 1st at 7pm. Following that there will be performances in December, a New York trip in February and our exciting spring musical Little Shop of Horrors April 10-12.
Parent and community donations go entirely towards show costs like costumes, scenery, props, and advertising. Please consider making a donation today by following the button below to the THEATRE DEPARTMENT online school payment page. Suggested donation of $25, but any amount helps!
Please contact Mr. Wright at markwright@cityschools.com if you would like to donate furniture, costumes, building materials or your skills! Thank you!
Buy a Yearbook Now!
See Yearbook photo galleries here!
Jersey Mike's!
The counseling department is giving away coupons for a free sub from Jersey Mike's! Congratulations to Penny Parks for being the first recipient. The following student of the month recipients should stop by and get their coupons as well:
Hailey Zeller
Keanan Berry
Madison Abbott
Stella Hensley
Yash Patil
Nicole Lopez
Xavier Gathers
The counseling department will be drawing more names during Kindness Week next week and through the end of the month.
College & Career
The FAFSA is now open. If you need assistance, please see Mrs. Smith in counseling.
The scoop on scholarships and the FAFSA®
With the focus on how to finance continuing education during National Financial Aid Awareness month, seniors and families are encouraged to pursue scholarships. A scholarship is financial support awarded to a student based on academic achievement, need, or other criteria for the purpose of schooling. There are various types of scholarships and criteria that are determined by the awarding organization that also specifies how the money is to be applied.
Visit the JMHS Scholarships webpage for more tips on searching and applying for scholarships.
2025–26 FAFSA®
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, known as the FAFSA, is open.
FAFSA® Application | Federal Student Aid.
Who should complete the FAFSA® form? Any student, regardless of income, who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs. This includes grants, scholarships, work-study funds, and loans.
Germanna's Early College Program
Germanna's Early College Program is looking for the Class of 2027! Early College allows students to work toward their high school diploma AND a transferable associate's degree at the same time!
Applications are now OPEN! The deadline to apply is FEBRUARY 10, 2025.
Please contact earlycollegeprograms@germanna.edu with any questions!
College Rep Visits
If you're interested in meeting with one of the reps, please sign up in Counseling!
Meet Your Counselors!
Counselor Assignments:
Holly Botkin: Seniors
Sharon Johnson: A-F
Caitlin Cummings: G-O
Kasine Conway: P-Z
Testing Coordinator:
College & Career:
Dawn Smith: Germanna
Girls Soccer
Attention potential Girl's soccer players: Optional Girl's soccer conditioning will occur everyday from 3:30-4:30 starting Monday Feb 3rd at James Monroe High School. Please meet promptly at 3:30 at the track.
If you are interested in trying out for Girls Soccer please complete a VHSL physical prior to tryouts. Soccer tryouts will occur on the Walker Grant Football field on February 24th.
If you have any questions, please see Mr. Turner at Walker Grant or Mr. Hine at James Monroe.
Game Time!
Thursday – February 6
· Girls Basketball vs. Chancellor – JV @ 5pm, V to follow
· Boys Basketball @ Chancellor – JV @ 5pm, V to follow
- Bus 52 @ 3:45pm
Friday – February 7
· Girls Basketball vs. Courtland – JV @ 5pm, V to follow
· Boys Basketball @ Courtland – JV @ 5pm, V to follow
- Bus 52 @ 3:45pm
Saturday – February 8
· Swim – Region 3B Championships @ SwimRVA – 2pm
- Bus 67 @ 11:00am
Winter Sports
Boys Basketball
Chuck Ellis
Girls Basketball
Tameka Christopher
Konrad Heller
Indoor Track
Travon Lucas
Spring Sports
Athletic Director—Kenton Griffin kgriffin@cityschools.com
Assistant Athletic Director—Kasine Conway kconway@cityschools.com
Boys’ Soccer—Head Coach Molay Sesay , Moliasesay15@gmailcom
3:00-4:30 PM @ JMHS
Girls’ Soccer—Head Coach Rowan Geukgeuzian rgeukgeuzian@cityschools.com
3:30-5:00 PM @ WGMS
Boys’ Tennis—Head Coach Marshall Wood, marshallwood1999@gmail.com
3:15-5:30 PM @ JMHS Courts
Girls’ Tennis—Head Coach Brian McDermott, brimcd@mac.com
3:15-5:30 PM @ JMHS Courts
Boys’ Lacrosse—Head Coach Karson Hastings, khastings @cityschools.com.
3:30-5:30 PM @ Fredericksburg Field House
Girls’ Lacrosse —Head Coach Maddy Morrison, mmorrison@cityschools.com
3:30-5:30 PM @ Fredericksburg Field House
Baseball—Head Coach Larry Hardison ldhardison73@gmail.com
3:30-5:30 PM @ WGMS
Softball—Head Coach Demetrice Silver dsilver@cityschools.com
3:30-5:30 PM @ JMHS
Track & Field—Head Coach Tre Lucas, Travonlucas76@gmail.com
3:30-5:30 PM @ JMHS
Spring sports practices begin on February 24. In order for a student to be eligible to try out he/she must meet V.H.S.L. requirements. All athletes must have a current sports physical dated May 1, 2024 on file.
Questions regarding spring sports should be directed to Kenton Griffin, Student Activities Director kgriffin@cityschools.com or Kasine Conway, Assistant Activities Director kconway@cityschools.com
Fill out online forms or view schedules.
Community Service
If you need service hours signed off, please bring a sheet for the organizer to sign off for the service hours you completed/worked.
Buy Your Parking Pass!
Every student who drives to school and parks on campus is required to purchase a parking permit for the student parking lot.
Bus Passes
In order to obtain a bus pass for a different bus, the student must turn in a note to the front office before lunch. We must confirm the note to be able to give the student a pass.
After School Policy
No Commercial Food Deliveries During School Day
Behind the Wheel
Any student who plans on taking the Behind the Wheel course this semester needs to email Mr Brown at debrown@cityschools.com and get registered. If you have already registered, you need to call and get a scheduled time to drive.
You are required to drive at least 3 days. Please include in your email a contact number so Mr Brown can schedule you.
James Monroe High School
Website: https://jmhs.fxbgschools.us/
Location: 2300 Washington Ave. Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: 540-372-1100