Lenape News Flash

Lenape Pride is for you, for us, for everyone.
Upcoming Events
📅 March
- March 13 - Once Upon a Mattress Performance, 7:00 pm
- March 14 - Once Upon a Mattress Performance, 7:00 pm
- March 15 - Once Upon a Mattress Performance, 2:00 and 7:00 pm
📅 April
- April 7 - Spring Choir Concert - 7:00 pm
- April 4 - End of the 3rd Marking Period - Early Dismissal - 10:45 am
- April 16
- Grades Available in the Parent Portal - 8:00 am
- NJHS Inductions - 7:00 pm
- April 17 - No School for Students - Teacher in Service
- April 18 - CBSD CLOSED - District Holiday - Good Friday
- April 21 - No School for Students - Teacher in Service
What's Happening at Lenape
A Note from the Principal
The week of March 3:
Hello, Lenape Families!
It’s hard to believe it’s March already! At this week’s faculty meeting, Emma Fullerton (grade 9) presented to the staff about a massive project at Lenape: the reimagining and repurposing of our two internal courtyards. Emma and I met earlier this year when we discovered that we were both excited about the potential of how we could use this space. We are in the early stages of assessment and planning the creation of one courtyard as more collaborative and social with the other being more academic and reflective. As you can see in the pictures below, one of Emma’s slides says “Everybody knows somebody!” If you or someone you know might be a good partner for us to add to our list of resources, please email me (dhoffman@cbsd.org). We will be officially kicking off the project with our students to bring awareness to the project on April 22 (Earth Day) by cleaning up the courtyards during the day and freshening them up a bit as we look to the future. We are so excited to have better use of this space for our school! Thank you, Emma! The staff was AMAZED with your passion and your presentation!
Have a great weekend!
Lenape Proud!
Dave Hoffman
Don't Miss It!
Lenape Players Present:
"Once Upon A Mattress, Youth Edition"
March 13,14,15, 2025, Lenape Middle School's Auditorium
Science Fair
This year the 2025 Lenape Science Fair took place in our newly renovated library. There were a variety of topics and all 8th grade advanced students did a fabulous job researching and testing their topic. Some students will compete in the Bucks County Science Research Competition next weekend at Delaware Valley University.
📢 March Donation Drive
Give Back, Make a Difference! 💙
As we step into March, let's come together to support those in need! Lenape's Raising for a Reason is hosting a Donation Drive to benefit A Woman's Place all month long, and we need your help to make a meaningful impact. A Woman’s Place (AWP) is the only domestic violence community benefit organization in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. AWP provides a full range of programs and services to individuals experiencing domestic violence, their children, and the community.
Paper goods, breakfast items, and $25 grocery gift cards are among their most needed things.
Please drop them off to the Main Office.
Support the Lenape Players
Thursday, March 13 - PJ Whelihan's - 4:00 - 9:00 PM
Have dinner at PJ's and 15% of your bill go towards the Lenape Players. Better yet, have dinner at PJ's then come see opening night of "Once Upon a Mattress" at Lenape. Must present flyer (on your phone is fine).
Pi Day Competition
Attention 9th Grade Parents and Students!
The 9th grade is planning an optional field trip to the 9/11 Memorial Museum on Thursday, April 24, 2025. Students were provided an overview of the trip and the required assignment that must be completed to attend the trip in their Social Studies classes.
- Students will be considered on a “first come, first served basis,” permission slips, payments and assignments will be collected starting the morning of 3/18/2025.
- The cost of the trip is $75 and cash or check should be made payable to Lenape Middle School.
There are two options in MyPaymentsPlus for your student to choose from:
- Option A is full week participation (Six Flags, t-shirt, breakfast, treat, pizza lunch and Freshman Social) this cost is $145 due in FULL by May 15th or 3 payments of ($50, $50, and $45 by May 15th). Permission slip and payments through MyPaymentsPlus.com
- Option B is partial participation - Not attending Six Flags Great Adventure but will get (t-shirt, breakfast, treat, pizza lunch and Freshman Social) for $45 paid in full by May 15th. Six Flags OPT Out Form and payment available through MyPaymentsPlus.com
Please save these dates on the information sheet. As we get closer to the events, more specific information will be emailed home.
Sports News
CB West Girls Soccer
There will a player/parent meeting on Wednesday, March 26 at 6:00 pm in the CB West cafeteria for rising freshman and anyone who has never played soccer for CB West. Give it a try!
Lenape Spring Sports
Starting dates:
Monday, March 24 (2:30-4:30 pm)
Track and Field, Girls' Soccer, Baseball, Softball
Monday, March 31 (2:30-4:30 pm)
Boys Tennis
Monday, April 7 (2:30-4:30 pm)
Boys' and Girls' Lacrosse
Art News
A new edition of the
Lenape Middle School Virtual Gallery
is available to view.
Students' artwork will be showcased in this
virtual gallery throughout the year.
Take a few minutes, put up your feet and ENJOY!
🎨 Support Our Talented Students with the Central Bucks School District
ART Show T-Shirt Sale! 🎨
“In My Artist Era”
We're excited to announce our T-shirt sale, aimed at raising funds to support our exceptional senior students. One outstanding senior from each of our three high schools will receive a scholarship to continue their artistic journey and realize their dreams! 🎓✨
Sale Dates: March 7, 2025, to April 11, 2025
Now, let's talk fashion! Whether you're into tie-dye, pretty in pink, or classic black, we've got the perfect T-shirt for you. And the best part? Every shirt is just $15! 😍
Sizes and Styles:
Child Small, Medium, Large
Adult Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XXL, XXXL
Tie Dye
How to Order:
Fill out the form completely on My Payments Plus.
Submit your order and payment via My Payments Plus.
Shirts will be delivered to your school's art teacher.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to support our talented students and look fabulous while doing it. Order your T-shirt today and wear your school spirit with pride! 🎉
Lenape's Activities Guide
We're excited to be able to offer a wide range of clubs and co/extracurricular activities to our students here at Lenape. Click Here to view the activities and extracurriculars that are offered. Check back often, as the list will be updated as new activities are added!
District Announcements
Join Us for "Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition" on March 25 at Lenape
Are you watching kids become too accustomed to using technology at too young an age? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw this happening with her kids and wondered about the impact and the friction occurring in homes and schools around negotiating screen time. The result is "Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition."
On Tuesday, March 25 at 7 p.m. in the Lenape Middle School auditorium, parents, guardians, and caregivers are invited to a screening of the film, which will kick off a CBSD series on digital wellness. "Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition" is a version of the original "Screenagers" movie and addresses issues that elementary school aged kids, parents and educators are facing, such as smartwatches in class, unhooking from and monitoring video gaming, social media pressures, exposure too young, and what research shows is a healthy amount of screen time. Solutions are also offered.
No pre-registration is required. This event is for parents, guardians and caregivers only. There will be no child care available.
Barclay Farmers Market
Round Up at GIANT to Support Barclay Farmers Market
From January 1 through March 31, the GIANT Company invites customers to join in supporting its "Feeding School Kids" initiative by rounding up at the register. The GIANT Company will directly support customers’ generosity by matching all donations up to $100,000. The Barclay Elementary School Farmers Market is the beneficiary of the funds, which help to support families across CBSD's 23 schools.
Get Active!
Get Active!: Register Now for CB Kids Tri and CB Kids Run
Calling all kindergarten to 6th-grade students -- it's almost time lace up your sneakers for the first annual CB Kids Run event on Saturday, April 26 then get ready to TRI something new at the third annual CB Kids Triathlon on Sunday, June 8. Registration for both events is now open. Learn more and register!
Early Entry Application
Central Bucks School District recently made a change to the age of admission for student enrollment in kindergarten. Effective beginning the 2025-26 school year, students may be admitted to kindergarten who will be five years of age from September 1 through October 31. Learn more and access information on how to apply.
Town Hall Meeting Video and New Q&A's
The district and board again thank the many members of the CBSD community who attended the second town hall to discuss the future of Doyle, Kutz, and Linden Elementary schools on February 27. Read more about the event and access the video recording and over 40 new questions and answers.
e-Flyer Folder
New Additions in CBSD "e-Flyer Folder" on Community Events
Did you know there's a webpage on CBSD.org where you can get information on various community events and activities happening around Central Bucks? Recent additions include flyers from the Bucks County Tennis Association, PA Rush spring soccer, and a Bucks County Kids Book Fest flyer to the e-flyer folder this week. Check it out now!
Community News
The Central Bucks High School South Titan Thespians are proud to present Sweeney Todd, School Edition, on Friday, March 28, and Saturday, March 29, 2025. Tickets are currently on sale via this link
Central Bucks Aquatics
Central Bucks Aquatics offers clinics in the spring for swimming and diving. We also offer lifeguard courses. Please see the links below for information about these programs and reach out to me at jsteinberg@cbsd.org with questions.
- Spring swim clinic (program for swimmers who want to get ready for participation with a swim team and those who already have team experience)
- Spring dive clinic (program for new divers and those with team experience)
- Lifeguard courses (initial certification and recertification available)
Good to Know!
Emergency Transportation Pass
From the Transportation Department:
An "Emergency Transportation Pass" has been established to assist the schools and transportation department in the event an emergency occurs, and a student must use an alternate bus stop other than the one assigned to that student.
The emergency pass is for one day PM use only.
These passes are only for emergency situations such as:
parent in the hospital or an emergency that prevents a parent to be home in time for the student's arrival home.
These passes are NOT to be used in situations such as:
a ride to a student's place of employment, medical appointments, religious instruction, scouts/girl scouts, joint student projects, parents on vacation, play dates, or any other non-emergency activities.
If you require the use of an Emergency Transportation Pass, please contact your school's Main Office.
General inquiries:
- Main Office - 267-893-2800
- Lucy Loudenslager - Admin Assistant to Dave Hoffman - 267-893-2801
- Bridget Hackman - Admin Assistant to Heather Forester - 267-893-2802
Student-specific inquiries (scheduling, transition questions, support, etc.):
- School Counselors
- Marykate Schrack (Last names A-K): 267-893-2813
- Kate Mallon (Last names L-Z): 267-893-2811
PSSA Testing Dates at Lenape Middle School
Lenape Middle School will administer the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) exams to students in April and May. Please make note of the following testing schedule:
📚 ELA (English Language Arts) – April 23, 24, 25 (7th & 8th Grade)
📐 Math – April 29, 30 (7th & 8th Grade)
🔬 Science – May 1 (8th Grade Only)
The PSSA exams are an important measure of your child's academic progress in core content areas and are required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). PDE outlines specific attendance procedures for state testing, emphasizing that students must be present during these exams. We kindly request that families refrain from scheduling vacations, appointments, or other planned absences during testing days.
If your child is absent for any reason during testing, make-up sessions will be required to ensure that all students complete the assessments. However, it is always best for students to take the exams with their peers during the scheduled times to maintain consistency and minimize disruptions to their learning.
We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring your child is present, well-rested, and prepared for these important assessments. Thank you for your continued support!
Student Drop Off Procedures
Car Line Procedures:
From 7:00 - 7:30 am and 2:30 - 3:00 pm, traffic in and out of Lenape is ONE WAY. All traffic must enter from W. STATE STREET (202) and exit on to WEST STREET (back of building).
Car Riders:
Any student who arrives PRIOR TO 7:25 am by car will enter through the Gym or Cafeteria doors.
- Please use the “roller coaster” approach to dropping off to ensure that we have as many cars emptying at one time as possible.
- Pull up as far as possible. Once your car comes to a stop, students should disembark in the highlighted drop off/pick up zone (see map below) and should enter through the Gym or Cafeteria doors (whichever is closest).
- Cars must then exit on to West Street. PLEASE NO U-TURNS through the parking areas. Be aware of ONE-WAY SIGNS.
- For the students' safety, do not use the church or medical building parking lots for drop off.
- Please do not drive through bus lanes that run parallel to West State Street (RT. 202).
Any student who arrives after 7:25 AM should enter through the Main Office door.
Students must be in first period by 7:30 in order to avoid being marked late.
Early Dismissal Requests
To Sign a Student Out Early:
1. Fill out an Early Dismissal Request in the Parent Portal.
- If someone, other than the parent, will be picking up your child indicate their name in the Remarks section.
2. When you arrive at school
- Ring the doorbell
- Give us your child's name.
3. Wait in your car for your child.
4. If you do not fill out a request in the Parent Portal
- Parents will need to enter the school, with I.D., to sign out their child.
- If you do not have a form of identification, you will not be able to sign out your student unless ok'd by security or the principal.
Most importantly, please leave ample time for pick up. Students can be located in areas of the building that are difficult to reach or their classroom may be located far from their locker. We do our best to get your student as quickly as possible.
Lenape Cell Phone Policy
All cell phones/electronic devices should be in the “power off” position and kept out of sight during school hours. It is recommended that they stay in the students' lockers. The use of electronic imaging devices associated with cell phones/electronic devices, or any similar type of communications technology is prohibited.
If a message needs to be given to your child, please call the office at 267-893-2800 and we will get the message to them as soon as possible, without disrupting the class. If your child is ill or has another issue, they may ask an adult in the building to see the nurse or guidance counselor at any time.
- Maintain the integrity of the academic environment.
- Keep private property not necessary for academic endeavors protected and secure from loss, theft, and damage.
- Respect the personal privacy of students and staff in the school.
- Ensure students do not connect to websites/social media sites/other resources that are prohibited and blocked by Central Bucks School District.
- Ensure devices are not used to take pictures or videos of individuals without their permission.
CONSEQUENCES: The following progressive consequences are in place for students that violate this policy:
- First Infraction: The device will be confiscated, placed in a blue envelope, and given to the appropriate personnel (administrator, resource officer or office staff). The infraction will be noted, and students will be given back the device at the end of the school day.
- Second Infraction: Process for 1st infraction AND student will be assigned an administrative detention.
- Third Infraction: Process for 1st infraction, PARENT/GUARDIAN will need to pick up the device at the end of the school day, and student will be assigned a Saturday detention.
- Additional Infractions: Parent will need to pick the phone up for each additional infraction, additional detentions will be assigned, and suspension of extra-curricular activities will be included in the conversation along with improvement plan.
Important Attendance Information
As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, we want to remind you of the specific procedures regarding attendance.
Parent/Guardian Alert About Student Absences: When your child is not in school, you will receive both text message and email notification. The purpose of this is to ensure that you are aware that your child is not in school on a given day(s).
Excused Absence: Parent/guardian must notify the attendance office by 10:30am for elementary and 9:00am for secondary via Parent Portal. Emails are not accepted. Absences submitted through the Parent Portal will also serve as the excuse for the absence. For extenuating circumstances in which a parent/guardian does not have internet access and must excuse their student by phone, within 3 days after returning to school, the student must present a written excuse note signed by the parent/guardian, clearly indicating the reasons for the absence. Consistent with state attendance law, the school will classify an absence as “excused” for one of the following reasons only:
· Illness
· Death in the immediate family
· Exceptionally urgent reasons
· Religious observances with prior approval
· Tutorial work
· Educational tours or trips with prior approval (not to exceed five days per year)
· Health care (must present a doctor’s note for the absence to be medically excused)
Any absence that can be anticipated beforehand should be brought to the attention of the building principal well in advance of the absence.
Secondary students who are absent more than twenty days from any year-long course may be denied academic credit for that course. Credit for semester courses may be denied if ten days of absence are exceeded. In addition, students who are absent for more than twenty days may be ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities and/or compete in PIAA sports. Special consideration will be given to those students who are seriously ill.
Religious Observation: For full or part-time absence of a student to observe a religious holiday, it is necessary that the request be put in through the Parent Portal prior to the religious holiday(s).
Educational Tours or Trips: Requests by parents/guardians for permission to have children absent from school for educational tours or trips must be made to and processed by the principal or his/her designee. The request must be received by the principal at least ten (10) days prior to the anticipated absence. The total number of approved days of absence shall not exceed five (5) days in a given school year. Days exceeding these guidelines shall be considered unlawful and/or unexcused. The student shall be held responsible for making up missed assignments.
Unexcused or Unlawful Absences: All absences for reasons other than those cited above will be considered as “unexcused.” All “unexcused” absences for students under the age of eighteen are also recorded as “unlawful.” When a student accumulates three days of unlawful absence in a school year, the principal shall send an official “first notice” to the parent/guardian. In addition, a “School Attendance Improvement Plan” will be developed to improve student attendance. For each incident of unlawful absence after the sixth unlawful absence, the principal or designee shall do one or more of the following: refer the child to an attendance improvement program, refer to Children and Youth or file a truancy citation with the District Magistrate. Importantly, for students aged 18 and older, absenteeism may result in credit denial as outlined in sections above.
Cumulative Absences: Whenever a student accumulates ten (10) or more absences in a school year, the parent guardian will receive an official letter stating that every absence thereafter must be medically excused by a doctor. Failure to do so will then result in unexcused absences and potential truancy proceedings.
Consecutive Absences: Whenever a student has ten (10) consecutive absences and there is no evidence that these absences are “excused”, the district will begin the process to remove the student from its active membership roll.
Tardiness and Early Dismissal: Whenever students arrive late or depart prior to the end of the school day, parents must enter that information into the Parent Portal. These incidents are recorded as “excused” or “unexcused” applying the same criteria as those for full-day absences. Students arriving after the midpoint of the morning or departing before the midpoint of the school day will be recorded as ½ day absent. At the secondary level, this will affect the student’s ability to participate on the day of an extracurricular activity. Minutes accumulated due to tardiness or early dismissal will count towards overall attendance accounting. If significant minutes are missed, this will result in truancy proceedings and, at the secondary level, may impact the awarding of credit for a particular course missed.
Laptop Information
Laptop Breakage
We have seen a rise in the amount of screen breaks for student laptops. Our policy covers for 2 broken screens per device. If your child’s laptop screen breaks 3 times, we will be required to send you an invoice for the repair and labor. The current cost for this is $200. Please remind your child to care for their laptops. Some simple steps to assist are:
- Use two hands when holding or moving the device.
- Use clean hands while using the laptop or iPad.
- Use only the provided digital pen or finger on the screen.
- Use only the power adapter that came with the device.
- Use a microfiber cloth to clean the screen.
- Keep device stored in the provided case. This includes traveling through the hallways, on buses, or anytime the device is not being utilized.
- Make sure nothing is on the keyboard, close the lid, and remove all cables if any are plugged into the laptop. Place laptop in your bag carefully.
- Be careful when placing your case on the floor. Keep the device off the floor so screens do not get stepped on by others.
Free & Reduced Lunch
Learn more about applying for free and reduced meal pricing and apply here. You can also visit the full informational webpage here.
Children's Health Insurance Program
Children's Health Insurance Program
The Children's Health Insurance Program — or CHIP — is Pennsylvania's program to provide health coverage to uninsured children and teens who are not eligible for or enrolled in Medicaid/Medical Assistance.
Regardless of the reasons your children might not have health insurance, CHIP may be able to help you. Apply now.
Recursos Para Padres Hispanohablantes
Abajo se encuentran recursos en Español para padres y guardianos de los estudiantes de Central Bucks.