Nantucket Elementary School
January Monthly Newsletter 2025
Nantucket Elementary School Latest News and Calendar Updates
Dear Families,
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and break from school. It felt good to have so much time away. I was able to spend time with my family in upstate NY, and I was able to spend some time here relaxing as well. We were so pleased to welcome everyone back this past Monday. While there were many absences on Tuesday, gradually, more students were here by the end of the week. This is such an important time for learning. Students really take off with new understandings and build on their foundations in this winter time period where there are less days off.
This week, we will be starting our ACCESS testing. Information has been shared below and last month regarding this important test. We want our students to be set up for success. The students who are learning English will be missing some class time to do these assessments in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. We are so hopeful for their success.
We are pleased to share that we will be holding our Kindergarten Registration nights on Weds. 1/15 and Thurs. 1/16 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm. We welcome all parents and their children, who will be 5 years old as of 9/1/25, to come to one of these nights. There will be opportunities to get registration information, sign up for Kindergarten Get to Know You day in May, visit with the nurse, the Community School, find out about English Learning, meet some of the Kindergarten teachers, and visit classrooms!! Please share this information with anyone you know who has a child who will be 5 by 9/1/25.
Be on the look out for information to be shared regarding Lip Sync!! This is a favorite spring event!!
Meri Lepore's Nurse's Corner
Food is fuel for our bodies. It is important that students have healthy snacks and lunches during the day. This includes making sure they have a refillable water bottle and a snack and lunch that includes a fruit, vegetable, grain and protein. When possible it is best for students to have healthy snacks and avoid candy, chocolate, chips or sugary foods for school meals.
Along with eating healthy, staying active is just as important. During school hours our students have 30 minutes of recess once per day. Outside of school time it is also important for students to continue to be active. The goal is at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. No matter the season it is important to dress appropriately for the temperature and get outside! This also does wonders for all of our mental health!
There is mounting research showing increased myopia (blur at a distance) in children due to increases in screen time. It is very important for children to have more sunshine time and less screen time to protect their eyes. Too much screen time causes changes to the muscles around the eyes and can lead to lifelong changes in vision.
Meri Lepore RN, FNP-BC
School Nurse
Nantucket Elementary School
Counselor's Corner
As we begin the month of January, it's a great time to reflect on the importance of creating positive routines and habits that support your child’s well-being, both at school and at home. Together, we can work to establish a strong foundation for your child’s academic, emotional, and social success.
Transitioning into the new year with healthy habits presents an exciting opportunity to set a positive tone for the months ahead. Below are a few tips and strategies to support your family as you make the most of this time.
Reflect on the Past Year Together
•Celebrate Achievements: Talk about what they did well, like learning a new skill or being kind to others.
•Set Positive Goals: Ask them what they’d like to improve or try in the new year (e.g., “What new activity or skill do you want to learn?”
• Keep Goals Fun and Achievable: Focus on small, attainable habits, like “reading for 10 minutes before bed” or “trying one new vegetable.”
- 2.Support Emotional Well-Being
•Daily Check-Ins: Ask questions like, “What was the best part of your day?” to encourage sharing feelings. Remind your child that they can use color’s to help explain how they are feeling.
•Teach Mindfulness: Simple practices like deep breathing, yoga or gratitude journaling and drawing can help manage big emotions.
•Encourage Acts of Kindness: Help your child develop empathy by volunteering, sharing, or helping others
- 3. Promote Lifelong Learning
•Explore Interests: Help your child discover hobbies like painting, collecting and music.
•Read Together: Start a nightly reading habit or take trips to the library to foster a love of books.
•Celebrate Curiosity: Encourage questions, exploration of nature, and try new activities to fuel your child's natural curiosity.
By fostering healthy habits and modeling positivity, you can help your children transition into the new year with confidence, energy, and resilience.
Wishing you a happy and mindful New Year!
Heidi Smith
Elementary School Counselor
Jenny Williams
Elementary School Counselor
Madeleine Sybert
Elementary School Social Worker
Prek Update
December was a busy month for PreK! We learned about Holidays around the world and explored how different families and different cultures celebrate together. This was a fun month as we were able to explore how we can compare and contrast in our learning. We also hosted another successful family breakfast, went downtown to decorate trees and went to the whaling museum to look at the "Festival of Trees!" We were even lucky enough to have some former Pathways teachers come visit, and we ended our year with a visit from Santa!
Kindergarten Update
We loved meeting with families last month during conferences. We appreciate the efforts toward teamwork and helping our children succeed. Looking forward to the new year, kindergartners make a lot of growth between January and March. We've settled into "how to do school" and can really focus on building a strong academic foundation. By this point in the year, the expectation is that kindergarteners are able to recognize all lowercase letters and quickly recall the sound that the letter makes. Please continue to practice at home so that your child has mastered these skills. Many kindergartners are moving towards leveled and decodable texts on their own levels. These book bags come home nightly- please take the time to read with students each night. Some also have sight word rings and letter rings for practice - depending on the skills your child is working on. In math students are beginning shapes, and learning not only the name of a shape, but students are working to explain how they know it's that shape. Many students continue to practice counting to 100 by 1's and writing numbers 1-10 without reversals.
First Grade Update
First graders have been working hard in the new year! During Fundations, we are continuing to work on identifying suffixes, such as: s and ing. Our writers are working on writing nonfiction biography books. Students will be learning about famous Americans. They will be working on writing across multiple pages. Our readers will be working on growing their stamina for reading and will continue working on reading strategies. During math we are starting our unit on subtraction. We will be working on reading subtraction story problems. We are continuing to work on counting within 120. You will see so much growth in your first grader in these next few months! It is a huge time for individual learning.
Second Grade Update
In second grade, we are excited to share that we have begun an exciting study of the continents! This unit will explore the seven continents—North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica—through various hands-on activities, engaging discussions, and creative projects. During this unit, students are learning to locate and identify continents on maps and globes. In addition, we are exploring different cultures, foods, and traditions from each continent. We will also be discussing the continent's unique animals and natural landmarks. At home, you can support your child by sharing the different places that you have visited and sharing photographs of your travels.
Specialists Update
Greetings from the Science Labs,
Ms. Jami and Ms. Tornovish were thrilled to launch our Science Lab website last month. You’ll find our Science Newsletter here.
As Ms. Frizzle always says: “Get Messy & Make Mistakes!”
Peace, laughter, and lots of learning from the lab,
Ms. Jami & Ms. Tornovish
A note on Music class,
Happy New Year! In our music classes this month, we're focusing on building a strong foundation of expectations, safety, and self-reflection. Students are practicing how to stay safe while being mindful of their actions in class.
Second grade is diving into more complex rhythms, learning how to incorporate them into their movements.
First grade students work on teamwork and cooperation through fun games like "Circle Round the 0," enhancing their ability to work together while enjoying music.
Kindergarten is starting to sing new songs with familiar words, beginning with the classic "Humpty Dumpty."
We are excited about the progress each grade is making and look forward to continued musical growth!
Roland Kinsman
Music Teacher
Art Room Happenings
Happy New Year to all of the NES families! This month we are reviewing rules and expectations in the art room. The main rules for art are: be safe, take care of the materials and the classroom, listen to directions, and be respectful and kind to the teachers and to each other.
I am very excited to share that from January 15th-January 22 2nd grade artwork will be displayed at the Nantucket Historical Association site The Greater Light on 8 Howard Street. This is a student art show inspired by the work of Tony Sarg and will feature artwork from second grade students, fifth Grade students and students from Cyrus Peirce middle school.
We are finishing up some fun projects as we review the procedures of the art room and prepare to move into our clay unit. Kindergarten and first grade students are using diffusing paper to create a snow globe collage. Second grade students are learning about value scales and we started the year turning a value scale into a moonlit sky.
Please sign up for Artsonia if you are interested in seeing your student’s current artwork. I will hand everything back by the end of the year but I do need to hold on to some things to display them in the hallway. Thank you for all of your support!
Miss Grant
News from Physical Education
As we begin the new year, we are busy reviewing the routines and expectations in physical education. We are enjoying our work with basketball and students are showing great improvement in their basketball skills. I break down challenging skills so all students can feel comfortable learning. For example, students have choices when they are learning new skills such as dribbling including bouncing and catching the basketball, dribbling the basketball with two hands, and dribbling the basketball with their dominant hand. In this way, my students are not only learning and practicing a skill that is comfortable for them, but they are building their levels of confidence as they show growth in their skills. My hope is for all students to feel good about their efforts and develop a love for movement and sports-related activities whatever their skill level or experience may be. There is truly nothing more important to me than all of my students enjoying their time in physical education! Thank you for your continued support helping your child come to physical education prepared wearing sneakers and comfortable clothing (layers are best) and bringing a positive attitude!
Thank you!
Mrs. Beaudette
Multilingual Learner Update - SEE CHARTS BELOW
The 2025 federal and state mandated assessment called ACCESS for ELLs will begin next week for all students learning English.
ACCESS for ELLs is given annually to measure proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking English, as well as the progress students are making in learning English.
ACCESS for ELLs testing at NES will start January 13, 2025 and continue until all students have taken the four tests. All testing must be completed before February 14 , 2025.
There are several things parents/ guardians can do to help their student do their best:
Rest - Be sure your child goes to sleep early so he/she can focus on the test.
Breakfast - Have your child eat a healthy meal each morning so they are not hungry.
Anxiety - Make sure your child knows that although the test is important, they do not need to worry. As long as they try their best, they will do well! We like to refer to it as an "English challenge" instead of a test to hopefully avoid causing anxiety.
Attendance - Ensure that your child comes to school on time, does not leave early and does not miss any days during the testing period unless absolutely necessary.
Thank you for your support at home during the ACCESS for ELLs testing window.
Important Information - (Previously Shared)
Extended absences are not in the best interest of your child and their education. If your child needs to miss 5 or more days, you need to set up a meeting with administration. If your child starts to struggle academically, we look at the number of absences the child has. If this number is significant, retention could be strongly considered.
Attendance - we are starting to see some students with higher absence numbers. It is very important that you notify your child's teacher or call the front office if your child is going to be absent. You can send a message to your child's teacher through REMIND or call the front office to leave a message regarding your child's absence at (508) 228 - 7290 ext, 3. Children being in school each day is a necessity.
Driving and Parking on the NES/NIS campus
We have had several concerns shared regarding safety of students as they enter and exit the school recently. These concerns have been regarding parent drivers not following safety rules. These are listed below for your reference. We appreciate all of your anticipated efforts and required patience.
- NES will open in the morning at 7:35am. Students who are walking, biking or getting dropped off should go right to the doors (front one or the Kindergarten one) to come in and make their morning choice. Prek students line up outside in the front of the school.
- If parents wish to escort their child to the door, they must park their car in the Backus Lane parking lot ONLY. If there is a number painted in the spot, then it is not available for parent or visitor parking. The numbered spots are assigned to a staff members.
- The parking lot off of First Way, behind the school is for staff only.
- All of the parking spots are assigned to staff or students at NHS.
- Parents and Guardians should not use that lot for any reason.
- This is a terrible place for students to be dropped off, this is not a drive through, and there is nowhere for any non permitted driver to park.
- Again, please stop driving in this lot. We are asking you to be a model for all children in the morning and the afternoon.
- Drive through drop off in the morning is permitted at the K and NES/NIS side entrances. This means parents stay in their car, and a staff member will open the passenger side door to help your child exit safely. Then, the car continues driving out the exit. This is for all students.
- Drive through pick up in the afternoon is permitted for all students grades 2-5 in the large circle between NES and NIS. This means parents stay in their car, and a staff member will oversee students entering cars. Then, the car continues driving out the exit.
- K and 1 students are met by parents at the back K entrance. Students will be standing in their assigned class lines.
- The circles and driveways on campus ARE NOT PARKING SPACES. An adult driver must stay in the car while waiting for students to exit or enter the car.
- At dismissal, all parents will continue to wait outside for students to dismiss from their teachers (kindergarten circle for kindergarten and first grade students, outside of the front door for second grade students).
- In the event of inclement weather (severe snow or rain), kindergarten and first grade students will be dismissed out the kindergarten and cafeteria doors to parents outside and second grade students will be dismissed out the gymnasium doors to parents outside.
- Drivers may not pull into the bus loop to pick-up their children EVER.
Remind App is a wonderful tool for both educators and families! We know this. We know our teachers love being able to communicate with the whole class as well as individually. We know that you, the parents, love this tool too! It is wonderful that this tool allows us to communicate in multiple languages. One caution for us to share is that teachers may not be able to respond to messages you send during the school day. They are teaching and not hanging onto their phones. You may not get a reply until after school dismisses.
Dismissal Please be sure your child knows their dismissal plans. There can be no changes made to these plans after 1:00 pm daily.
There is a lot here. Thank you in advance for reading this and supporting our school!!
Kim Kubisch and Kim Albertson
Nantucket Elementary School
Website: www.npsk.org
Location: 30 Surfside Road, Nantucket, MA 02554, USA
Phone: 508 228 - 7290