Hickory Highlights-August 5, 2022
Hickory School Hours - 9:25 am - 4:10 pm
- Wed., Aug. 10th - Meet the Teacher Night (1st - 4th grades) 6:00-6:40pm OR 6:50-7:30pm
- Thurs., August 11th - PICTURE DAY - ALL GRADES check student folder for Lifetouch flyer
- Fri., August 19th- TEXTBOOK RENTAL STATEMENTS -sent home via ParentSquare
- Mon., Sept. 5- NO SCHOOL - LABOR DAY
- Mon. Sept. 26 - Fri. Sept. 30- Book Fair
- Mon. Oct. 10th through Sun. Oct 23rd - FALL BREAK NO SCHOOL
- Thurs. Oct 27th - PICTURE RETAKE DAY
- Tues., Nov. 8th - E-LEARNING DAY -students learn from home
Back to School Night- Grades 1-4 Wednesday, August 10th
You are invited to attend the Back to School Night with your child(ren)'s teacher(s) on Wednesday, August 10th. There are two session times to choose from:
6:00PM - 6:40PM OR 6:50PM - 7:30PM. If possible, it is preferred that children not attend these parent/teacher meetings.
School Picture Day- Thursday, August 11th
Check your child's backpack this weekend. The Lifetouch Picture Day order form should be inside. Picture day is this coming Thursday, August 11th.
Parents can send in the order form with checks made payable to "Lifetouch".
Please send these order forms in on or before August 11th.
Pictures can also be ordered online at mylifetouch.com Use Picture Day ID: EVTWZM6W6
Spirit Wear on Sale Now!
All sales are final, no returns. The Spirit Wear Sale will end at midnight on August 14th.
Review of Car Rider Procedures-PLEASE READ
Morning Car
Rider Line
· Parents must enter Hickory’s parking lot from the 100 South entrance.
· Students will enter the building through Door #1.
· Doors will open at 9:10 am. Students should wait until Hickory staff invite them in with a wave.
· Once all cars have pulled all the way forward and are along the curb, please have your child exit on the PASSENGER side of the car.
· Students will enter the building and wait on a spot until they are dismissed to their rooms at 9:15 am.
· Parents, stay in your car at all times. Please be sure that students have their belongings in hand and ready to exit as you enter the line. If your doors have child locks “on”, then a staff member can open the door.
Afternoon Car Rider Line
· Dismissal will begin at 4:10 pm at Door #1
· Parents must enter Hickory’s parking lot from the 100 South entrance.
· Please make sure your car rider sign (car rider number) is hanging from your rearview mirror/window. Car rider signs are only given to students who are regular car riders.
· A staff member will collect numbers. We will call student numbers in groups of 10 to walk to cars.
· All students need to enter their car on the PASSENGER side.
· Please do not exit your car or park your car for any reason. All students must be picked up via the car rider line. We will not be able to dismiss students to parents that have parked and walked up.
Car Rider Arrival and Dismissal Map
-Enter the lot from 100 South
-Follow the map so that cars are lined up with the passenger door facing the front of the building
From the School Counselor - Claire Kaiser
Dear Hickory Parents/Guardians:
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Claire Kaiser and I am the new school counselor at Hickory Elementary. This is going to be my 7th year as a school counselor! I was the school counselor at Nettle Creek School Corporation for the previous 6 years. I am really looking forward to meeting all of our parents and students.
In the first couple weeks, I will be going into all classrooms to do a “meet the counselor” lesson. I will also be running groups and one-on-one counseling sessions if needed. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out at 317-544-6300 ext. 6320 or email me at ckkaiser@avon-schools.org
Claire Kaiser
School Counselor
Hickory Elementary
Notes from the School Nurse:
- If you think your student may have trouble with potty accidents at school, please have a change of clothes available in your student's backpack. This is particularly typical at the beginning of the school year for our youngest Hickory friends!
- If your child has needed to borrow clothing from the clinic for a potty accident or spill, please wash those items and return them to school. This helps to keep items available when friends need to borrow them!
- Attention Kindergarten Parents: Please send in your child's most up to date immunization record. We have quite a few little friends showing non-compliant on their Indiana state required immunizations, but this may just be because we do not have their most current shot record. To check if your student is up-to-date, you can call your child's doctor's office, or reach out to me via email (alwalker@avon-schools.org) or ParentSquare.
Thank you for your help with these important matters!
Amber Walker RN
Hickory Elementary School Nurse