Nauset Regional Middle School ROCKS
A Weekly Update from NRMS - January 31, 2025
Reminders & Headlines
TONIGHT! Friday January 31- School Dance/Social
The PTO and Student Council host the Winter Wonderland Dance/Social for NRMS students in Grades 6-8. Friday January 31 at NRMS 6pm-8pm. Please complete the Winter Social Permission Slip.
Third Quarter Starts Monday - February 3
Today marks the end of the second quarter and the midway point of the school year. Report cards for the second quarter will be available in Aspen on February 12.
Pack the Gym - February 6
Come cheer on the Girls Basketball team. Let's pack the gym and help them bring home a victory. Students may stay after school in the cafeteria and then head to the game at 4pm.
Stay connected to NRMS - Tech Tips & Tricks
Please review these helpful ways that you can stay connected to our school and be equipped to support your scholar. Parent Technology Tips including where to find important info on the Nauset App and Nauset Website.
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Updates From The Principal
Hello NRMS Families,
We have reached the halfway point of the school year. As principal, it is at this time of year that I have one foot in the current year and one foot in the next school year. We are wrapping up the budget process. We are working on staffing and schedules for next year. And we are planning the transition events for 8th to 9th grade and for 5th to 6th grade. Below, and in each newsletter from now until June, we will list important events so that you can mark your calendars and save the dates.
Over the next two weeks, we will welcome 5th grade students to NRMS as they visit and learn more about the middle school. We will host an informational meeting for parents of 5th graders on February 11. Please help us spread the word to your friends and neighbors who have 5th graders that will attend NRMS in the fall. The high school is also working on the transition process for our 8th graders. See the message below from the high school principal.
We have just two weeks until the February vacation week. I want to remind everyone about the importance of daily attendance in school. We have noticed in 2025 (the past five weeks) that there has been an increase in family vacations outside of the designated school vacation periods. Please refrain from planning trips that pull students from school. Students fall behind when they miss multiple days of school. Additionally, attendance is one factor for how the state evaluates our school. Please help us reach our attendance goals.
The start of the third quarter is a good opportunity for students to have a fresh approach to their learning. They should treat the second half of the year as "spring training," where they focus on developing strong, scholarly skills that will stick with them when they transition to the next grade level in the fall.
Enjoy the weekend.
Peter Cohen, Ed.D.
Message from NRHS Principal for Current 8th Graders & Families
Dear Parents and Caregivers of the Class of 2029,
Now is the time for current 8th graders and their families to begin focusing on the transition to high school and building a schedule of courses for the next school year. We ask all involved to fully engage in the process and select courses that meet the learning needs of each individual student. Each student will engage in the course selection process, selecting a total of 7 course credits, as well as back up elective options. Please consider the course descriptions in the Program of Studies, the current level of learning skill, and commitment to study outside of the school day. Please see the attached schedule for the dates I will be visiting for a daytime Student Workshop. Our evening Parent/Caregiver Workshop will be at Nauset Regional High School. At this time a general overview of life at the high school as well as the course selection process will be reviewed. Please access the QR code to view the Program of Studies. I look forward to meeting the Class of 2029 and Parent /Caregivers at the scheduling sessions. Please feel free to call the Main Office at 508-255-1505 with any questions.
Be Well, Patrick Clark, Principal
Tue Feb 25 8th grade class meeting to discuss process for Pre-registration/Program of Studies at NRMS, 1230PM
Thur. Feb 27 Parent Meeting to discuss process for Pre-registration/Program of Studies at NRHS Auditorium 6:00 PM
Week of March 17 - School counselors meet with students at NRMS to create student schedules
New Math Curriculum Pilot
As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best possible learning experience for our students, we are excited to inform you that we are exploring new math curriculum programs. After researching various curriculum options, we believe that two programs could offer new opportunities to deepen students’ understanding of math concepts and better meet their individual learning needs: HMH Into Math and MidSchoolMath. To evaluate which one would be the best fit for our students, we will be piloting these two programs over the next few months. We are starting with HMH Into Math and will begin using it with most math classes in early February (compacted math classes are not piloting it due to their unique pacing). Here is some information about the program:
Into Math was developed based on the latest research to deliver a student-centered, outcomes-driven approach to learning mathematics that supports deeper understanding of concepts, along with true procedural fluency and application embedded throughout. Into Math emphasizes effort in learning to reignite your child's belief that they're unstoppable. From embedded growth mindset tasks and explicit social-emotional instruction that supports students in building critical thinking skills, to independent learning activities that encourage perseverance, Into Math transforms mathematics fear into mathematics enthusiasm.
We certainly welcome your feedback as we determine whether this program is the right fit for our school. Thank you for your support and partnership!
Winter/Spring 2025 Dates - Mark Your Calendars
February 3 - Term 3 Begins
February 7 - OES 5th graders visit NRMS
February 10 - EES 5th graders visit NRMS
February 11 - WES 5th graders visit NRMS
February 11 - 5th Grade Parent Night, 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
February 12 - Term 2 Report Cards home
February 12 - Field Trip for select 7th & 8th Gr. Band students
February 14 - Spirit Day - Wear Pink/Red
February 14 - Movie day PBIS reward 12:30-2:30 All School
February 17-21 - No School - Winter Break
February 25 - 8th Graders meet with Principal Clark from NRHS during NT
February 25 - Field Trip Grade 7 (CCTech)
February 26 - iReady Reading
February 27 - Field Trip Grade 7 (CCTech)
February 27-28 - iReady Make-Up
March Madness - Grade 8 Cornhole Tournament
March 3 - MCAS Training at Faculty Meeting
March 7 - Early Release Day
March 7-8 - Field Trip 7th & 8th Grade music students
March 11 - iReady Math
March 11 - Term 3 Half Over
March 12-13 - iReady Math Make-up
March 17-21 - Gr. 8 Course Registration with HS Counselors (at NRMS)
March 19-22 - Field Trip: Model UN Conference
March 28 - Arts Day
April 2 - ELA MCAS
April 8 - ELA MCAS
April 14 - 4th Quarter Begins
April 25-27 - Model UN Conference NYC
April 30 - Math MCAS
May 2 - Early Release Day
May 6 - Math MCAS
May 13 - Science MCAS
May 14 - 7th/8th Grade Concert
May 15 - Science MCAS
May 16 - Music Department Field Trip (Hyannis)
May 20 - Term 4 Half Over
May 20 - Civics MCAS
May 22 - Civics MCAS
May 26 - Memorial Day - No School
June 2 or 3 - Step up day for Grade 8? Field Day for Grade 6 & 7?
June 4 - 6th Grade Concert
June 6 - 5th Graders have Picnic/Field Day event
June 11-13 - Quebec Trip
June 13 - 8th Grade Field Trip
June 16 - 6th & 7th Grade Awards Night
June 17 - Firebirds Home Game
June 18 - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
June 19 - Juneteenth - No School
June 20 - Last Day of School
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@NausetMS - Nauset Middle School
Location: 70 Route 28, Orleans MA 02653
Phone: 508-255-0016