Oak Leaf Weekly News
River Oak Charter School
Looking for Pumpkin Fest Volunteers!
We are participating in the Pumpkin Fest this coming weekend!
As we all know, it's been a different start to the year, and this event gives us an opportunity to gather as a school community.
Our goal is to have students and families share what they love about their school and show off the amazing things our children get to do at ROCS!
We need parent and student volunteers to help us at our booth. We have acorn bell necklaces for volunteers to make with the public. (Thank you 5th grade parent Elexa for the great idea!)
List of materials to donate for the weekend that will be on display:
-main lesson books
-Felted animals and pumpkins
-anything your child has made through the grades!
-shield from the knighting ceremony
Please bring any donated goods to the River Oak front office.
We will take good care of your child's sweet treasures and will return them to you next week.
We can't wait to share this seasonal event with our community!
Please note we will be following COVID guidelines at the event...
Sign ups below and THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING River Oak!
ROCS Volleyball Report
River Oak improved their record to 4-2 on Monday beating the Baechtel Grove Cougars
(Willits), 2 sets to none. In the first set, the Firebirds won handily with a score of 25-7. From start to finish, in the first set, River Oak did a really good job serving, scoring 13 aces as a team. Lola Pearson had 6 aces, Daphne Phillips, (who recently developed an overhand serve) earned 3 aces, Varsity Gaches and Adia Davis both had 2 aces. Gaches also had 2 spikes and a block, Davis also pitched in with 3 digs. “It was pretty easy in the first set” Coach Rebekah Martinez said later “the team was just communicating really well and serves were going over.” The second set was a lot closer. River Oak was never really able to gain a big lead until
Lola Pearson was able to earn 3 aces in a row. This gave ROCS the momentum they needed and then they were able to jump out to a 20-12 lead. The Cougars tried to put in a last second run, but it was too little too late for the Willits team. The Firebirds were able to win the set 25-19. Pearson had 4 aces and Gaches had 3. Varsity Gaches, who is averaging 9.9 aces per game, when asked how they were able to win said, “Working together as a team and playing on the net and calling the ball when we need to.” Lola Pearson, who had a season high 10 aces said “Our serving was really good this game, and communicating and playing on the net and getting used to our rotation.”
-Kaleo Olson
Can you donate apples and pears to students?
Can you donate? Send questions to tcechin@riveroakcharterschool.org or bring them to the front office! Remember donations such as this qualify as volunteer time. Give yourself a few hours for your hard work and log your time on our website here!
River Oak Students visit the Pumpkin Patch!
How to Register as a Field Trip Driver:
Copy of Driver's Record- order online, in-person, or by mail Click Here For DMV Website
Copy of Driver's license
Copy of Driver's Insurance Policy- "Declarations Page"
Voluntary Driver- Verification of Insurance Form
Signed Copy of Code of Conduct- Chaperone signs for each field trip
If a parent/guardian is bringing a young child with them they need a signed excursion waiver.
New to 2021- All Drivers/Chaperones must be fully vaccinated, wear a mask at all times even in an outdoor setting, and have proper airflow in their vehicle if driving with students.
The office needs a copy of their COVID-19 vaccine card on file.
Paper copies of required documents are in the front office. Please ask for assistance.
River Oak Charter School
Email: kmccullough@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: 707-467-1855
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riveroakcharter