Scott 6th Grade Center
September 2, 2024
Scott 6th Grade Center's Motto- "We Enter to Learn and Leave to Achieve"
Building Community and Getting to Know Each Other
Staff students spent much of the first week getting to know each other and having a little fun while setting expectations for a great year.
Throughout the building their were many fun things going on: Rock, Paper Scissors games, Jeopardy competitions, even STEM building challenges. We had a great week getting to know each other, learning and laughing.
Mr. MacLennan's Math Class Challenge
The bucket tower challenge required each student to come up with a design in which they used a total of 20 straws, a paper cup, 20 inches of string and that of tape. Students partnered up and decided on which design or designs to create. The students then tested their creation by filling the cup with as many chips as they could. The cup had to swing freely, and remain one inch above the table surface. Here are a few of the prototypes at work. The assignment required communication, as well as collaboration. The students were encouraged to know it was okay to fail in their first attempt(s), just as long as they worked to a better design. All classes did a great job!
Are You Interested in Joining Our PTO?
Please use the QR code and fill in the form with your contact information.
Our first PTO meeting will be on September 17th at 5:00 in Scott's Library and via Zoom. (A link will be sent out closer to the date)
At the meeting we will discuss plans for the year. Please come with any ideas for helping our students and staff.
Chromebook Distribution
Sixth grade students (and some new seventh grade students) received their new chromebooks on Thursday last week. Students that had their old chromebooks with them, returned them. If your student has an old chromebook at home, please send it in so it may be given to our IT Department.
Students were given the 1:1 agreement form, and asked to return it by the end of this week. If the form did not make it to you, please open the attachment below, print it, sign it, and send it back to school with your student.
All students were reminded that school issued chromebooks are their responsibility to take care of. Please see the link below for our technology department. (It can also be accessed from the main district website under the department tab.) You will see links for the handbook, IT help desk and more.
Also, please remember to pay the insurance fee on Revtrak. All students are required to pay the $40 insurance fee each year to cover accidental damage. I have included the link below to the technology fee, but you can also access it from the main district website. Go to Revtrak and then Technology.
Bus Status App
We will still be using the Bus Status App to notify parents/guardians and schools of delayed buses.
Please see below for the attached document with the directions to download the app.
7th and 8th Grade Fall Sports Information
Summer Reading
Students entering grade 6 and 7 in the fall will choose a book to read from the lists below. Students should complete a graphic organizer for their book and turn it into their English teacher upon return to school. The organizer will be graded as a homework assignment for the first marking period. The due date is 9/23/24.
Use the links below to access your grade’s reading list and assignment.
GRADE 6/ Summer Reading 2024 Assignment Entering 6th Grade.pdf
English Learners grades 6 / SPANISH Summer Reading Grade 6
GRADE 7/ Summer Reading Assignment 7 Final (1).pdf
English Learners grades 7 / SPANISH Summer Reading Grade 7
Suggested Supply List
As the end of summer approaches and the excitement of returning to school begins, we understand that families want to begin their back-to-school shopping. Below, please find the list of recommended school supplies. Please feel free to provide additional materials that you feel may benefit your child’s learning style. If it is a financial strain on your family, we will assist your child with these supplies.
6th and 7th Grade
• PENS (2 RED) (2 BLUE) (2 BLACK)
• PENCILS (Pack of 12)
• TEXAS INSURMENTS TI-30 CALCULATOR (For use at home. Please see the link to purchase what the students use in school if you would like.) https://www.amazon.com/Texas-Instruments-MultiView-Scientific-Calculator/dp/B000PDFQ6K)
• LANYARD (for school ID)
Back to School Night
Back to School Night
I would like to invite you to Scott Middle School’s annual Back-to-School Night on Thursday, September 12th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. During Back-to-School Night, you will have the valuable opportunity to learn important information about your child's classroom experience and to meet your child's teachers.
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024, 06:00 PM
Scott Middle School, 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Nurse's Corner
Students who are at risk for school exclusion starting Thursday 9/5/24 because of missing immunizations were given a formal notice on Monday 8/26/24. Please ask your student if they received this notice from the nurse to avoid missing any school time.
If you have any questions, please email: keenana@casdschools.org
Upcoming Dates
September 2- No School
September 5- All students are required to be vaccinated or show proof of future appointment scheduled.
September 12- Back to School Night 6:00 to 8:00 pm
September 17- First PTO meeting in the Scott Library and via Zoom at 5:00 pm
September 18- Early Dismissal for Students/ PM Professional Development for Staff
Contact Information
Website: https://www.casdschools.org/scott
Location: 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Phone: 610 383 6946
Additional Contact Information
Mrs. Kathryn Lamothe- Principal lamothek@casdschools.org
Mr. Peter Altland- Assistant Principal altlandp@casdschools.org
Mrs. Devyn Hamilton- Guidance Counselor hamiltond@casdschools.org
Ms. Ashley Russum- Principal's Secretary russuma@casdschools.org
Mrs. Sue Shumate- Assistant Principal's Secretary shumates@casdschools.org