April 2024
April 19, 2024
Dear Families, Staff and Community Members,
As we approach the final months of the school year, we spend time together reflecting on the growth of our students over the course of the year, and plan for their needs for the next. As the parent of a younger student (K-2), you may have noticed your student’s increased confidence surrounding their reading, speaking and writing. “To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark,” said Les Misérables author Victor Hugo. This rings true in our schools as our teachers ignite sparks daily, providing opportunities to grow this confidence in a variety of ways– recently, in a Kindergarten classroom students enthusiastically sounded out complex words like “pine cone” while middle school students engaged in a poetry slam at The Skokie School. Our March Winnetka Wire message focused on literacy and its vast impact on all facets of learning. We shared that new literacy materials for grades K-8 will be approved at the April 23 School Board meeting. Dr. Becky Mathison, Assistant Superintendent of Innovation, Teaching and Learning, conducted a work session at the March 19 School Board meeting in order to preview the recommended literacy materials before approval. Additionally, other supplemental materials will be utilized to ensure all facets of literacy acquisition are explicitly taught.
To arrive at this point, over 60 educators participated in a literacy pilot. The Literacy Leadership Committee has devoted hundreds of hours of data collection and analysis, participated in robust discussions and ensured that the selected materials are informed by the science of reading and best instructional practices. On behalf of our administration, we are immensely thankful for this dedication to our Annual Plan Goal surrounding literacy. Beyond that, we know this hard work will support our students in their learning and this impact will last well beyond their years in Winnetka. We also extend our appreciation to our students, who helped us evaluate the pilot materials by providing insights to help our educators determine the most effective fit for the District. Beyond that, we know that the hard work continues as we move into professional development of our instructional staff and implementation with students.
We think you may enjoy reflections from students in classrooms that piloted the CommonLit and ARC materials:
You did it independently and you could choose what you wanted to learn like I did a tornados and my friend did blizzards. I personally love this unit and the joy that came with it.
I like how everyone is learning the same thing so we can help each other.
The stories were interesting.
I liked that at the end we got to tell people what we had learned.
I liked doing the poetry and analyzing the poems.
It was amazing and it helped me a lot.
I liked making the book and adding all the parts together.
I LOVE to read and write.
These comments reflect the competencies we strive to support in our Portrait of a Graduate, as well as our Progressive Tenets. We look forward to providing professional learning for our educators, and opportunities for parents to learn more about the implementation of our new curriculum in grades K-8 at the start of the 2024/2025 school year. Thank you to our school community for your interest, expertise, and support as we have engaged in this important and formative work.
Most Sincerely,
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent of Schools
Artificial Intelligence and Education
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent of Schools, invites you to our third “Coffee with Kelly,” a community conversation hosted at our schools! Staff, families and community members are welcome to join Dr. Tess, Mr. Patrick Dawson (Director of Innovation, Teaching & Learning) and Mr. Matt Boyer (Technology Integration Specialist at Skokie) for a co-facilitated discussion on the growing world of Artificial Intelligence, what we are learning about it and how parents can stay informed. We hope to provide an opportunity to learn more about how it intersects with the world of education, as well as offer participants a first-hand, guided experience with AI and offer ways parents can talk about this with their children.
“Coffee with Kelly” in April
April 30, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.
The Skokie Community Room
All staff, caregivers, and parents (including grandparents!) are welcome. You do not need to be a Skokie School family or staff member to attend. Coffee will be served!
Spring 2024 Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent Feedback Requested by May 3!
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 14-15, 2024. This shift from October provides an opportunity to redefine how fall conferences are utilized. Conferences should serve as an opportunity to provide information about how a student is learning and what is next to support continued growth. Please complete this brief survey by May 3. The results will be used to structure the November 2024 conferences.
Board Meeting Preview
The next School Board meeting will be held at Carleton Washburne School on April 23, 2024. The Regular Meeting is at 7:15 p.m.
The following presentation is on the agenda:
- Literacy Curriculum
In-person seating for the public is on a first-come, first-served basis.
To observe via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 880 9070 7037
Passcode: 353337
The meeting will include an opportunity for in-person public comment. Please note, the Board will be following policy 2:230 and limit public comment to three minutes - however, if there is a high volume of public comment, the Board may need to limit the amount of time dedicated to public comment in order to efficiently conduct business. Community members can send communications to board members at board@winnetka36.org which will be individually reviewed by each board member prior to the meeting.
The District offers regular sessions for families to learn more about a variety of topics.
Click here for the Spring 2024 schedule.
Up next:
What Do These Reports Mean? (Greeley Staff Members and Principal Joshua Swanner)
May 15, 2024
9:30 A.M.
Location: Washburne Cafeteria
Families receive important information regarding their child’s growth and achievement at three distinct times in the school year. This includes progress reports, benchmarking reports, MAP assessment reports, and IEP trimester updates. This informational session is available to families of elementary students enrolled in the Winnetka Public Schools and will provide an overview of how to read and interpret the triannual data provided to families. Join staff members from Greeley School as they detail the purpose of these reports and how they are used to inform instruction.
If you missed our spring sessions, watch the videos here:
From Washburne to New Trier: (with Paul Waechtler, Principal)
A D36 Parent's Guide to the New Trier Transition
Not Quite Little Kid, Not Quite Teenager:
The Developmental Progression of the Middle School Child
Digital Citizenship in Winnetka (with SEL Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists)
Earth Week in The Winnetka Public Schools 🌷🌱 🌸 🪺 🌳 🌎
The Winnetka Public Schools will be celebrating and participating in Earth Day activities the week of April 22-26. This year’s theme is around the three R’s of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Students will participate in activities and learning around this theme during the week and we encourage everyone to participate in the following ways:
Tuesday - REDUCE - Aim for a waste-free lunch
Wednesday - REUSE - What can you reuse or repurpose rather than throwing it away?
Thursday - RECYCLE - Can what you throw away be recycled or composted instead?
Additional Resources:
30 Easy Ways To Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
From Our Partners at The Alliance for Early Childhood
It’s time for Teacher Tributes!
For over 20 years the Alliance for Early Childhood has honored teachers of young children and the work they do supporting their healthy growth and development. To honor The Winnetka Public Schools teachers, support staff, and leaders, please follow this link.
Let's Play! At The Farm
Saturday, April 27, 10am-noon
Historic Wagner Farm
1510 Wagner Rd, Glenview
Pre-Registration link
Join The Alliance for Early Childhood in partnership with Historic Wagner Farm for a morning of exploration at the farm in spring. Families can explore the 1920’s historic Wagner farmhouse, barter in the Farm Stand, enjoy the Farm Adventure Area playground, and visit the Heritage Center, which includes a 1930s recreated grocery store.
Let's Play! Sandcastles and Seagulls
Saturday, May 11, 10am - noon
Gillson Park and Beach, Wilmette, IL
Pre-Registration link
Build sandcastles, explore the bird sanctuary, and play in nature with The Alliance for Early Childhood in partnership with Wilmette Park District and BackYard Nature Center. Bring your sandcastle building tools and sense of adventure and enjoy a morning of play and exploration at The Beach!
2023/2024 Calendar
Follow us on Social Media!
Please follow the District via the following social media platforms in order to see day-to-day happenings and more.
Facebook and Twitter: @Winnetka36
Instagram: @WinnetkaPublicSchools
LinkedIn: @TheWinnetkaPublicSchools
Parent Education Sessions from District Partner Family Action Network (FAN):
For upcoming events (& videos of past events) with an array of highly-regarded authors, educators, and more, access FAN’s website here.