Instructional Minute
October 11, 2022

August 27, 2024
NWEA Benchmark Assessment
NWEA Benchmark Assessment began on Monday. The pacing guides have been adjusted to reflect this. Here are some helpful reminders of best practices when administering a test.
- Text-to-Speech accommodations should only be used for students that have a 504 or an IEP in which this accommodation is specifically written in order to use it.
- The proctor's focus should be on supporting students (keep in mind our Off and Away policy).
- Students perform best when tests are given in one sitting if at all possible.
- Remain in the testing room with students and materials at all times.
- Walk around during tests and monitor students.
- If you have any questions ask your test coordinator or administrator
Curricular Tools Crosswalk
Accessing Pacing Guides on District Website
Struggling with accessing Clever? Take a look at this helpful "How To"!
Clever is our digital classroom and single-sign on (SSO portal). It automatically adds student rosters to our digital curriculum programs. It allows everyone to sign on to programs with just a click. No more remembering dozens of usernames and passwords, or sharing out class codes to get students onto LSD educational programs. You can also customize your digital classroom to engage with students and families.
Having Trouble Accessing your Online Curriculum?
If you are having trouble accessing your online curriculum it might be one of these two things:
- It may be that that subject area section has not been assigned to you in Synergy. Reach out to your building administrator/school secretary for assistance with assigning those sections to you in Synergy.
- Your Google account may be defaulting to a personal Google email account. Please also check that when you are logging in that you are on your district assigned Google account and not your personal account. We are finding that sometimes when attempting to log in, it defaults to personal Google accounts.
K-8th Grade Instructional Minutes by Content Area and Sample Schedules
Below you can find the new, updated required instructional minutes by grade level and content area. Each grade level also includes a sample schedule.
K-8 Pacing at a Glance for this Week's Instruction
The documents attached outline K-8 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
9-12 Pacing Documents
The document attached outlines 9-12 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
IXL - eLearning Library
This on-demand professional learning resource provides micro-learning videos about every IXL feature and best practices for implementing IXL. Teachers must be signed into their IXL accounts to access these videos. https://www.ixl.com/resources/elearning-library
Workshop Model Lesson Plan Form to Assist in Planning Lessons
A resource to use as you see fit.